Monday, December 04, 2006

Egyptian sexologist, Heba Kotb, on sex, foreplay and the "disease of homosexuality"
Arab viewers get frank advice on sex from Egyptian sexologist who happens to be conservative Muslim woman

YNET NEWS: Heba Kotb is a conservative Muslim, wears an Islamic head scarf, and goes on television once a week to talk - frankly and in great detail - about sex.

On her show, "Big Talk," Kotb answers questions from Muslims all over the Middle East about the most intimate bedroom issues with an openness that is shocking and revolutionary in a society where discussing the subject is taboo.

"How do I talk about these issues? Very seriously," the Egyptian sexologist says. "I put on a mask-like face and make sure I speak in the right tone of voice."

She also does it by talking about sex in an Islamic light, arguing that the faith is in favor of pleasure for both men and women, with one important caveat - that it be only in the context of marriage. Sex talks on Muslim TV?
Mark Alexander


Eleanor © said...

This article suprises as well as the fact that she received her degree from Maimonides University in North Miami Beach:

"Maimonides University is a Distance Learning Institution founded in 1989. We offer Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees in Judaic Studies, Theology, Pastoral Counseling, and Human Sexology. In addition there is a Smicha program that is offered in collaboration with the Diaspora Yeshiva on Har Tzion in Jerusalem. It can be done on a full or part-time basis. We accept yeshiva and seminary credits beyond one year of learning. Other modes of educational experience such as that related to work, life experience, and non-conventional settings are considered for credits."

Would this be possible in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Pakistan?:

"Because Islam trumps all else on her show, some complain that it's part of a general inclination in the Middle East to view everything through the prism of religion.

"After Islamic banks, Islamic fashion, Islamic TV channels, Islamic hairdressers, Islamic swimsuits, Islamic writers ... Now Islamic sex? This is too much," protested feminist writer Mona Helmi in a column in the Egyptian pro-government weekly Rose el-Youssef.

"Sex is an emotional and human condition, not a religious or identity issue," she said.

Some complain that youngsters are watching the show. "So now girls and boys have heard all about Heba's talk about sex ... That will let them know more than they should and will get them excited," Somia, a housewife, told AP as she watched "Big Talk," too embarrassed to give her full

Kotb says frankness is essential and believes 80 percent of divorces in the Arab world are due to sexual problems brought on by ignorance and societal pressure, such as the idea that man must marry a virgin."

beakerkin said...

The talk about homosexuality might get her barred from the UK However if one is a cleric and writes about killing Homosexuals one gets a meeting with Red Ken.

John Kerry is bad but Lingstone and Galloway are worse.

Pastorius said...

Well, with her talk about the disease of homosexuality, she sounds no worse than many Fundamentalist christians.