Friday, November 11, 2005

The Rape of the West!

The West is under a great strain. It is being attacked from without and from within. Politicians lack the vision and will to do anything concrete about it, and where they may have some vision, they are paralysed by the concepts of political correctness and multiculturalism. The West is crippled!

We are faced with the relentless advance of Islam in the form of the Jihad, and immigration (which is another form of Jihad, equally dangerous to the West in its own way).

Politicians refuse to face the facts. They prefer, instead, to mollify and appease, and in the process imperil the future of the West. They are placing our future on the roulette table, allowing the ball to stop where it will - gambling and allowing the chips to fall where they may. In short, they are playing fast and loose with YOUR future!

Western civilization, based as it is on Judeo-Christianity, has served us well. We have advanced more than any other civilization in history. Our living standards have risen and risen, our cultural achievements are many and varied, and the advancement in matters of medicine, science, and technology are unsurpassed in the history of the world. Yet we are complacent. We have lost our determination to defend what has been hard won.

Western civilization has brought us freedoms unknown in many societies. We have the freedom to believe, or not to do so, as is our pleasure. We have the freedom to speak, the freedom criticize, the freedom to be what we wish to be; and we even have sexual freedom these days, and there is little reproach or condemnation for deviating from the norm.

But all these freedoms will come to an abrupt end if Islam grows too strong here in the West; for Islam understands no such freedoms. Islam is an extremely prescriptive religion. In Islamic societies, all must believe in Allah and His final Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad. And all good Muslims follow his lead, his mannerisms, his way of eating, living, and even his way of dressing! In so being, isn't it true to say that Muslims are given to filiopiety?

Any society which engages too much with its past is likely to stunt its future development. Having reverence for the history of one's culture is one thing, paying too much homage to one's history is quite something else! It makes people retrospective rather than prospective; and economic growth and development suffer as a result. It is no co-incidence that Islamic societies underachieve.

As Islam grows here in the West, we, too, are destined to have our growth and economic development stunted. We will pay a high price for this growth of Islam. How can a country be forward-thinking when its citizens constantly look backward? This is asking for the impossible. Further, how can it be highly-productive when so much time is spent at prayer?

If the West becomes sclerotic, we shall have only ourselves to blame for allowing this to happen.

For our part, we have become obsessed by globalization, free trade and the free movement of people, thereby changing the nature of our societies, and almost out of all recognition to boot. Look, for example, at the US of the 1950's! Who could have foreseen the way that country would develop? Ditto, the UK!

Now, in the West, anything goes. Church attendance is at an all-time low, changing the way people behave, changing the way families interact with one another, changing the sexual mores of our nations. Changing the very fabric of our once decent societies! As a result, people have become overly acquisitive, materialistic, inhospitable, and egocentric! Who cares for his neighbour anymore? Who wants to entertain anymore? And how many people show low standards when it comes to dress and manners? Indeed, is there a dress code at all anymore? And what about people's use of foul language? Words are used today that our forefathers wouldn't have dreamt of using! They had a sense of decency which many today have lost. And what about all those fatherless children - children born out of wedlock? Many children in the West today do not know who their fathers are! How grim a picture of society is that? These are all signs, by the way, of a civilization in decline. In many ways, the Church has much to answer for, since it has been weak in the face of adversity.

Take Islam by contrast: Islam is strong and growing ever stronger. Why? Because Muslims are confident of themselves, confident of their past, confident of their future, and confident of their belief system, above all. We, by contrast, belly-ache about our past, are confused about our present, and, further, we know not whither we go! How sad a picture is this!

People who leave their roots, leave those roots at their own peril; and if they are not sure about where they are headed, they will end up where the wind blows them!

The West, in embracing multiculturalism, has lost its soul. We have become apologetic for ourselves, when no apology is actually needed at all. What happens, for example, at Christmas? That most wonderful of Christian seasons - indeed second only to Easter in its importance in the Christian calendar? It is being destroyed by commerce (because of over-commercialization and because of businessmen bowing to political correctness) and destroyed by petty bureaucrats who refuse to place the symbols of Christmas in public places for fear of offending Muslims, and others of different religious persuasions.

This, I tell you, is wrong, wrong, wrong! We must be proud of our heritage, proud of our religious traditions, proud of what has brought us to where we now are. No Muslim would care if his blessed Eid were to offend, or his Ramadan! Go live in Saudi Arabia a while, and see how much they care about offending YOU! They don't. Period! And so it should be here in the West.

Who on earth wants to be wished 'Happy Holidays'? Oh, God, isn't that so bland! 'Happy Holdays' indeed! Summer holidays, winter holidays? Which holidays? How weak, how fawning, how submissive can one be? Indeed, how dhimmitudinous!

In fairness to Muslims, though, I have to say that I am not aware that Muslims complain that much about the celebration of Christmas. On the contrary, as People of the Book, they should be, and usually are, glad for us. This problem arises not so much from the Muslims in our midst, but from the politically correct. They should be well and truly ignored. Well and truly chastised!

Then we have the problem of allowing Islam to be spread here because of the huge sums of money available to such people as the Saudis who use these untold resources to spread their faith. We allow it. We allow these people to come here and build schools, pay for university chairs, propagate their faith, buy up our businesses, buy up our fine houses, buy up our land. We are fools, for no such activities may be undertaken in their country. Reciprocity should be, and must become, the watchword. Where something cannot be reciprocated, it should be stopped; otherwise, this will spell eventual disaster for our way of life. If we wish to preserve it, then something will have to be done about it. It's that simple.

The West is being diluted at every turn. But we cannot hope to survive this way. Any intelligent Muslim knows that the West is his for the taking. We have even heard such statements recently, uttered by the rioting Muslims of France.

No civilization has survived this way. Never has. Never will. For our civilization to survive, we will have to start respecting it, and nurturing it, too; otherwise, it will shrivel on the vine.

Our leaders suck up to the Saudis, believing, erroneously as it happens, that they have the oil that we so desperately need. But the real fact of the matter is that many régimes, such as the Saudi régime, could not, and would not, survive were it not for our support. We are propping them up; therefore, they owe us some favours, too. They need us every bit as much as we need them. This is what our fawning, weak politicians fail to understand! Our politicians are allowing the West to be raped. Constant raping will lead to sudden death!

The choice is ours to make!

©Mark Alexander


Mark said...

Exactly, Bill. Today, we are not supposed to defend ourselves for fear of offending others, especially Muslims. This is taking 'politeness', or rather 'weakness' to absurd degrees. We are doomed if we go on this way!

Mark said...


I find your posts very refreshing! Very refreshing indeed!