Thursday, January 12, 2006

The mad mullahs of Tehran and the even madder president!

The Times today asks the question whether the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the most dangerous leader in the world. Why ask such a question? The man clearly is!

The article goes on to say that it is ”thin reassurance for the West that Iranian clerics are the bulwark against Ahmadinejad’s excesses.” Too right!

Islam is a religion like no other, and for many reasons. One reason is that it is rare in any religion for ‘clerics’ to call for people to take up arms against others. Indeed, religion, as we understand religion to be, should be the very opposite of this: Religion should call for people to love one another, to tolerate one another’s frailties and weaknesses, to bring compassion into the world, something which is sadly lacking, and it should be merciful. In short, religion should bring harmony where there is discord, love where there is hatred.

Not so Islam!

The religious leaders in Islam preach unadulterated hatred of the infidel, or kafir, and even greater hatred of the Jew. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that, in general, Muslims are the greatest anti-Semites of all.

Only recently, Ahmadinejad, someone with ideas on the Jews similar to the vast majority of Muslims, has called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map. He has also said that he hopes that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon would die quickly. (Are we, perhaps, to be relieved that he hasn’t wished the poor man a lingering death?) Ahmadinejad has also said that the Holocaust was a myth! The President of Iran is also determined that Iran should keep its nuclear research.

And this is what they call a religion!

Can you imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England, or perhaps a bishop of a diocese calling for uranium to be enriched? Can you imagine such a person denying that the Holocaust took place? Can you imagine such a person calling for the Jewish state to be wiped off the face of the map? Can you imagine such a person saying that he hopes that Ariel Sharon will die quickly? Or can you imagine a priest saying that he thought that Hitler had been sent to this earth to annihilate the Jews, as Abu Hamza al Masri has said?

It would be unthinkable, wouldn’t it?

Further, imagine what the reaction of the congregation would be if such utterances were made! There would be shock and horror and consternation and indignation, and open hostility to the cleric. Not so in the mosque, however. Such utterances are often met with joy and glee!

To listen to some blood-curdling speeches in mosques, click HERE! After listening to these, you should be left in no doubt at all.

Reading about the proceedings in The Old Bailey on the Abu Hamza case, and reading the utterances of our leaders, one must come to the conclusion that many of our lawyers and seemingly all of our politicians believe that Islam can be tamed, tamed to fit in with our liberal, tolerant, pluralistic ideas.

Alas, I have news for them! Islam is neither liberal nor tolerant nor pluralistic; on the contrary, it is illiberal and intolerant and given to ethnic cleansing! (Even Prophet Muhammad wanted the Arabian Peninsula cleansed of infidels!) This is the Islamic motto: You embrace Islam, or else at worst you will be killed or punished, and at best you will live a second class existence as a dhimmi, paying higher taxes and denied the enjoyment of the privileges that life has to offer!

The fact is that the mullahs are indeed mad, sometimes even rabid! President Ahmadinejad is even madder and more rabid still! But we will be mad, too, if we don’t wake up to the reality which is staring us in the face!

How many innocent people are going to have to die before we all come to realize this one fact: Islam cannot be tamed. It has never been tamed in 1400 years. Islam cannot be tamed because of its very nature. Islam must be defeated, vanquished, subdued. This is our only hope if we wish to continue as a civilization.

©Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

I wonder how long it will take the free world to call the bluff of this big-mouthed, racist bigot?

Mark said...

Very well put, usiconoclasticpatriot! Your comment is so short and succinct, yet so full of meaning!

Mark said...

Ali Sina is quite right in what he says. Islam doesn't have an equivalent of the Golden Rule. An equivalent ethical rule of conduct, usually stated as 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you' in Christianity. It is very noticeably absent in Islam. This surely explains much of the Muslims' lack of compassion for others.

I always find it strange that the Qur'an is replete with the words "In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful", yet Muslims display an inability to show the same compassion and mercy unto other felllow human beings; and yet Allah is supposed to be so generous with these! But then, as you rightly say, the infidels' lives are worthless anyway; so I suppose in their eyes it doesn't matter.

I feel that the absence of the Golden Rule explains a lot of this inability to show mercy and compassion though. Are we then to assume that only Allah shows compassion and mercy? And even he doesn't seem to show much!

As you rightly say, AOW, the prosecutor in the Abu Hamza trial displays a lack of understanding of the facts you have so clearly stated.

AOW, you are certainly not shameless in promoting your own article. It is an excellent one, as is your weblog, Always On Watch. I can only recommend them!