Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Weakness is as weakness does

My thanks to my friend, Always On Watch, for alerting me to this article from Yahoo News:
LONDON - Britain cannot defeat terrorism unless moderate Muslims do more to confront militancy in their own communities, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Tuesday.

Blair said the vast majority of Muslims abhorred terrorism and wanted to defeat it, but said they had to do more to counter what he described as the extremists' misplaced anger and grievances.

Moderates, he said, must "stand up against the ideas of these people, not just their methods."

"If you want to defeat this extremism, you've got to defeat its ideas and you've got to defeat in part a completely false sense of grievance against the West," said Blair, testifying before a House of Commons committee. "The government has its role to play in this, but honestly, the government itself is not going to defeat this."Blair: Muslims must confront militancy
Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Apparently our leaders will go to all sorts of lengths to avoid mentioning the word "Islam." Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan must be rolling in their graves!

PS: Thanks for the mention, Mark.

Mark said...


Poor old Maggie hasn't gone to hers yet! But I know what you mean.

You're welcome about the mentioning of your name. That's the least I could have done. Thank you for alerting me to the article.