Friday, September 10, 2010

Islam: The West’s Headache

Isn’t it true to say that Islam is the cause of most of our problems today? Isn’t it true to say that Islam is the cause of our headache? Isn’t it true to say that Islam is not compatible with democracy and freedom? And isn't it true to say that if things go on as they are, we’ll end up with neither democracy nor freedom?

Islam is in the West not to integrate and accept our way of life; rather, it is here to supplant our way of life with theirs. That means to say, replace the rule of law with the rule of Allah: Shariah law.

Our politicians refuse to face reality; they refuse to stand up for Judeo-Christian, or humanitarian values, they refuse to stand up for our way of life, for our liberty which has been hard won.

We are in danger of allowing Islam to take us back to a New Dark Age, and all because our so-called leaders lack the will, determination, and courage to turn back the forces of darkness.

This movement to turn the clock back in the West, nay in the world, is gaining momentum, and something will have to be done about it. We cannot go on ignoring the problems caused by Islam for much longer. Already our freedoms are being eroded; and they will continue to be eroded if we don’t bite the bullet.

These are troubling times indeed. The growth of Islam in the West must be halted. Ask yourselves one simple question: Can we really afford to have all these Muslims here in the West? The cost of security alone is mind-boggling. And our security bills are soaring for one simple reason: Muslims cannot be trusted to behave responsibly.

Western leaders have been shamefully craven: they have not stood up for our own superior way of life; rather, they have preferred to turn a blind eye and allow the primitive forces of darkness to grow and grow here in the free world, and thereby alow our liberty to be eroded in the short-term and altogether threatened in the long-term.

Without wanting to sound alarmist, it really is five to midnight. Drastic action needs to be taken if the West is to be saved. If we wish to bequeath our free way of life to future generations, then Islam must be stopped in its tracks – whatever the price. We cannot appease our way out of this predicament. We have two choices: Either we fight for what we believe in, and take all necessary action, however unsavoury, or else we have to resign ourselves to living in submission to Allah, and accept Muhammad as his final messenger. There is no third way.

© Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Please note that this post is open for your comments.


Anonymous said...

100% agreement

Mark said...

Thanks, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Spot on.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly and succinctly stated!

Mark said...

Thanks, Anonymous. Your comment is much appreciated.

Always On Watch said...

Isn’t it true to say that Islam is not compatible with democracy and freedom?

Of course!

You know, understanding the goals of Islam is not rocket science. Nonetheless, the leaders of the Western world insist that Islam is the religion of peace and that the West should embrace Muslims.

Well, that embracing is bringing a poisonous snake into the house!

As America again commemorates 9/11, what I see is the willingness to submit to Islam. Hell, today has even been designated by some muslimatoon as "Wear a hijab day." Can you believe that one?

I tell you, I'm very disheartened these days. The West seems determined to commit suicide.