Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Muslims want no statues for Egypt

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Photo courtesy of the BBC
A religious ruling condemning the display of statues has angered Egyptian liberals and intellectuals who fear it could encourage religious zealots to attack the country's pharaonic heritage.

The ruling was issued by the Mufti, the most senior religious scholar in Egypt.

Islam has always been wary of representations of the human figure.

Anything which could even remotely suggest idolatry is frowned upon.

But sculpture in Egypt is as old as the pharaohs. Egyptians look to Islam for answers


Mark said...


Ludicrous, isn't it? And this is the religion which our leaders insist is benign!

Eleanor © said...

Look for the destruction of Egyptian antiquities as they did to ancient Buddhas. Unfortunately the same will happen to art and culture of areas into which Islam is now moving.

Mark said...


Look for the destruction of Egyptian antiquities as they did to ancient Buddhas.

Yes, they will all be ruthlessly destroyed.

Unfortunately the same will happen to art and culture of areas into which Islam is now moving.

Of course! As you well know, art is viewed as a manifestation of Western decadence.