Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bravo! At last a politician with courage! Aznar rises to the challenge of Islam
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MOROCCO TIMES: Spain Former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has criticized Muslim demands for pope's apology for his remarks about Islam, suggesting that the Islamic world did not apologize for the 800-year Moorish occupation of Spain.

Aznar has said that when he has heard Pope Benedict XVI being asked to apologise for a speech about the Islamic faith he made in Germany last weekend, he has not heard "any Muslims apologising to me for conquering Spain and staying for eight centuries."

Speaking Friday at the Hudson Institute, a thinktank in Washington D.C, Aznar found the UN programme to encourage dialogue between Muslim and Western countries “stupid”, because according to him some Muslim countries like Iran are too radical to deal with. Pope's comments on Islam: Aznar criticizes Muslims' demand for Pope's apology

Aznar defends Pope's remarks on Islam
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

At last! A politician who is not a sniveling, groveling coward. How uplifting to find AT LEAST ONE politician with integrity and the wherewithall to 'tell it like it is' and to call the desert savages to account. Unfortunately, this is the only decent politician I know on the planet.

Mark said...

Yes, at last a decent politician! Isn't it refreshing? And this is the man the Spaniards weres stupid enough to kick out of office! Pity they wouldn't re-elect him instead of the appeaser they now have.

Mark said...

Yes, Quisabelle. Aren't we all tired of being called kuffar, or infidels (which has extremely pejorative connotations in Arabic), and cross-worshippers, etc.?

It's high time we made a stand. Our tolerance should be running out now. Enough is enough!

The best form of defence is always offence! We should never forget that.

BTW: Enjoy your croissant and coffee!