Saturday, May 20, 2006

Evil is as evil does!

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Photo courtesy of The Jerusalem Post
A new dress-code law reportedly passed in Iran this past week mandates the government to make sure that religious minorities - Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians - will have to adopt distinct colour schemes to make them identifiable in public, the Canadian National Post reported on Friday.

Under the new law, which still awaits final approval from Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Jews will have to wear a yellow band on their exterior in public, while Christians will be required to don red ones.

If the law is approved, it is scheduled to go into effect at the beginning of next year.

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter responded to the new law Friday night, saying, "Whoever makes Jews anywhere wear the yellow star again, will find themselves in a coffin draped in black." New Iranian law to require Jews to wear yellow band
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter responded to the new law Friday night, saying, "Whoever makes Jews anywhere wear the yellow star again, will find themselves in a coffin draped in black."

I trust that Israel is deadly serious about this and will make good on its threat. Today is a good time to begin!

Always On Watch said...

When I resume my reports on the Symposium, my next report will discuss a bit about the history of dhimmitude and wearing patches. I got the information from Dr. Andrew Bostom, and that same information is probably in his book The Legacy of Jihad. I haven't read that book. Have you?

Mark said...


I trust that Israel is deadly serious about this and will make good on its threat.

I think so. The Israelis don't play around like the rest of us. They just go for the jugular. And who can blame them?

Today is a good time to begin!

Yes, today, if not sooner!!!

Mark said...


I shall look forward to that report.

Have I read Andrew Bostom's book? No, unfortunately I haven't. One day. But I do have it for sale on my virtual bookstore, Librabunda, the sister site of this blogspot. And on the homepage, too.

Mark said...


Fewer than 80,000. On the eve of the Islamic Revolution, that's the number that lived there. Tens of thousands of wealthy Jews fled the country as a result of the upheaval. Many, of course, went to Los Angeles. There's a thriving community of Persian Jews there. Hence the term Tehrangeles! Check it out here.

And check out some facts about Iranian Jews here.

Mark said...


Excuse me! I can now answer your question accurately. The answer is about 10,900. I missed this statistic on first reading.

Mark said...


Actually, I do wonder why a Jew would want to live in Iran.

Yes, it's hard to figure out, isn't it? But we should remember that their community in Iran stretches back through the ages. So I suppose their sense of history plays its part, too.

Many of the wealthy ones did actually leave after the Revolution. But it wouldn't have been so easy to relocate without the required funds at their disposal.

And as far as identifiers in terms of clothing, Muslim clothing is a pretty strong identifier of the individual's religious/ideological adherence anyway.

Yes, their clothes are; but that's a choice they make. No government is forcing them to wear such clothes. There is something very, very sinister in a government dictating that people of other ethnic groups have to wear identifying markers. It all smacks of Nazi Germany.

It leaves one asking the question: What will come next?

Mojtabi said...

Lie Lie lie?!
until when? how long?!!!!
I don't know why you say these whereas such lies guide thw world to an unsafe and full of hatful and war world!
No! That's not true!
Such a law is just a fancy of your mind or that Canadian newspaper!
I'm an Iranian and I should say all religions in Iran are living together brotherhood!