Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Muslims portrayed badly
US Islamic leaders are complaining about the way that Muslims are being portrayed on TV and in the media. They say conveying a peaceful image of Islam is much more difficult since September 11, and they blame what they call a 'barrage' of negative news stories.

By 'negative' news stories, they mean stories like the Afghani convert threatened with execution, the daily terror attacks by Islamic jihadists, the mass demonstrations protesting cartoons of Mohammed and the Islamic car-burning protests in France.

USAToday quoted Irfan Rydhan, 31, a spokesperson and organizer for the South Bay Islamic Association in San Jose, Calif.

“We say we're peaceful people, but it doesn't matter what we say,” he complained. “They see these violent images on TV, and those people look like us.”

Islam Cries "Foul"


Mark said...

So well and so powerfully put, UIP! And so true!

Mark said...


I always say: You show me the moderate Muslim, and I'll show you the fanatic within!

Mark said...


Why should we have to change any part of our existing ways for them, or for their religious tendencies.

Well, we shouldn't have to, of course. That's the simple and straightforward answer.

Take note Mr. Blair. You have war brewing on our Homeland, under your watch.

Yes, and he's done sweet nothing about it, either. In fact, he has made things worse by pandering to the Muslim community. he should have stood firm; but that would have taken spunk - spunk which he doesn't have.

... does not this make that religion an enemy of the State?

Yes, it most certainly does!