Saturday, May 18, 2019

German Neo-Nazi Party Runs for European Elections | DW News

A minor far-right radical party in Germany called the 'Dritte Weg', or 'Third Path' is trying to boost its draw with marches evoking the country's Nazi past and openly aligns itself with National Socialism, unapologetically pushing its “Germans only” platform. The group is running candidates for the European parliamentary elections. In the town of Plauen the extremist group has found followers, amidst calls that they should be banned.

Austria Minister Heinz-Christian Strache Resigns amid Video Scandal

BBC: Austria's Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache has resigned a day after secret video footage mired him in a corruption scandal.

The video appeared to show Mr Strache discussing government contracts with an alleged Russian investor in return for campaign support.

He also appeared to hint at a potentially illegal donation system for the far-right Freedom Party he leads.

Mr Strache said that transport minister Norbert Hofer will replace him.

He said he was leaving to avoid further damage to the government and claimed he had been the "victim of a targeted political attack" which had used illegal means. » | Saturday, May 18, 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019

As Rightwing Populism Spreads, Bigotry against the LGBT Community Is Growing

THE GUARDIAN: On a day dedicated to ending prejudice, I feel more uneasy than ever before about the negative rhetoric around LGBT rights

Ispent last week in Cuba, a time which overlapped with what should have been the country’s 12th annual Conga Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The march, however, organised by the government and the brainchild of Mariela Castro – daughter of Raul – was cancelled, owing to “new tensions in the international and regional context”.

This essentially translates into a fear that people taking to the streets at a time of heightened tension in the region might turn into general unrest. But there is also the unmentioned fact that religious communities in Cuba are increasingly pushing back against the otherwise repressive state’s attempts to improve LGBT+ rights. Earlier in the year proposed changes to the constitution to allow same-sex marriages were scrapped after pressure from evangelical churches and sections of the population. A spontaneous civilian-organised march to replace the cancelled conga resulted in multiple arrests.

LGBT+ discrimination still exists the world over – this can be insiduous, quotidian prejudice or extreme hatred. Homosexual sex and relationships are still illegal in 69 countries (including 35 Commonwealth countries), and can be penalised with life imprisonment, while some countries still have the death penalty on their statute books. But LGBT+ individuals had become used to good news stories: be it the ground-breaking vote for same-sex marriage in Ireland or Ana Brnabić becoming Serbia’s first openly gay prime minister).

Now, however, as rightwing populism spreads around the world, there is a noticeable rise in bigotry. The LGBT+ community is feeling besieged once again. » | Hannah Jane Parkinson | Friday, May 17, 2019

UK Advises Dual Nationals against All Travel to Iran

THE GUARDIAN: Foreign Office tightens advice after jailing of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Aras Amiri

The UK has upgraded its travel advice to British-Iranian dual nationals, for the first time advising against all travel to Iran.

The advice also urges Iranian nationals living in the UK to exercise caution if they decide to travel to Iran.

The latest tightening of the Foreign Office travel advice comes in the wake of the sentencing of Aras Amiri, an Iranian national who worked for the British Council in London, to 10 years in jail on charges of spying for the UK. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Friday, May 17, 2019

German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

Germany becomes the first country in the world to criminalize the BDS movement. Shir Hever, TRNN Correspondent in Germany and expert on Palestine-Israel, responds

Post-Poe America Won’t Be Like Pre-Roe America. It Will Be Worse

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The new abortion bans are harsher than the old ones.

This week, Alabama’s governor signed legislation banning most abortions without exceptions for rape or incest, with sentences of up to 99 years in prison for abortion providers. It follows a measure that Georgia’s governor signed last week effectively banning most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and that is worded in a way that could lead to prosecutions of women who terminate their pregnancies after that point. Missouri’s Senate approved an eight-week abortion ban on Thursday, also without exceptions for rape or incest. It contains a trigger that will ban abortion outright if Roe v. Wade falls. A Louisiana six-week abortion ban is likely to be next.

You can see, in the anti-abortion movement, a mood of triumphant anticipation. Decades of right-wing politics have all led up to this moment, when an anti-abortion majority on the Supreme Court could end women’s constitutional protection against being forced to carry a pregnancy and give birth against their will. » | Michelle Goldberg, Opinion Columnist | Thursday, May 16, 2019

Duchess of Sussex Gave Birth at Portland Hospital in Westminster, Royal Baby's Birth Certificate Confirms

THE TELEGRAPH: The Duchess of Sussex gave birth to her first child Archie Mountbatten-Windsor at the private Portland Hospital in London, it has been confirmed, after his birth certificate became public record.

The Duchess, whose occupation was listed as “Princess of the United Kingdom”, and Duke had declined to specify the place of birth when they announced news of Archie’s safe arrival, omitting details of the medical team and location.

Today, after the Duke registered his son’s birth with the Westminster registrar, the certificate confirmed the place of birth as the private Portland Hospital.

The factual statement will end the narrative of a home birth at Frogmore Cottage, widely reported to have been the Duchess’ preferred option, and will go some way to shutting down baseless rumours about the circumstances of the birth. » | Hannah Furness, Royal Correspondent; Izzy Lyons and Gareth Davies | Friday, May 17, 2019

US-Iran Conflict Would Hit Energy Supplies, Says Iranian General

THE GUARDIAN: Gen Saleh Jokar also says Iran’s missiles could easily reach US warships in Gulf

Iranian missiles could easily hit US ships in the Gulf, and any conflict would threaten global energy supplies, a senior Iranian military official has said.

As tensions simmered on Friday, Tehran blamed the US for an escalating regional crisis that western intelligence officials fear could lead to open conflict.

“If a war happens, the world’s energy supply will suffer,” Gen Saleh Jokar, deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, said on Friday. He added: “Iran’s short-range missiles can easily reach present [US] warships in the Persian Gulf.”

Iranian military leaders say the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” approach, which includes crippling sanctions on Tehran’s economy and a unilateral pullout from a nuclear deal, has forced an inevitable reaction. » | Martin Chulov and Dan Sabbagh | Friday, May 17, 2019

What Does a Post-Roe America Look Like? As Anti-Choice Laws Multiply, Many Already Are Living in It

Meet the Alabama Doctor Who Could Face 99 Years in Prison for Providing Abortions under New Law

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed the nation’s most restrictive abortion ban into law on Wednesday, effectively banning the procedure except in cases where a pregnant person’s life is at serious risk. The law does not make exceptions in cases of rape or incest and doctors could face 99 years in prison for performing abortions. We speak with Dr. Yashica Robinson, the medical director of the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives, one of only three clinics left in the state that offer patients abortion services. She is one of only two abortion providers living and working in Alabama. Under the new Alabama law, she could spend the rest of her life in prison for doing her job.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — May 17, 2019

European Elections: Can Social Democracy Survive? – BBC Newsnight

World's Largest Pilgrimage – Hajj Documentary

We snuck a handicam into Mecca, Saudi Arabia to film the Islamic tradition of Hajj, the world's largest annual pilgrimage and the biggest gathering of people in the world at any given time.

Missouri Passes Anti-Abortion Law

Missouri is destroying women’s rights. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Donald Trump's Anti-Abortion Executive Order

Two days after millions took part in the Women's March, Donald Trump signed an executive order on international abortion funding. The act will block U.S. funding to international NGO's that offer abortions.

Change UK's Anna Soubry: "The Brexit Party Is Nigel Farage's Ego Trip"

European Elections take place next week, and all week Julia Hartley-Brewer has been speaking to candidates from each major political party. Today she spoke with Change UK's Anna Soubry.

Bob Hawke, Former Australian Prime Minister, Dies Aged 89

Labor PM, who served from 1983 to 1991, modernised Australia’s economy and introduced significant social reforms

Read the article here »

THE GUARDIAN: Obituary »

Nigel Farage’s Funding Secrets Revealed

Channel 4 News investigation reveals how millionaire Arron Banks spent approximately £450,000 on Nigel Farage to fund lavish lifestyle the year following the EU referendum in summer 2016.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Trump Administration Is Lying Us Into Another War

The Trump administration claims that the threat from Iran is growing in the Middle East, and that’s why we may need to go to war against the country. Nothing could be further from the truth. Foreign intelligence and military members have said that this threat is overblown, and retired experts in the US are saying the same thing, but that hasn’t stopped this administration from ramping up their preparations against Iran. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — May 16, 2019