Saturday, February 12, 2011

Algeria Protesters Break Cordon

AL JAZEERA ENGLISH: Pro-democracy demonstrators, inspired by the Egyptian revolution, ignore official ban and march in the capital Algiers.

Algerian security forces and pro-democracy protesters are clashing, as demonstrations got underway in the capital Algiers on Saturday.

At least 2,000 protestors were able to overcome a security cordon enforced around the capital's May First Square, joining other demonstrators calling for reform.

Earlier, thousands of police in riot gear were in position to stop the demonstrations that could mimic the uprising which forced out Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Security forces have closed all entrances to the capital and already arrested hundreds of protesters, sources told Al Jazeera.
At the scene of the protests, blogger and activist, Elias Filali, said human right's activists and syndicate members were among those arrested.

“I’m right in the middle of the march,” he told Al Jazeera. “People are being arrested and are heavily guarded by the police.”

Officials banned Saturday's opposition march, but protesters were determined to see it through. >>> Al Jazeera and agencies | Saturday, February 12, 2011

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