Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Be careful of Islam! It will take over by stealth!

Islam is an insidious religion. It is inclined to take power oh so quietly, oh so surely, oh so gradually, so quietly, gradually and surely that ordinary folk are often unaware of what is happening. In short, it pushes out the boundaries here and the boundaries there, demanding this concession and that one, until, unbeknownst to you and me, it has entrapped us, its enemy! And make no mistake about it, we are its enemy, for we are non-believers, infidel, kufar, the unworthy, the unclean, those who have submitted neither to Allah’s injunctions nor his messenger’s.

You see: Muslims belong to Dar ul Islam, or the House of Peace. We belong to Dar ul Harb, or the House of War. To a Muslim, we infidels are fair game!

It is troubling indeed that those leading us know so little about Islam, and understand still less about it. In fairness, to the mind of a Westerner, the religion can be enigmatic and therefore difficult to comprehend, since it goes against all we stand for: tolerance, fairness to all, inclusiveness, openness, compassion, understanding. Islam is neither tolerant nor fair nor inclusive nor open nor compassionate nor understanding.

Indeed, Islam is the converse of all these: It is intolerant of non-believers, unfair to them, exclusive and closed in its approach (try entering their world as an infidel!), not compassionate to people who do not submit to the will of Allah, and not understanding of anything other than the Islamic way of life.

Yet these people demand all of these qualities from us. They demand concession after concession to their eccentric way of life. And Westerners usually give in, bringing us all further down the road to dhimmitude, further down the road to a life under Islam which will be for us, nothing other than second class life, a life of servitude!

I was alerted yesterday by Always On Watch (whose weblog, incidentally is excellent, and well worth visiting) to a very disturbing article in The Scotsman, written by Hilary Duncanson, entitled Islamic group urges Catholic school to move to Muslim faith about a Roman Catholic primary school in Glasgow.
AN ISLAMIC campaign group has called for a Catholic primary school to be based on the Muslim faith.

The Campaign for Muslim Schools said 90 per cent of pupils at St Albert's Primary, in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow, are Muslim, yet children are having to take part in Catholic rituals like saying the Lord's Prayer and attending mass.

Osama Saeed, co-ordinator of the alliance of Glasgow's main mosques and Muslim organisations, said he could see no reason why the main faith of the school should not change.

He said: "Clearly the parents of that area find a faith school, even if it is of another denomination, preferable to a secular one. But surely it should be possible for them to have one that is relevant to their own faith.

"To move towards this would be a fantastic example of good faith - in more ways than one - on the part of the Church."
The call came just days after Scotland's most senior Catholic, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, sparked controversy by stating that Scotland's core faith was Christianity and that other faiths should recognise they were "living in Scotland as a Christian country". A spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland was not available for comment tonight.
This is the sort of thing I mean. Muslims will push out the boundaries all the time. Always pushing, pushing, pushing, fighting, fighting, fighting, struggling, struggling, struggling in the cause of Allah and his messenger.

Haven’t you noticed one thing, though? How little these people give away. In fact, they give nothing away: They make no concessions to us at all, anywhere or anytime. Why don't Muslims make concessions to us? That would be a fantastic example of good faith. We could start by building a few churches and Christian schools in Saudi Arabia. And we could throw in a few Christian propagation centres for good measure! Now that would be a fantastic example of good will! But they won't make any such concessions, since doing so is proscribed by their religion.

Western politicians and businessmen, in their haste to obtain oil at reasonable prices (whatever they are), and in their haste to make a fast buck wherever they can, have traditionally paid little heed – indeed, one could legitimately say no heed – to the state of health of our civilization. And now cancer has already set in, and the West is beginning to look decidedly cachectic as a result!

Reciprocity – that’s the principle we should have been operating on! That means to say, on a principle of give and take. You can come to my country and build a mosque if we can come to yours and build a church. You can come to our country and build an Islamic school if we can come to yours and build a Christian one. But no, operating on such a principle would have jeopardized our leaders' chances of obtaining oil on the cheap and making a fast buck on the quick!

This story in The Scotsman shows just how brazen these people have become! If the Scots give in to this request, then they deserve all they’ve got coming to them. It is to be hoped that the Scots will show some spunk here; it is to be hoped that the Scots will tell them a firm NO!

If we don’t start stiffening our resolve to stop the onward advance of Islam here in the West, then we have a bleak future ahead of us. We will be well on the road to serfdom, well on the road to dhimmitude. Indeed. Many would assert that we are already on that road!

One thing is for sure: As things stand, the future looks bloody, the future looks blood red, and the future looks Islamic, the future looks Islamic green.

It would seem that the clash of civilizations of which Huntingdon wrote is well under way now. Why? Because we have allowed this thing to get out of hand. We have allowed too many Muslims into the West, seemingly ignorant of the fact that they are people who do not assimilate into the culture of the host country. Ever! It is not in their nature to assimilate; rather, it is their nature to snuff out the culture of the host country only to supplant it with a more backward culture: Islamic culture. And why is it backward? Because it's a culture which doesn't tolerate diversity, doesn't tolerate the equality of women (Prophet Muhammad said that women are inferior to men!), doesn't tolerate gays (indeed, it's a culture which is profoundly homophobic!), doesn't tolerate adultery (adultresses are stoned to death!), doesn't tolerate people enjoying a drink of alcohol, doesn't tolerate freedom of speech or freedom of worship, and doesn't tolerate the eating of pork. And it doesn't tolerate much else besides. Moreover, it prescribes everything, and proscribes everything else! Furthermore, punishment in Islamic nations does not fit the crime. That, in itself, is backward!

Cardinal Keith O'Brien deserves our respect for having the courage to say what should have been said long ago when he said that Scotland's core faith was Christianity and that other faiths should recognise they were "living in Scotland as a Christian country".

This is the way to do it. Bravo, Cardinal Keith O’Brien! Bravo!

©Mark Alexander


Anonymous said...


An excellent post as always. I sometimes find myself talking, at times rather loudly, to my computer screen when I read your posts. Saying such things as, "Right on!, well-said, or excellent point," etc.

You say so eloquently what many people are feeling. You consistently hit the nail on the head when it comes to the issue of Islam.

I ran across a rather funny, but bizarre news story in Aftenposten a week or so ago. Need a laugh? Read it and weep:

Camel project stirs a fuss

cybercrusader said...

Heather, You have expressed my thoughts exactly, but done so far more eloquently than I could have. Mark is consistently "spot on." What can we do to ensure that he is more widely known and widely read? He is a prophet that the free world very much needs at this time in its history. Thank you.

Always On Watch said...

First, thank you for acknowledging that I sent you the Scotsman article, which a blogger, with whom I had not previous contact, sent me. But, of course, you're a gentleman, so I expected no less than your hat tip.

Muslims, with their advocate groups, keep pushing those boundaries. And fools, under the dangerous impression that compromise will bring reconciliation, keep giving ground. This type of compromise amounts to appeasement and won't work. Never has, never will. Islam is a my-way-or-the-highway ideology and has no room for compromise. As the percentage of Muslims in each Western nation increases, we'll see more and more of this idiotic and dangerous dhimmitude.

We're watching the destruction of Western civilization--bit by bit, inch by inch. Worse, many Westerners are actively participating in that destruction by refusing to stand up for our culture.

Always On Watch said...

Camels in Norway? This story is surreal.

Mark said...


Thank you so much for your compliments. I feel suitably flattered, I can tell you! (Or as they say in German: Ich fühle mich gebauchpinselt! This expression tickles me pink! By the way, I am so glad you like, and agree with, what I write.

Your link to the Aftenposten about camels is as bizarre as it is sickening! What are we trying to do in the West? Turn the place into an extension of the desert, or what? Is there no limit to the lengths people will go to to try and integrate these people?

In actual fact, I see that the BBC is carrying the story this morning. Here it is for you all to read.

Mark said...


It will indeed be interesting to observe how these two trials play out.

It seems that the heyday of free thought and expression is already over. We'll miss these freedoms when they're completely gone, I can tell you. But then it will be too late: We won't easily be able to get such freedoms back.

My father used to have a wonderful expression which now comes to mind here: You never miss the water till the well runs dry! How true it is!

Mark said...


What can I say other than a big THANK YOU!

Mark said...


Thank you, too, for your great compliment. (I'm blushing here even as I write!) Believe me: The pleasure was mine!

We're watching the destruction of Western civilization--bit by bit, inch by inch. Worse, many Westerners are actively participating in that destruction by refusing to stand up for our culture.

Yes, indeed! Our lawmakers, lawyers, and do-gooders are all guilty of this weakness and appeasement. It's quite nauseating!

Mark said...


What a dreadful thought! Losing control of the Internet to the UN! To China! To Cuba!

That will be a dark day!

I fear that someone, one day, might well hands over the reins, though. But I shudder to think about it all the same.