Friday, September 22, 2006

Another sane voice from the Roman Catholic Church

I have argued consistently and all along that Turkey should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to join the EU. I feel that my viewpoint is vindicated by the calibre of people who share my viewpoint: the Pope, and now Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

President Bush and Tony Blair are simply WRONG to back Turkey's accession to the EU. If this goes ahead, it will end in disaster and tears for Europe. We need to pull ourselves back from the brink. KEEP TURKEY OUT OF EUROPE!
THE TIMES: THE Archbishop of Westminster entered the row over the Pope’s comments on Islam yesterday when he questioned whether Turkey should be admitted to the European Union.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy- O’Connor, spiritual leader of the four million Catholics in England and Wales, echoed concerns shared by the Pope when he argued that the predominantly Muslim state was not culturally part of Europe. Catholic leader voices doubt on Turkey in EU
Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...

Turkey is basically an instable semi-Democracy waiting to fall to Islamic facists.
Keep Turkey out of the EU.
Russia is far more European than Turkey ever will be.

WE must not forget the history of war with the Turkomen, who tried and failed to Islamisise Europe.
It does grave diservice to our ancestry that we fail to teach our children the nature of the Islamic wars aginst formative Europe, and the eventual absolute failure of these attempts, and the many great European heroes that took part in the battles of resistance.

We will face the challenge once again, soon enough.

Mark said...

Eggo Vereasy:

I agree with you wholeheartedly. We should NEVER allow Turkey into Europe! Never, never, never!

Mark said...

Mad Bad Turk:

Everybody seems to be supposing that the Turks are madly keen to join the EU.

Well, they've tried hard enough to join, and for long enough, haven't they?

Interestingly, they seem to show less support for their own membership than some EU member countries' citizens do.

I'm glad to hear it!

At the end of the day, it takes two to tango. What would amuse me no end is if the EU offerred Turkey membership, the Turkish government signed, and the Turkish electorate voted against.

Now that would be ironic, wouldn't it?

For your information, I have NOTHING against Turks, or Turkey; but I am able to understand that we have two different cultures. These two different cultures are IMMISCIBLE.

I want the EU to remain on good terms with Turkey, of course; but that doesn't mean I want complete integration. I'm on good terms with my neighbours; but I don't want them to come to my home and live with me, all the same.

Love and kisses ...


PS: I am sorry you are unimpressed. But I shouldn't expect anything else, should I?