Saturday, March 30, 2013

N. Korea Severs Military Hotline with South

Pyongyang cuts off last direct communication link between two countries, and warns of "simmering nuclear war".

The Man Who Will Make the Pope's Chalice

Skilled artisans from Pope Francis's homeland, Argentina, are celebrating his election. Many have been commissioned to make beautiful objects.

Top US Court Weighs In On Gay Marriage Ban

The United States supreme court has heard for the second day final arguments for and against gay marriage.

Konflikt spitzt sich zu: Nordkorea verkündet Kriegszustand mit Südkorea

30.03.2013 - Neue Eskalation auf der koreanischen Halbinsel: das Regime in Pjöngjang erklärte am Samstag, das Land sei in den Kriegszustand mit Südkorea eingetreten. Jede Angelegenheit zwischen beiden Staaten würden ab sofort entsprechend behandelt, hieß es in einer von Staatsmedien verbreiteten Erklärung.

La Corée du Nord simule une attaque massive de Séoul

LE PARISIEN: La France demande à la Corée du Nord de «s'abstenir de toute provocation» » | samedi 30 mars 2013

Shroud of Turin to Be Shown on TV

Shroud of Turin website »

Franklin Graham: President Should Listen to Dennis Rodman

Wife of Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini Speaks Out

Chris Kluwe: Risk in Being Openly Gay in NFL

Pilgrims Re-enact Passion of Christ in Jerusalem on Good Friday

A Christian pilgrim reenacts the crucifixion of Jesus Christ along the path where Jesus walked, now known as the "Via Dolorosa", or the "Way of Suffering", on Good Friday in Jerusalem's Old City.

Read the Daily Telegraph article here | Source: APTN | Good Friday | Friday, March 29, 2013

Queen Hands Out Maundy Money at ChristChurch Cathedral

The Queen distributes Maundy money to members of the congregation at the traditional Royal Maundy Service at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford.

Read the Daily Telegraph article here | Source: PA | Maundy Thursday | Thursday, March 28, 2013

North Korea Enters 'State of War' Against South Korea

North Korea announced early on Saturday morning that it was entering a “state of war” against South Korea, hours after Kim Jong-un said he would “settle accounts” with Washington for threatening him with nuclear-capable stealth bombers.

Read the Daily Telegraph article here | Barney Henderson, and agencies | Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cameron Accused of Betraying Christians: Astonishing Easter Attack on the PM by Former Archbishop of Canterbury

MAIL ONLINE: Lord Carey accused ministers of 'aiding and abetting' the discrimination / Poll: More than two-thirds of Christians feel are a ‘persecuted minority'

Many Christians doubt David Cameron’s sincerity in pledging to protect their freedoms, former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey says today.

In an article for the Daily Mail, Lord Carey squarely accuses ministers of ‘aiding and abetting’ discrimination against Christians.

He says he believes there is an ‘aggressive secularist and relativist approach’ behind the Government plans to legalise gay marriage and says the Prime Minister has ‘done more than any other recent political leader’ to ‘feed’ Christian anxieties.

As a dramatic new poll released on the eve of Easter Sunday revealed that more than two-thirds of Christians feel they are now part of a ‘persecuted minority’, Lord Carey insists the Government must do more to demonstrate its commitment to pledges to stand up for faith. » | James Chapman | Friday, March 29, 2013

New Dark Age Alert! 'Arrest the Atheists Who Insulted Islam!' Tens of Thousands of Muslim Activists Hold Prayers on Streets of Bangladesh Capital to Call for New Blasphemy Laws against Bloggers

MAIL ONLINE: Tens of thousands of Islamic activists prayed on the streets of the Bangladeshi capital today during a rally calling for the introduction of blaspemy laws and the restoration of a caretaker government.

Members of the Islami Andolan Bangladesh are demanding the arrest of 'atheist bloggers who insulted Islam' and to pass laws punishing those who 'insulted Islam in the parliament'.

They have announced plans to 'lay siege' to the office of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on April 25 if their demands are not met.

They include the restoration of the phrase 'absolute trust and faith upon Almighty Allah' in basic principles of the constitution; passing laws to punish atheists; holding of national elections under an impartial government; ensuring good governance and justice, uprooting terrorism and corruption; and establishing Islamic rule for a prosperous and welfare state.

According to, the party's Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karimalso told the rally: 'The incumbent and previous governments have nurtured corruption, violence, nepotism and other different evil practices during last few decades. » | Daily Mail Reporter | Friday, March 29, 2013

New Dark Age Alert! Bishop Warns of Consequences If Christian Faith Fades

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Britain risks “falling into darkness” with its citizens unable to distinguish between good and evil due to the marginalisation of Christianity, a Roman Catholic bishop will warn tomorrow.

The Rt Rev Mark Davies, the Bishop of Shrewsbury, will say the country was at a crossroads and that the fate of future generations rested on the decisions made today about how we choose to live our lives.

He will use his Easter homily to highlight how the Christian faith has sustained and underpinned British life, its laws and aspirations for centuries.

Without it, he will warn, there will be nothing to defend the value of human life.

“Commentators have been puzzled that the Church and the Pope’s concern for the poorest is combined with an uncompromising defence of marriage as the union of man and woman; of the family as the vital unit of society; of the unborn routinely destroyed, frozen, manipulated for our purposes; and of the dignity of the aged threatened in many societies by a killing which calls itself ‘mercy’,” he will tell the congregation at Shrewsbury Cathedral. » | Victoria Ward | Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Papst Franziskus: Frauen-Fußwaschung verärgert konservative Katholiken

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Es war ein Bruch mit dem Kirchenrecht: Papst Franziskus feierte die Abendmahlmesse in einem Jugendgefängnis bei Rom - und wusch zwei Frauen die Füße. Die Liturgie sieht vor, dass nur Männern die Füße gewaschen werden dürfen. Nun muss der Vatikan die konservativen Kritiker beschwichtigen.

Rom - Papst Franziskus hat offenbar den konservativen Flügel der katholischen Kirche verärgert. Am Gründonnerstagabend feierte er in der Kapelle des römischen Jugendgefängnis Casal del Marmo die Abendmahlmesse. Er wusch zwölf Häftlingen die Füße. Der Tabubruch: Unter ihnen waren auch zwei Frauen. Die Liturgie für Ostern sieht jedoch ausdrücklich vor, dass nur Männern die Füße gewaschen werden dürfen.

"Er setzt ein fragwürdiges Beispiel", schrieb Edward Peters, ein Berater des Vatikans über das Kirchenrecht, auf seinem Blog. "Es ist eine Frage mit Auswirkungen weit über die Fußwaschung hinaus", warnte Peters. Im Grunde sende der Papst damit das Signal: "Warum sich um eine notwendige aber schwierige Reform eines Gesetzes bemühen, wenn man dieses einfacher ignorieren kann?" » | Mit Material von AP und dpa | Freitag, 29. März 2013

The Pope Holds Good Friday Mass in the Vatican - Live

Watch live as Pope Francis presides over his first Good Friday observances as pontiff, which will culminate in a torch-lit procession at Rome's Colosseum and prayers for peace in the Middle East.

Read the article here | Good Friday, Friday March 29, 2013

The Passion of the Christ (2004) – Full English Movie (HD)

Pakistan: Taliban erschiessen Lehrerin

Weil sie an einer Mädchenschule unterrichtete, wurde in Pakistan eine Lehrerin von den Taliban erschossen. Ihr Sohn stand neben ihr und musste zu sehen [sic], wie seine Mutter starb.

Pourquoi la Birmanie tue ses musulmans

LE POINT: La minorité musulmane birmane est la cible depuis la semaine dernière de véritables pogroms instigués par des moines extrémistes. Décryptage.

La voie vers la démocratie est un long chemin semé d'embûches. Les musulmans de Birmanie en font l'amère expérience depuis deux ans. Quartiers éventrés, mosquées parties en fumée, et corps calcinés gisant à même le sol..., cette minorité, qui représente 4 % des 55 millions de Birmans, est de nouveau victime de véritables pogroms perpétrés par la population bouddhiste. Quarante personnes ont été tuées la semaine dernière et plus de 12 000 déplacées dans la ville de Meiktila dans le centre du pays, forçant l'armée à instaurer l'état d'urgence. Les violences ont depuis gagné d'autres villages et se rapprochent désormais dangereusement de l'ancienne capitale, Rangoun.

À l'origine, une simple querelle entre un vendeur musulman et des clients bouddhistes, qui a dégénéré en affrontements. Pendant trois jours, des groupes d'émeutiers ont détruit tout ce qu'il y avait de musulman sur leur passage, transformant la ville de Meiktila en véritable coupe-gorge. "Ces groupes de civils bouddhistes ont été fanatisés par une minorité de moines extrémistes", explique au Maël Raynaud, analyste indépendant spécialiste de la Birmanie. "Ces religieux tirent parti du profond racisme existant au sein de la société birmane." » | Par Armin Arefi | vendredi 29 mars 2013