Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Greek Singer Nana Mouskouri Offers Her Pension to Help End Debt Crisis

THE TELEGRAPH: Greece's crippling economic crisis has prompted its best-known singer, Nana Mouskouri, to offer the country her pension in a bid to tackle its massive debt.

Mouskouri, whose best known songs include Greece, Land of Dreams and The White Rose of Athens, served as a member of the European parliament for five years in the 1990s and draws a pension of around £14,700 from Brussels each year.

The diva, who recorded 1,500 songs during a career spanning half a century, said she would donate her pension "until the country emerges from the economic crisis." >>> Nick Squires, in Rome | Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Crise en Grèce : Nana Mouskouri renonce à sa retraite d'eurodéputée

20MINUTES.ch: Nana Mouskouri a décidé de faire don de sa retraite d'eurodéputée à l'Etat grec, face à la crise financière qu'il traverse.

Selon les journaux, Nan Mouskouri a invoqué dans un courrier au ministère son «devoir envers la patrie». Elle indique vouloir renoncer à sa retraite «pour ne pas alourdir le budget public, jusqu'à ce que le pays sorte de la crise économique». >>> ats | Mercredi 03 Mars 2010