My apologies to my visitors who cannot read German, but the following is so good that I should like to bring it to the attention of my German-speaking visitors...
Today in the prestigious Swiss, German-language newspaper Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, this fine editorial about Chirac's latest tough talking, entitled:
Chirac spricht plötzlich Klartext
Kurz nach dem Scheitern der Verhandlungen mit Iran ergreift Präsident Chirac die Chance, Klartext zu sprechen. Die Drohung, gegen Terrorstaaten notfalls auch «andere Mittel» einzusetzen, rückt ins Bewusstsein, dass der Krieg gegen den Terrorismus sich nicht auf polizeiliche Massnahmen und Grenzkontrollen, auf Abhöraktionen, klandestine Treffen und kulturelle Dialoge beschränken kann. Es bedarf eines französischen Präsidenten, in Erinnerung zu rufen, dass Nuklearwaffen existieren, dass es so etwas wie Abschreckung gibt und dass zur Wirkung dieser Abschreckung Erwägungen über die Möglichkeit eines Einsatzes dieser Waffen gehören. Hätte ein Präsident Bush die gleiche Rede gehalten - man wagt kaum daran zu denken, was dann passieren würde. Chirac hat seinem Land und Europa damit sicher einen Dienst erwiesen.Hier weiter lesen!
This is a loose and quick translation for those who do not speak German (as requested by JudahQ):
Chirac suddenly does some plain speaking.
Shortly after the failure of negotiations with Iran, President Chirac has seized the opportunity to speak clearly. His threat to use "other means" in an emergency makes one aware that the war against terrorism cannot be limited to police measures, control of the borders, tapping phone calls, clandestine meetings, and cultural dialogue.
It has taken a French president to remind us that nuclear weapons exist, that they can be used as a deterrent, and inasmuch as deterrents exist, the consequences of using them need to be considered.
If President Bush had given the same speech, one dare not think of what the consequences would be.
With this speech, Chirac has done a service to France and to Europe.
Funny errors! That's an understatement. They're hilarious! :-)
I shall do my best asap. I have been away from my computer for much of the day, only checking back briefly now and then. I need a little time to do a proper job on that. Please bear with me. It's coming up to dinner here; so I have other things to see to at the moment.
I'll get back to this shortly.
I have just translated the paragraph for you, and for all my other visitors. Thank you for this suggestion. I translated it accompanied by my sundowner (G&T) - something which OBL and his sort would deny me! :-(
he could expect an urgent visit from Prince Charles to tell him he must remember to play nicely.
No doubt JudahQ
You're welcome. The pleasure was mine.
Does your sundowner influence the translation in any way? Should we be taking that into account? :)
Absolutely not! It just makes me more fluent! :-)
I shudder to think of the uproar if President Bush had said such a thing. Mind you, I think Chirac has done his 'friend', President Bush, a big favour in saying it.
Elmer's Brother:
I agree with you about Charles. He has this rose-tinted view of Islam which in some respects is hard to fathom. But then he seems to love everything alternative, doesn't he?
Nice to see Elmer's Brother over here! I frequently read his postings.
Why this outspokenness from Chirac? Political maneuvering? Or did he read some bit of intelligence which scared him? My husband, not a Francophile, favors the latter.
Yes, it makes one wonder, doesn't it?
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