Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Iran: Israel Too Vulnerable to Attack Iran

YNET NEWS: Revolutionary Guards commander says Tehran's ballistic capabilities act as deterrent to any Israeli strike, warns Iran's allies will also retaliate in event of attack

Israel would not dare launch an attack on Iran for fear of the Islamic Republic's missile array and the support of its Islamic allies in the region, the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, said on Wednesday.

"In the event of an attack against Iran, the Israelis know that with the capabilities that the Islamic world and the Shiite world have in the region, they will suffer deadly strikes," the Mehr news agency quoted Jafari as saying, in an apparent reference to Hizbullah.

"Our strategic assessment shows that if the Zionist regime took action, whether alone or with the United States, in minimal time all of its territory would be vulnerable because this country lacks strategic depth and lies within the range of Iranian missiles," Jafari said.

"Iran's ballistic capabilities are such that the Zionist regime, with all the means at its disposal, has no way of countering them," the general added.

Jafari's comments come as Tehran grows increasingly concerned of a possible Israeli raid on its nuclear facilities. Defense Minister Ehud Barak issued an overt warning to Iran earlier this week during his meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. "Israel will not tolerate a nuclear Iran, and no options are being taken off the table," Barak told the secretary. Iran: Israel Too Vulnerable to Attack >>> By Dudi Cohen | August 27, 2008

Iranian Cleric: Ahmadinejad a Major Threat: Religious leader tells German newspaper Iranian president betraying the people >>> Reuters | August 26, 2008

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Europe: Veils, Veils, and More Veils

YNET NEWS: Wealthy Muslims are proceeding to buy Europe, as well as its conscience

In the coming days, tens of thousands of Israelis will be returning from their vacations abroad. After they unpack their suitcases and take out the perfumes they bought at the duty-free store, and after the kids go back to school, memories of their trip overseas will resurface.

And among other things, what they will remember is this: Veils. Plenty of veils. Black veils made of simple cloth, expensive veils made of silk, long veils, and short veils.

Europe is putting on a veil over its face. For years now this has been the picture encountered by guests who arrive there for a brief moment (and who are more aware of these things) in the major streets of large cities, and also in small towns.

Yet it appears that an all-time record was broken this summer – but perhaps we are still far away from the record?

Money can buy almost anything

A common sight these days is a Filipino man following his veiled woman on the streets of Paris, London, Rome, and Berlin, while carrying her shopping bags. In large luxury stores, wealthy Muslim customers ask managers to keep other clients out of the store before proceeding to buy half of it, at times spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on one occasion. Muhammad is buying Europe. Opinion: The Veiled Continent >>> By Eitan Haber | August 27, 2008

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Saudi Woman Attacked on Board a Plane

ARAB NEWS: RIYADH: An Emirati man attacked a Saudi woman on board an Emirates flight from Frankfurt to Dubai, a report in Al-Eqtisadiah daily said yesterday.

The incident took place because of seating problems. The Saudi woman and her husband asked the Emirati family to move, which the Emiratis refused to do.

The Emirati man then attacked the Saudi woman causing injuries which resulted in her losing consciousness.

The woman’s husband and other passengers intervened to rescue the woman and a doctor on board called for landing in Istanbul in order to treat the woman.

The woman’s husband asked that the Emirati man be handed over to Turkish authorities but the plane crew refused his request.

The crew’s report of the incident said that the woman was attacked by her husband.

The Saudi woman’s husband said that after the crew admitted that the report provided false information, the Saudi Embassy in Ankara sent memos to both the Saudi Interior Ministry and the UAE Embassy in Ankara.

The husband expressed his disapproval of what happened, adding that his wife had done nothing to warrant such a violent reaction. A source at the Saudi Embassy in Ankara said that the incident happened but refused to give any further details.

The Saudi couple were returning to Saudi Arabia after spending their honeymoon in Germany, the local daily stated. [Source: Arab News] | August 27, 2008

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Bush : le geste de la Russie «irresponsable»

LE FIGARO: REACTIONS - Le président des Etats-Unis s'est insurgé, tout comme la communauté internationale, contre la reconnaissance par la Russie de l'indépendance de l'Abkhazie et de l'Ossétie du Sud.

La reconnaissance mardi par la Russie de l'indépendance des républiques séparatistes géorgiennes d'Abkhazie et d'Ossétie du Sud s'est heurtée à un front des pays occidentaux qui, à l'instar de Tbilissi, ont condamné une violation «inacceptable» du droit international.

Le président George W. Bush a dénoncé mardi la décision russe, avertissant Moscou qu'il devait «reconsidérer cette décision irresponsable». «Les Etats-Unis condamnent la décision du président russe de reconnaître les régions géorgiennes d'Ossétie du Sud et d'Abkhazie comme des Etats indépendants», a déclaré M. Bush dans un communiqué diffusé depuis son ranch de Crawford au Texas.

L'UE a «condamné fermement cette décision contraire aux principes d'indépendance, de souveraineté et d'intégrité territoriale de la Géorgie». La présidence française de l'UE, qui consulte ses partenaires afin de parvenir à une position commune au sommet extraordinaire de lundi, «appelle de ses voeux une solution politique des conflits en Géorgie». L'Union européenne va prendre «prendre des mesures» a déclaré mardi le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner, lors d'une audition sur l'Afghanistan à l'Assemblée nationale. «On a peur d'une guerre et on n'en veut pas» a -t-il déclaré le même jour sur France 2. Le chef de la diplomatie française a accusé les troupes russes de préparer «cette nuit» (dans la nuit de mardi à mecredi) un «nettoyage ethnique» d'Akhalgori, une ville d'Ossétie du Sud où vivent des Géorgiens, estimant que «cela n'est pas acceptable». Bush : le geste de la Russie «irresponsable» >>> | 26.08.2008

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White Muslim Convert Arrested over ‘Gordon Brown Assassination Plot’

THE TELEGRAPH: A white Muslim convert is being held by detectives investigating alleged threats to kill the Prime Minister and Tony Blair.

The 25-year-old man was arrested at a flat in the Whalley Range area of Blackburn, Lancs, shortly before 7am on Tuesday.

He is believed to be a friend of two other men arrested by counter-terrorism officers at Manchester Airport on August 14.

The pair, who had been about to board a flight to Finland, live less than 100 yards from the home of the suspect held on Tuesday.

A fourth suspect, also from Blackburn, was arrested in Church, near Accrington, shortly after the arrests at Manchester Airport.

All four men are being questioned about a posting on an Arabic website that often carries messages from senior members of al-Qaeda.

The message, written in English, allegedly included a threat to target "all the political leaders, especially Tony Blair and Gordan (sic) Brown".

It appeared only briefly on January 24 and purported to have been written by Shaykh Umar Rabie al-Khalaila, who described himself as "the leader of al-Qaeda in Britain".

The latest man to be arrested changed his name when he converted to Islam four years ago. White Muslim Convert Arrested over ‘Gordon Brown Assassination Plot’ >>> By Nigel Bunyan | August 26, 2008

MAIL Online:
Fifth Suspect Arrested over 'Islamic Internet Plot to Kill Gordon Brown' >>> By James Tozer | August 27, 2008

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Barack Obama ‘Ought to Be Shot’ Says Racist Plotter

THE TELEGRAPH: A man at the centre of a suspected assassination plot against Senator Barack Obama has said that the presidential candidate "ought to be shot" because of his colour.

The chilling threat by Nathan Johnson, 33, followed his arrest with two other men when an arms cache was found in a pick-up truck. The men, one of whom is said to have strong ties to the white supremacist movement, were last night under investigation and facing initial charges for illegal firearms possession.

Mr Johnson boasted in an interview with the CBS4 radio station in Denver that he and his friends Tharin Gartrell, 28, and Shawn Robert Adolph, 33, had discussed killing Mr Obama when he accepted the nomination of the Democratic party at a sports stadium on Thursday.

"He don't belong in political office," he said. "Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot."

US authorities moved quickly to state there had been "no credible" threat to Mr Obama's life and any plot the men had hatched had been "crude", while his advisers sought to play down the incident. "We're not commenting on security issues," said Anita Dunn, a senior aide.

But the Secret Service, FBI and the US Joint Terrorism Task Force are all investigating the alleged plot and more arrests could follow. Barack Obama ‘Ought to Be Shot’ Says Racist Plotter >>> By Toby Harnden in Denver | August 27, 2008

White against Black - The Hidden Issue in the US Presidential Campaign: McCain against Obama. Republican against Democrat. Old against young. There are a number of ways to define the ongoing battle for the White House. But the most important is getting short shrift: black against white >>> By Gerhard Spörl | August 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton Tells Democratic Convention: 'I Am a Proud Supporter of Barack Obama' >>> By Toby Harnden in Denver | August 27, 2008

Another Radical Obama Association? >>> By Amanda Carpenter | August 26, 2008

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Dmitri Medwedjew: "Russland hatte keine andere Wahl als Krieg"

Video: Georgien fordert EU zum Handeln auf: Nach der Anerkennung der abtrünnigen georgischen Provinzen Abchasien und Südossetien durch Russland hat Georgiens Präsident Micheil Saakaschwili die Weltgemeinschaft zum Handeln aufgefordert >>>

WELT ONLINE: Russlands Präsident Medwedjew hat sein Vorgehen in der Kaukasus-Krise gerechtfertigt. Was für das Kosovo gelte, müsse auch für Südossetien und Abchasien gelten. Um Leben zu retten, habe Russland nach der georgischen Attacke keine Wahl gehabt, als in den Konflikt einzugreifen.

Der russische Präsident Dmitri Medwedjew hat die Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit von Südossetien und Abchasien verteidigt. Mit Blick auf die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovos erklärte er in einem Beitrag für die Zeitung "Financial Times", bei internationalen Beziehungen könne man nicht "eine Regel für die einen und eine andere für die anderen" anwenden.

Nach der vom Westen unterstützten "unrechtmäßigen" Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovos von Serbien sei es unmöglich gewesen, den Menschen in Südossetien und Abchasien zu erklären, dass das, "was gut für die Kosovo-Albaner war, nicht auch gut für sie sei". Dimitri Medwedjew: "Russland hatte keine andere Wahl als Krieg" >>> | 27. August 2008

Land-Grabbing Russians ‘Are the New Nazis’: RUSSIA was last night accused of acting like Nazi Germany by “annexing” the breakaway Georgian territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia >>> By Will Stewart in Moscow and Cyril Dixon | August 27, 2008

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Warum Gaddafis Sohn die Politik verlässt

Foto von Seif al-Islam dankt der Welt

WELT ONLINE: Er war mit der einzige, der den libyschen Revolutionsführer Muammar al-Gaddafi ungestraft kritisieren durfte: Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, Sohn des umstrittenen Potentaten. Der Westen hätte in ihm gerne Gaddafis Nachfolger gesehen. Doch Seif al-Islam gab seinen Rückzug aus der Politik bekannt – auf Druck seines Vaters.

Ob beim Friseur oder im Basar, in Damaskus, Beirut oder Rabat – wo immer man nach Muammar al-Gaddafi fragt, wird der Finger unter die Nase gehalten und das Schnupfen eines Kokainsüchtigen simuliert. Was der Mann von der Straße dem libyschen Revolutionsführer unterstellt, würde seinen unausgeschlafenen Eindruck sowie seine Unberechenbarkeit erklären.

Anfang August stoppte Gaddafi alle Öllieferungen an die Schweiz, nachdem dort einer seiner sechs Söhne wegen Misshandlung der eigenen Angestellten verhaftet worden war. Schweizer Firmen in Libyen, inklusive Nestlé, wurden geschlossen, zwei Schweizer Staatsbürger verhaftet.

Für Muammar Gaddafi ist das alles business as usual, schließlich diktiert er die Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Politisch Andersdenkende werden verfolgt, unliebsame Presseberichte bestraft und unabhängige Nichtregierungsorganisationen nicht zugelassen. Punkte, die Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, der zweitgeborene und politisch engagierte Sohn des Revolutionsführers – im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Libyern – ungestraft kritisierte.

Vergangene Woche hielt er in Sebah, einer Wüstensiedlung im Süden des Landes, eine seiner kritischen live im Fernsehen übertragenen Reden. Seif al-Islam forderte bessere Lebensbedingungen für die Bevölkerung, den Aufbau der nicht existenten Zivilgesellschaft, eine rechtschaffene Justiz und eine freie Presse. Obwohl es wie eine Wahlkampfrede klang, verkündete der 36-Jährige im Anschluss seinen Rückzug aus der Politik. Warum Gaddafis Sohn die Politik verlässt >>> Von Alfred Hackensberger | 26. August 2008

Gaddafi Son Says Lockerbie Families Were ‘Greedy’: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's son has accused relatives of the Lockerbie bombing victims of "trading with the blood of their sons and daughters” in their demands for compensation.

Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, who is seen as the leading candidate to succeed his father as Libyan leader, said that the Lockerbie families were "very greedy” during negotiations over payouts for the deaths of loved ones.

Mr Gaddafi also told BBC2’s The Conspiracy Files that the Libyan government had only taken responsibility for Britain’s worst terrorist attack in order to get international sanctions lifted.
| August 29, 2008

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Medwedjew würde auch Kalten Krieg riskieren

Foto von Dmitri Medwedjew dank Google Images

WELT ONLINE: Jede Kritik perlt an ihm ab: "Wir haben vor nichts Angst", erwiderte Russlands Präsident Dmitri Medwedjew auf die scharfe Kritik des Westens an seiner Kaukasus-Politik. Auch einen Kalten Krieg mag er nicht ausschließen. Seiner Meinung nach hat Russland den Friedensplan erfüllt. Alles weitere hänge allein vom Westen ab.

Der russische Präsident Dmitri Medwedjew hat nach der Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit von Abchasien und Südossetien die Standhaftigkeit seines Landes gegenüber dem Westen bekräftigt.

"Wir haben vor nichts Angst, auch nicht vor der Aussicht auf einen Kalten Krieg", sagte Medwedjew am Dienstag in einem Interview des englischsprachigen Fernsehsenders Russia Today. "Natürlich wollen wir das nicht", fügte der Staatschef hinzu. "Alles hängt von der Haltung unserer Partner, der Weltgemeinschaft und unserer Partner im Westen ab."

Auf die Frage, ob Russland auf die Konsequenzen seiner Anerkennung der beiden abtrünnigen georgischen Provinzen vorbereitet sei, sagte Medwedjew: „Wenn der Westen gute Beziehungen zu Russland aufrechterhalten will, wird er die Gründe für eine solche Entscheidung verstehen, und die Lage wird ruhig sein.“ Medwedjew würde auch Kalten Krieg riskieren >>> AFP/DPA/AP/FSL | 26. August 2008

Medvedev n'a pas peur d'une nouvelle «guerre froide» >>> | 26. 08. 2008

Russia 'Ready for New Cold War' over Georgia: Russia has said it is prepared for a new Cold War, after President Dmitry Medvedev defied the West by formally declaring the independence of two Georgian rebel regions. Shredding any hope that his offensive in Georgia could be rolled back under an internationally agreed ceasefire, Mr Medvedev unilaterally redrew the map of the region by recognising the secession of South Ossetia and Abkhazia after meeting Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister, in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

Mr Medvedev also gave warning Russia would go to any lengths to defend the enclaves. "We're not afraid of anything [including] the prospect of a Cold War," he said. "Russia is a state which has to ensure its interests along the whole length of its border. This is absolutely clear."

Speaking later about the deployment of a US anti-missile system close to Russian borders, Mr Medvedev said Moscow "will have to react somehow, to react, of course, in a military way."
By Adrian Blomfield in Tbilisi and Damien McElroy | August 27, 2008

Russia Eyes Annexing Georgia, President Warns >>> By Jane Armstrong | August 26, 2008

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Margaret Thatcher’s View on Europe: The Bruges Speech

The following should in no way be construed as necessarily reflecting my own opinion on the European Union. I place this video and the following links here because the points raised by Baroness Thatcher in the lecture were worthy of serious consideration, and still are. - ©Mark

The Bruges Speech in full >>>

Bruges Revisited >>>

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Miliband Urges Russia to ‘Abide by Law’

BBC: Foreign Secretary David Miliband has said Russian recognition of Georgia's breakaway regions is "unjustifiable and unacceptable".

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has declared he formally recognises South Ossetia and Abkhazia's independence.

But Mr Miliband urged Russia to "abide by international law as the basis for resolving this crisis".

Moscow's move has been criticised by the US, France and Germany. Nato says it violates UN resolutions. UK Urges Russia to ‘Abide by Law’ >>> | August 26, 2008

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Micheline Calmy-Rey will Osama Bin Laden treffen

Foto von Micheline Calmy-Rey, die Außenministerin der Schweiz, dank dem Monde. In Teheran trug diese Politikerin einen Schleier beim Treffen Ahmadinejads

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Schweizer Aussenministerin bricht ein diplomatisches Tabu: Sie möchte mit Osama Bin Laden Gespräche führen. Wo sie den Terrorfürsten finden will, verriet Micheline Calmy-Rey bisher nicht.

Spätestens seit dem Anschlag vom 11. September 2001 ist der Tenor in den westlichen Demokratien einhellig: mit Terroristen wird nicht verhandelt. Doch die Schweizer Aussenministerin will mit diesem Tabu brechen. Wie die französische Zeitung «Le Monde» berichtet, ist Aussenministerin Micheline Calmy-Rey bereit, «sich mit Osama Bin Laden an einen Tisch zu setzen und einen Dialog mit dem Terrorfürsten zu initiieren.»

Terroristen als wichtige «Mitspieler»

Calmy-Rey wäre damit die erste Ministerin eines demokratischen Landes, die sich mit dem Chef einer Terrororganisation an einen Tisch setzt. Die Schweizer Aussenministerin machte diese Aussage am Rande der Botschafterkonferenz in Bern. Sie hat in ihrer Eröffnungsrede für eine aktive Politik des Dialogs geworben. Gegenüber «Le Monde» präzisierte die Bundesrätin, die Schweiz müsse sich für einen aktiven Dialog engagieren - auch mit politischen Unpersonen. Organisationen wie die Hamas oder die Hizbollah oder die Farc würden zu terroristischen Mitteln greifen. Die Schweiz verurteile dies. Die Vertreter der Organisationen seien aber wichtige Mitspieler, wenn man Konflikte beenden wolle. Mit diesen Leuten zu verhandeln, heisse aber nicht, dass man ihre Taten entschuldigen und akzeptieren wolle. Micheline Calmy-Rey will Osama Bin Laden treffen >>> Von Hubert Mooser | 26. August 2008

La ministre des affaires étrangères suisse prête "à s'asseoir à la table de Ben Laden" >>> | 25. 08. 2008

Switzerland Does Not Rule Out Talking to Osama bin Laden >>> | August 25, 2008

CVP hat Calmy-Reys diplomatische Fehltritte satt: Aussenministerin Micheline Calmy-Rey soll vom Bundesrat an die Leine genommen werden. Allenfalls müsse sie das Departement wechseln. Das fordert CVP-Präsident Christophe Darbellay >>> 31. August 2008

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As the West Sleeps, Islamists Work on Establishing a Worldwide Islamic State: Part 1

FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS: While we in the West sleep, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, is whispering in Arabic to hundreds of millions of Muslims how to establish Islamic states. In July he wrote two extensive columns (on July 13th and July 22nd) on the subject of the Islamic state in Arabic. Some Islamist apologists who remain ignorant of the threat of the Islamic state argue that the ascendancy of political Islam in the Muslim world is the better of “other evils” that could arise. Many Muslims and non-Muslims alike across the world, however, believe that it is self-evident that the ascendancy of political Islam will remain a significant security threat to the United States and to the West for decades to come as it has been so obviously so for anti-Islamist Muslims and non-Muslims alike in the Middle East.

This security threat is manifold. The attempt to create “Islamic” states which derive their laws from the theological interpretations of Islam and Sharia by clerics will always give rise to variant forms of internal and transnational movements which are supremacist in their worldview and thus justify various forms of terrorism against non-Muslims. Many in the state department believe that somehow Muslims are sentenced to live under the Islamist rule and rather governments which are pluralistic and are blind to a single religion are not possible under Muslims majority governments. Many of us would beg to differ. While this may be the line which the Muslim Brotherhood would like us to accept without debate, the reality is that a plurality if not a majority of Muslims refuse to subscribe to the religio-political collectivism of the Muslim Brotherhood and the now archaic concept of the Islamic state.

Up to this point, we have done very little in the public space to expose and engage the real ideological motives of the Muslim Brotherhood. The discourse over political Islam continues to grow but without reviewing source material and their discourse in Arabic we will make little headway. Some have been doing this but real time debate among Muslims is sparse to nonexistent over the subject of political Islam.

The English discourse over issues related to political Islam by the MB is hypocritically filtered for the Western audience. One need just review the MB’s English website and compare it to their Arabic website. They are not simple translations of one another. Same organization, same ultimate mission, very different messaging for very different fronts in the same conflict. A real debate over political Islam will only occur when we engage the ideas they present to their Arabic audience, as well. The English version of their message plays a mere peripheral cosmetic role based out of London. The Arabic version stems from deep within their soul and reflects their home base of operations. The major difference between them reflects their dissimulation and hypocrisy. Thus, true anti-Islamist activity must center on their deeply engrained ideologies which are expressed in Arabic. As the West Sleeps, Islamists Work on Establishing a Worldwide Islamic State: Part 1 >>> By M Zuhdi Jasser

Part 2 >>>

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Die Araber setzen über das Rote Meer

NZZ Online: Ein saudischer Geschäftsmann plant den Bau einer Brücke über die Meerenge zwischen der Arabischen Halbinsel und dem Horn von Afrika. Das Projekt mag utopisch erscheinen, doch Investoren aus dem Golf sind schon eifrig daran, ihre Geschäfte in Afrika auszubauen.

jbi. Djibouti, Ende Juli

Am 29. Juli ist in der kleinen ostafrikanischen Republik Djibouti das Projekt einer Brücke vorgestellt worden, welche die Meerenge von Bab al-Mandeb zwischen der Arabischen Halbinsel und dem Horn von Afrika überspannen soll. Initiator des Plans ist der in Dubai domizilierte Geschäftsmann Tarik bin Ladin, Spross einer Familie, die das grösste Bauunternehmen Saudiarabiens beherrscht, und Halbbruder des Kaida-Führers Usama bin Ladin. Neben dem Brückenschlag zwischen Asien und Afrika umfasst Tarik bin Ladins kühne Vision auch die Errichtung je einer «Stadt des Lichts» an den zwei Brückenköpfen in Jemen und Djibouti. Die beiden Städte sollen eine Freihandelszone bilden, in welcher Häfen, Flughäfen, Industrie, Dienstleistungsunternehmen, Hochschulen und kulturelle Institutionen die Entwicklung der ganzen Region – Djibouti und Jemen gehören zu den ärmsten Ländern der Welt – in Gang setzen sollen. Die Araber setzen über das Rote Meer: Saudischer Geschäftsmann plant Brücke über den Bab al-Mandeb >>> | 26. August 2008

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Festnahmen nach möglichen Anschlags-Plänen gegen Obama

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Denver - Wegen mutmaßlicher Pläne für einen Anschlag auf den demokratischen Präsidentschaftsanwärter Barack Obama während des Parteitags in Denver sind nach Medienberichten vier Menschen festgenommen worden. Wie der lokale Fernsehsender CBS34 am Montag berichtete, sagte einer der Männer den Behörden, sie hätten Obama "von einem "geeigneten Punkt aus mit einem Gewehr erschießen" wollen.

Der Anschlag war angeblich für Donnerstag geplant, wenn Obama vor den Teilnehmern des Parteikonvents offiziell die Nominierung zum Präsidentschaftskandidaten annehmen soll. Festnahmen nach möglichen Anschlags-Plänen gegen Obama >>> | 26. August 2008

LE FIGARO: Un complot contre Obama 
déjoué à Denver ? : Selon une chaîne de télé américaine, un homme lourdement armé et deux autres personnes ont été arrêtés soupçonnés de vouloir s'en prendre au candidat démocrate à la Maison-Blanche. Le FBI enquête pour évaluer le sérieux de la menace >>> | 26.08.2008

THE TELEGRAPH: Plot to Kill Barack Obama: Three 'White Supremacists' Arrested: Three men with suspected links to white supremacist groups are in custody in Denver after being arrested with rifles and a telescopic sight amid fears of a plot to assassinate Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate >>> By Toby Harnden in Denver | August 26, 2008

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Democrats Divided by an Obama-Shaped Wedge: At the Democratic National Convention this week, it will become clear that the Democrats have a long way to go before they can speak of unity. The party is split into at least three factions >>> By Gabor Steingart | August 25, 2008

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Buchanan’s Viewpoint: Pushing Russia Into the Cold

TOWNHALL.COM: A year after taking power, in June 1934, Adolf Hitler made his first visit abroad -- to his idol Benito Mussolini in Venice.

Babbling on incessantly about "Mein Kampf "and the Negroid strain in Mediterranean peoples, the Fuhrer made a dismal impression.

"What a clown this Hitler is," Mussolini told an aide.

Two weeks later, Hitler executed the Roehm purge and murdered scores of old Stormtrooper comrades. In late July, Austrian Nazis, attempting a coup, assassinated Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, a friend of Mussolini whose wife and child were then his guests.

Il Duce ordered four divisions to the Brenner Pass and flew to Vienna to vent his rage and disgust with Hitler. He called a summit at Stresa with Britain and France to agree on military action should Hitler make any new move in violation of Versailles.
At the time, however, Il Duce was also plotting revenge on Abyssinia for a bloody border clash with Italian Somaliland.

Mussolini thought his Allies would understand if he invaded the Ogaden to add an African colony to his new Roman Empire, just as the British and French had so often done in previous decades.

Mussolini miscalculated. Morally outraged, Britain and France went before the League of Nations and had sanctions imposed on Italy that were too weak to defeat her but punitive enough to insult her.

Friendless, isolated and condemned as an aggressor by Europe, Italy and Mussolini had nowhere to turn now but Hitler's Germany.

Thus, over the fate of an Abyssinian slave empire, Britain drove her faithful World War I ally into the arms of a Nazi dictator Mussolini loathed and had wished to confront beside Britain. And Abyssinia was overrun.

Are we making the same mistake in the Caucasus?

Mikheil Saakashvili started this war with his barrage attack and occupation of South Ossetia. Russia's war of retribution was far less violent or excessive than the U.S. bombing of Serbia for 78 days over Kosovo, or our unprovoked war on Saddam Hussein's Iraq, which has brought death to scores of thousands, or Israel's 35 days of bombing of Lebanon for a border skirmish with Hezbollah.

Yet, declared John McCain of Russia, "In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations." Even Dick Cheney must have guffawed. Pushing Russia Into the Cold >>> By Patrick J Buchanan | August 26, 2008

Georgian President Urges US and EU to Boycott Russia’s Winter Olympics: Mikheil Saakashvili calls for package of sanctions to punish Moscow for invading Georgia >>> By Luke Harding in Tbilisi | August 26, 2008

NZZ Online:
Die EU will den Druck auf Russland erhöhen: Der Georgien-Gipfel soll innereuropäische Differenzen beilegen >>> | 26. August 2008

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Russia Mocks West’s Displeasure over War in Georgia

THE INDEPENDENT: The Kremlin has poured scorn on Western attempts to punish Russia for its invasion of Georgia, saying it was more than happy to be estranged from the international community.

The Kremlin on Monday said it was more than happy to be locked out of international institutions as it poured scorn on Western attempts to punish Russia over its invasion of Georgia.

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, said he was not bothered if more than a decade of post Cold War rapprochement with Nato was halted altogether. "We are ready to accept any decisions up to halting relations altogether," he said. The president also issued a chilly warning to Moldova of a military response if it followed the Georgian example of trying to regain control of its own breakaway region of Transdniester, whose rebel leadership has long been backed by Russia.

The hard line approach was adopted by Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, who said he saw no merit in joining the World Trade Organization even though Russia has had an outstanding membership application since 1995. "We don't feel or see any advantages from membership, if they exist at all," he said.

While he did not formally abandon accession negotiations, Mr Putin announced that Russia was pulling out of commitments it had earlier signed that were seen as pre-requisites for membership. Russia Mocks West’s Displeasure over War in Georgia >>> By Adrian Blomfield in Gori and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | August 25, 2008

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One GREAT Lady!

Photo of the great Baroness Thatcher courtesy of El País

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Change What to What, Obama?

THE TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama will lose the November election to John McCain unless he overhauls his message of change, outlines specific plans and reassures Americans that he is one of them, according to swing voters in Denver.

The results of a focus group held by Frank Luntz, the leading American pollster, on the eve of the Democratic convention should sound alarm bells for the Obama campaign after a month in which Mr McCain, the Republican, has drawn level in the polls.

"The way that he gets here to the Democratic nomination - 'change' - is not how he gets there, to the White House," said Mr Luntz. "If it's change, by itself, he will fail. Change what? Change how? Change why?" Mr Luntz is a Republican but his work on focus groups is respected on both sides of the aisle.

Some 21 carefully-selected undecided voters were gathered in a conference room in a downtown skyscraper. Observed by The Daily Telegraph and a small group of other media through a one-way mirror, they were grilled by Mr Luntz about their views of the candidates in a two-hour session.

Although 12 said they had voted for President George W. Bush in 2004, not a single person described themselves as a Republican - bad news for Mr McCain, who has to shake off his party label to claim victory.

But these undecideds were willing to separate their disdain for the Republican party from the individual candidates. The one-word descriptions of Mr Obama showed he has mountain to climb to overcome the doubts of these swing voters in the swing state of Colorado - a top Democratic target in November. Message of Change Will Doom Barack Obama, Swing Voters Warn >>> By Toby Harnden in Denver | August 25, 2008

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Backs Ahmadinejad for Another Term in Office

BBC: Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has urged President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to prepare for a second term in office amid fierce criticism.

The ayatollah praised the president for "standing up" to the West and predicted he would be returned to office for four more years at the 2009 election.

Critics accuse Mr Ahmadinejad, a foreign policy hardliner, of failing to control inflation and unemployment.

Such public backing from the ayatollah for a president is rare, analysts say.

Mr Ahmadinejad, who won the 2005 presidential election, has caused controversy abroad by calling for the destruction of Israel and pressing ahead with uranium enrichment. Iranian Leader Backs Ahmadinejad >>> | August 24, 2008

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