Pope angers Muslim worldPhoto courtesy of the BBC
BBC: A statement from the Vatican has failed to quell criticism of Pope Benedict XVI from Muslim leaders, after he made a speech about the concept of holy war.
Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.
Pakistan's parliament passed a resolution on Friday criticising the Pope for making "derogatory" comments. Muslim anger grows at Pope speech
NZZ: Empörung über Zitat aus dem Mittelalter
Mit seinen Islam-kritischen Äusserungen hat Papst Benedikt XVI. wütende Proteste in der muslimischen Welt ausgelöst. Das Parlament in Pakistan verabschiedete am Freitag einstimmig eine Entschliessung, in der sie das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche auffordert, seine «verächtlichen» Bemerkungen zurückzunehmen. Der Papst im Kreuzfeuer muslimischer Kritik
LE FIGARO: Un dignitaire turc qualifie de «haineuses» et «hostiles» les paroles de Benoît XVI. Le Vatican explique que le Pape respecte l'Islam mais rejette «les motivations religieuses de la violence».
LE SAINT-SIÈGE s'était toujours refusé de parler de «choc des civilisations». Sans reprendre formellement à son compte cette analyse, Benoît XVI a engagé le débat avec l'islam. L'affrontement, pourrait-on tout aussi bien écrire, au vu des réactions que suscitent les propos du Pape dans le monde musulman.
«Pour la doctrine musulmane, a notamment déclaré Benoît XVI lors de son voyage en Bavière, Dieu est absolument transcendant ; sa volonté n'est liée à aucune de nos catégories, pas même celle de la raison.» Et d'en venir à une condamnation de «la Djihad» et des «conversions passant par la violence». Les musulmans choqués par les propos du Pape
Mark Alexander
"The remarks do not express correct understanding of Islam" said Mohammed Mahdi Akef of the Muslim Brotherhood.
On the contrary, this Pope has an accurate understanding of Islam and the honesty to speak his mind. The Muslim Brotherhood refuses to accept reality, that their taqiyya is recognized and we are not fooled by it.
Pakistan's parliament passed a resolution demanding that the Pope retract his remarks "in the interest of harmony between religions".
Stand-over tactics like this is a form of bullying. They cannot refute objective evidence so they must resort to cowardly ploys.
"Muslims have the right to be angry and hurt by these comments from the highest cleric in Christianity," Mr Qardawi reportedly said.
No, Muslims have the responsibility to face the objective truth and do something about improving their image themselves. Stopping their own terrorism would be a good start.
This Pope is one western leader who does make an honest stand and he is to be applauded for it.
Way to go!
Three cheers for Pope Benedict XVI!
Many more than just three.
I am not a religious man, having said that I congratulate the Pope on having the courage of his convictions, and also his willingness to defend those beliefs without recourse to the hand-wringing impotence shown by other western leaders.
The queen of Danmark has spoken out, and now the pontiff, I am heartened to hear that europe still contains a vestige of dignity!
Let me add my own cheers for Pope Benedict to those of Judah. Thank goodness this Pope has the intelligence, insight, and courage to speak the truth about Islam. Our politicians who are consumed with their own greed and other self interest do not have the courage or integrity to do so -- they are -- everyone of them -- cowards to the very core. Contrary to what one would like to believe, Muslims DO NOT WANT THE TRUTH TOLD ABOUT ISLAM. The truth endangers their fascist plan to bring darkness, in the form of Islam, to the whole world. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! for Pope Benedict.
"Enraged Muslims" is the base-line state of these people. Of course they are enraged. They are like lightening in a storm looking for a rod on which to discharge. The so-called "sources" for their chronic rage are so numerous that one must look beneath the myriad "causes" to find the cause of causes. In their case, it is their profound hatred of reality, of which life is a part. Reality just will not obey them, so they long for non-reality (death), while hating everything that exists. We are in the process of laying out on our website how the normal child born into Islamia becomes so deformed; it happens very early in childhood, which is a major reason so many Westerners have such trouble understanding the mental dynamics of Islam. There are discrete stages in this deformative process. By adolescence, all that is left for Islam to do is to focus the rage. Thus, out come the active jihadis with the support of the rest, the passive jihadis.
Please forgive me for being so tardy in responding to your comment. My website has been down for most of the day.
On the contrary, this Pope has an accurate understanding of Islam and the honesty to speak his mind. The Muslim Brotherhood refuses to accept reality, that their taqiyya is recognized and we are not fooled by it.
Exactly! This Pope is a very learned man. He has made a study of Islam. The fact that he truly understands this 'religion' is what truly upsets Muslims worldwide.
They [Pakistani Muslims] cannot refute objective evidence so they must resort to cowardly ploys.
Again, all I can say is EXACTLY!
No [Muslims don't have the right to be angry], Muslims have the responsibility to face the objective truth and do something about improving their image themselves. Stopping their own terrorism would be a good start.
My goodness, Judah, you're on form today! Who could state it more clearly than that?
This Pope is one western leader who does make an honest stand and he is to be applauded for it.
Would that our other leaders here in the West were only half as courageous as this wonderful man!
This Pope is saintly, in my numble opinion. He has a wonderful face, and a wonderful, godly expression on it. He is truly a wonderful man! God bless the Pope! Long live the Pope! (And I'm not even a Roman Catholic!)
Old Nail:
I am not a religious man, having said that I congratulate the Pope on having the courage of his convictions, and also his willingness to defend those beliefs without recourse to the hand-wringing impotence shown by other western leaders.
Here! here! One doesn't have to be a religious man to recognize the Pope's sincerity and honesty. I have enormous respect for this truly wonderful man!
The queen of Danmark has spoken out, and now the pontiff, I am heartened to hear that europe still contains a vestige of dignity!
I have enormous respect for the Queeen of Denmark, too! Long live the Pope! Long live the Queen of Denmark!
US Iconoclast:
Let me add my own cheers for Pope Benedict to those of Judah. Thank goodness this Pope has the intelligence, insight, and courage to speak the truth about Islam. Our politicians who are consumed with their own greed and other self interest do not have the courage or integrity to do so -- they are -- everyone of them -- cowards to the very core.
Politicians are panderers. They lack honesty, sincerity, and dignity.
Contrary to what one would like to believe, Muslims DO NOT WANT THE TRUTH TOLD ABOUT ISLAM. The truth endangers their fascist plan to bring darkness, in the form of Islam, to the whole world. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! for Pope Benedict.
Of course they don't want the truth about their 'religion' told, for to do so means that they will be exposed for what they are.
As you so succintly say: BRAVO, POPE BENEDICT!
Lets hope that "behind the scenes" influence does not make the Pope change the importance of his speaking out.
"The truth hurts"
"Love hurts"
If we are to love Muslims, then we must tell the truth aas history finds it.
To deny the truths about the history of war that has followed in the wake of Islam's expansion, would be like denying a fix to a junky.
It is easier to go along with the demands of an addict, but tough love demands the only remedy; an addict must face the truth of their addiction and begin to remedy it's cause.
Tough love demands that we speak the truth about Islam, no matter how much it hurts.
Otherwise the patient will remain in denial an Islam will destroy itself. (Witness the "insurgents" in Iraq.)
Such mealy mouthed words will not address the root causes of the patient.
Violence and intimidation are just as much an addiction as heroin.
Both are exports from Afghanistan, both are the product of the hands of "believers."
They do not care about the evil and harm caused by either of these fixes.
Marvellous comments from all.
Glad you're site is up and running Mark.
Welcome back, Barry!
Lets hope that "behind the scenes" influence does not make the Pope change the importance of his speaking out. "The truth hurts" "Love hurts"
Oh dear, let's hope!
If we are to love Muslims, then we must tell the truth aas history finds it. To deny the truths about the history of war that has followed in the wake of Islam's expansion, would be like denying a fix to a junky. It is easier to go along with the demands of an addict, but tough love demands the only remedy; an addict must face the truth of their addiction and begin to remedy it's cause. Tough love demands that we speak the truth about Islam, no matter how much it hurts. Otherwise the patient will remain in denial an Islam will destroy itself. (Witness the "insurgents" in Iraq.) Such mealy mouthed words will not address the root causes of the patient. Violence and intimidation are just as much an addiction as heroin. Both are exports from Afghanistan, both are the product of the hands of "believers." They do not care about the evil and harm caused by either of these fixes.
How true your words are! Keep 'em comin'!
Marvellous comments from all.
Thank you on behalf of all the people who comment here.
Glad you're site is up and running Mark.
Thank you, Barry. I am also happy that it's back. It was down for a long time today. I was beginning to get worried.
I'm not RC either, but I think this Pope is a real godsend to us all.
Our morning newspaper tells us that "the Pope did not mean to offend" and I'm not quite sure what this is leading up to. I am sure he is having pressure put on his to retract his statements, and I also hope he has very strong security around him. I bet he is a high priority target in the eyes of those Muslim terrorists.
I would think the Pope's intention was to simply tell the truth. If others find the truth to be offensive, then they need to look to themselves for the cause is nowhere else but within them.
George Mason (PBUH):
"Enraged Muslims" is the base-line state of these people. Of course they are enraged. They are like lightening in a storm looking for a rod on which to discharge. The so-called "sources" for their chronic rage are so numerous that one must look beneath the myriad "causes" to find the cause of causes. In their case, it is their profound hatred of reality, of which life is a part. Reality just will not obey them, so they long for non-reality (death), while hating everything that exists.
Isn't it so true!
We are in the process of laying out on our website how the normal child born into Islamia becomes so deformed; it happens very early in childhood, which is a major reason so many Westerners have such trouble understanding the mental dynamics of Islam. There are discrete stages in this deformative process. By adolescence, all that is left for Islam to do is to focus the rage. Thus, out come the active jihadis with the support of the rest, the passive jihadis.
Much of the problem is the way that Muslim children are raised. Boys, in particular, are raised to be so imperious, and to have their own way in everything. When they are adults, they also want their own way in everything. But they can't have it, God damn it! They need to start behaving like normal adults. They behave like children! And like spoilt children at that! It's time for a reality check!
I look forward to reading your analysis on your wonderful WEBSITE.
I have just seen Barry's words.
"If we are to love Muslims, then we must tell the truth aas history finds it.
To deny the truths about the history of war that has followed in the wake of Islam's expansion, would be like denying a fix to a junky."
Yes exactly, and the reason the Pope must not diminish in any way exactly what he said. He spoke the truth and it is the most loving thing to do so.
I'm not RC either, but I think this Pope is a real godsend to us all.
HE IS! And I LOVE him! (In the nicest possible way, you understand!)
Our morning newspaper tells us that "the Pope did not mean to offend" and I'm not quite sure what this is leading up to. I am sure he is having pressure put on his to retract his statements, and I also hope he has very strong security around him. I bet he is a high priority target in the eyes of those Muslim terrorists.
I hope that he will get all the security he needs and deserves. I feel sure that some Muslim idiot out there is planning and plotting something atrocious. This Pope is WONDERFUL!
I would think the Pope's intention was to simply tell the truth. If others find the truth to be offensive, then they need to look to themselves for the cause is nowhere else but within them.
Of course, his intentions were nothing but the best. He is a truly special Pope. He wants nothing but the best for mankind.
Mark, you and others may consider sending a short message of encouragement and support to Pope Benedict as I have just done.
His email address is: benedictxvi@vatican.va.
It is unlikely you will receive a personal response if you send an email to the pope, but the Holy See does read, collect and route all mail.
He deserves all the support and encouragement for his stand that he can get.
Thank you for the Pope's email address. I shall write to him in the morning. I'm sure he could do with all the support he can get. He's a brave man!
Even although the Pope may not get to read the message, if he was to receive a significant number of such messages all supporting him taking this stand, I am sure someone would mention that fact to him.
And if that happened, I don't doubt that he would find that a real encouragement.
He certainly deserves to be given it.
How about it folks?
usiconoclast, "balderdash"--exactly!
Okay, Judah, my email to the Pope has been sent. Thank you for sharing his email address with us all.
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