Friday, August 22, 2008

O’Reilly’s Homophobia Is Unbelievable! Is This Man a Fossil?

Media Matters for America: O’Reilly’s Homophobia >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
Die islamische Herausforderung

JUNGE FREIHEIT: Der Islam stellt eine der größten Herausforderungen für Deutschland und Europa dar. Bevölkerungs- und Kulturwissenschaftler sind sich einig: Werden die derzeit zu beobachtenden sozialen Faktoren sich nicht drastisch ändern, so wird in naher Zukunft Europa als ein „Eurabien“ zu einer kulturellen Einheit mit dem Nahen Osten verschmelzen. „Europa wird Teil des arabischen Westens sein, des Maghreb. Dafür sprechen Migration und Demographie“, schreibt der Orientalist Bernard Lewis. „Nach den aktuellen Trends wird Europa spätestens Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts muslimische Mehrheiten in der Bevölkerung haben.“ Und der Bevölkerungswissenschaftler Gunnar Heinsohn schätzt: „Spätestens in 50 Jahren wird Deutschland dann muslimisch sein.“ Eine dramatische Umschichtung der Bevölkerung, vor der selbst Apologeten des Multikulturalismus, wie der Sozialwissenschaftler Wilhelm Heitmeyer, warnen. Die JUNGE FREIHEIT dokumentiert an dieser Stelle Grundlagentexte und ausgewählte Artikel zum Thema. Lesen Sie mehr >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Unglaublich! Schweizer Kirchenhistoriker fordert islamische Feiertage

Foto vom Kirchenhistoriker Markus Ries dank der Jungen Freiheit

JUNGE FREIHEIT: LUZERN. Der Schweizer Kirchenhistoriker Markus Ries hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, bestimmte katholische Feiertage durch islamische zu ersetzen.

In der Zeitung Surseer Woche sagte der Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Universität Luzern, man könne nicht mehr allzu breit in der Bevölkerung verankerte katholische Feiertage wie beispielsweise Mariä Himmelfahrt streichen und dafür islamische Festtage einführen.

Eine baldige Umsetzung hält Ries jedoch für unwahrscheinlich

So könnten Moslems in der Schweiz ihre beiden höchsten Feiertage, das Ende des Ramadan und das islamische Opferfest, an arbeitsfreien Tagen begehen. Dem Schweizer Radio DRS sagte Ries, islamische Feiertage in der Schweiz seien zwar eine schöne Idee, er glaube aber nicht, daß sie momentan umsetzbar sei.

Allerdings werde der Druck auf die „kleinen Festtage“ mit Sicherheit zunehmen. Für die Ökumene bedeuteten islamische Feiertage jedenfalls einen Fortschritt. So könne jeder seine Religion praktizieren. [Quelle: Schweizer Kirchenhistoriker fordert islamische Feiertage] | 18. August 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
OIC Slams Germany Anti-Islam Meeting

RADIANCE VIEWSWEEKLY: The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has deplored an anti-Islam conference to be held in Germany next month, urging all segments of the German society to take a firm stand against the proponents of hatred. “The OIC expresses serious concern over reports of the holding of ‘Anti Islamisation Congress’ in Cologne, Germany,” the world’s biggest Muslim body said in a statement. Koeln members were associated with neo-Nazi parties or groupings. OIC has warned that the conference was “intended to arouse anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe. “Organisers of the proposed event were motivated by racial hatred and the so-called “Anti-Islamisation Congress” is to take place on September 19-20 in Germany’s fourth-largest city of Cologne. The meeting is organised by Pro Koeln, a far-right organisation which has held five seats in Cologne’s city council since 2004.”

Meanwhile, a well-known Holocaust survivor, German Jewish writer and Holocaust survivor Ralph Giordano, has come out strongly against the planned so-called Anti-Islamisation Congress. He said he strongly opposes the international anti-Islam conference slated to take place in Germany next month, despite his critical stance on Islam. [Source: OIC Slams Germany Anti-Islam Meeting] | August 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Italy’s Top Cardinal Denounced Anti-Islam MP

RADIANCE VIEWSWEEKLY: Italy’s top Cardinal has denounced a far-right lawmaker for making anti-Islam statements in a church planned to host interfaith prayers in the northern city of Genoa. “(I express) total disapproval (of Italian and Euro MP Mario Borghezio’s vow to) defend Christianity against profanation by Islam,” Angelo Bagnasco, the Bishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, told Italian daily Corriere della Sera on August 9. During a rally on August 8 to protest plans by the city council to hold interfaith prayers in the church, a former hospital of the Knights of Malta in the 13th century, Borghezio burst into the church, accompanied by dozens of people waving the Northern League’s flag. The far-right MP then swore to “continue the fight of the Knights of the Order of Malta to defend Christianity.” Bishop Bagnasco said that MP has violated the sanctity of the church. “(The church is) solely a place for prayer and worship.”

The Northern League is notorious for its anti-Muslim stances. Portraying itself as a defender of Italy’s Christian roots, the League started its mission in the new government in May with bringing down a mosque in the northern city of Verona. Last September the party rejoiced the success of its campaign to halt the building of a mosque in the northern city of Bologna. [Source: Italy’s Top Cardinal Denounced Anti-Islam MP]

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Italy)
Die Selbstzensur des westlichen Kulturbetriebs aus Angst vor radikalen Muslimen geht weiter

Buchüberzug dank dem Jörg Lau und der Welt

DIE ZEIT/Jörg Lau Blog: Die Verlagsgruppe Random House (i.e. Bertelsmann) hat die Publikation eines Romans über Mohammed und seine Lieblingsfrau Aischa gestoppt, nachdem eine Islamwissenschaftlerin vor den Reaktionen von Muslimen gewarnt hatte, deren religiöse Gefühle verletzt werden könnten.

Den ganzen Fall kann man hier im Wall Street Journal lesen. Oder auch hier.

Es ist einfach nur noch deprimierend. Man weiß nicht mehr, ob man mehr über die Inkompetenz oder die Feigheit dieser Verlagsleute schimpfen soll.

Wer braucht überhaupt eine Expertin, um zu wissen, dass eine Mohammed-Aischa-Geschichte heisser Stoff ist? Nach Rushdie, den Karikaturen, Idomeneo?

Also: entweder nimmt man so etwas in Angriff, steht dazu und zieht es durch. Wenn denn das Buch gut ist. Und da es vor der Publikation stand und schon eine Werbereise für den August geplant war, muss man doch annehmen, dass die verlagsinterne Meinungsbildung zu einem positiven Schluss gekommen war.

Oder: Man läßt es lieber.

Aber jetzt auf diese dämliche Art den Kulturdschihadisten eine Plattform gegeben zu haben, das ist einfach unglaublich! Eine Khomeini-treue Organsation “Husaini-Youth” rühmt sich nun, den Propheten vor erneuerter Schändung bewahrt zu haben.

Dabei hatte die Autorin Sherry Jones offenbar nichts dergleichen im Sinn.

Hier die feige Erklärung von Random House.

Deprimierend. Wo sind die anständigen Muslime, die gegen diesen Kulturdschihadismus aufstehen?
Hier ist eine, aber sie hat auch nicht viel ermutigende Neuigkeiten.

Der Geist der vorauseilenden Selbstzensur, der sich in den westlichen Köpfen festzusetzen droht, ist beängstigend. Die Muslime müssen dagegen arbeiten, wenn sie nicht eines Tages einen fürchterlichen Backlash erleben wollen, weil in ihrem Namen Freiheiten beschnitten werden, die über Jahrhunderte unter vielen Opfern erstritten wurden. [Quelle: Die Selbstzensur des westlichen Kulturbetriebs aus Angst vor radikalen Muslimen geht weiter] Von Jörg Lau | 15. August 2008

Zum Jörg Laus Blog >>>

Islam-Kritik: Proteste gegen Stopp von Mohammed-Roman >>> 19. August 2008

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Islamunterricht in Deutschland - Erste Stunde: Islam

SUEDDEUTSCHE: In Nordrhein-Westfalen unterrichten Lehrer in diesem Schuljahr mit dem ersten Schulbuch für islamischen Glauben. Der Band ist ein Schritt auf dem Weg zu staatlichem Religionsunterricht für junge Muslime.

"Saphir" ist arabisch und bedeutet Botschaft. "Saphir", so heißt auch das deutschlandweit erste Schulbuch für islamischen Religionsunterricht, das in diesem Schuljahr in Nordrhein-Westfalen eingesetzt werden soll. "Saphir" erklärt nicht nur die Botschaft des Koran, sondern sendet noch ein weiteres Signal: Muslimische Kinder in Deutschland haben ein Recht auf Religionsunterricht.

Doch so einfach ist es leider nicht. Ungelöste rechtliche, organisatorische und auch gesellschaftliche Fragen sorgen dafür, dass muslimische Schüler eben keinen Religionsunterricht haben, sondern lediglich "Islamunterricht in deutscher Sprache". Der sperrige Name signalisiert den Unterschied zum "normalen" Religionsunterricht für Katholiken oder Protestanten. Erste Stunde: Islam >>> Von Julia Bönisch | 18. August 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Les magistrats français formés à la connaissance de l'Islam

IMPACT NEWS: Du 1er au 5 septembre prochains, les magistrates en formation continue participeront à la première des deux sessions consacrées chaque année à la connaissance de l'Islam prévues à l'Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM). En partenariat avec l'Institut du Monde Arabe, ce séminaire facultative est destiné à appréhender la deuxième religion de France, ses fidèles, ses pratiques mais aussi la connaissance du monde arabe contemporain.

La médiatisation à outrance d'affaires impliquant des protagonistes musulmans, présentés comme tels ou encore français d'origine maghrébine ces dernières semaines n'a fait que les maintenir sous les feux de la rampe et relancer le débat sur la connaissance de l'Islam à défaut de relancer celui sur les amalgames. Pourtant, les juges ne sont pas en reste puisque l'Ecole de la Magistrature de Paris propose aux magistrats en formation continue deux sessions consacrées à la connaissance de l'Islam. Bien que facultatives, celles-ci sont très prisées des élèves. La sous-directrice de la formation continue à l'ENM, Isabelle Schmelck, indiquait au quotidien La Croix le 8 août dernier*, une " demande très forte " si bien que celle-ci estimait recevoir " plus de candidatures " qu'il n'y avait de places disponibles. Les magistrats français formés à la connaissance de l'Islam >>> | 24 août 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché)
The Dawning of a new Dark Age (Relié)
Saudi Ban on Women Drivers May Be Eroding

THE TIMES OF INDIA: RIYADH: When Ruwaida al-Habis' father and two brothers were badly burned in a fire, she had no choice but to break Saudi Arabia's ban on women drivers to get them to a clinic.

Using the driving skills her father taught her on the family farm, al-Habis managed to reach the clinic's emergency entrance without a hitch.

"When I pulled up, a crowd of people surrounded the car and stared as if they were seeing extraterrestrial beings," the 20-year-old university student said. "Instead of focusing on the burn victims, the nurses kept repeating, 'You drove them here?'''

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that bans all women, Saudi and foreign, from driving. The prohibition forces families to hire live-in drivers, and women who cannot afford the $300-$400 a month for a driver must rely on male relatives to drive them to work, school, shopping or the doctor.

But there are signs support for the ban is eroding. Al-Habis' story was first published in one of the biggest Saudi newspapers, Al-Riyadh, which even called her "brave." Her father, Hamad al-Habis, praised his daughter's action.

"Why should it even be an issue?" said Hamad al-Habis in his hospital bed. "My daughter took the right decision at the right time."

Al-Habis is one of several women whose driving has made headlines. It is not clear whether the reports are a sign that more women are driving or that newspapers are just more willing to report about them. But in either case, it suggests the long-unquestioned nature of the ban is eroding.

That may in part be because of signals from the top: King Abdullah, considered a reformist, has said the issue is a social one, not religious, opening the door for society to spur change. Saudi Ban on Women Drivers May Be Eroding >>> | August 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
US Agrees to Pull Troops Out of Iraq

THE AUSTRALIAN: NEGOTIATORS have finalised a deal which will see the complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq by 2011, the top Iraqi heading the team said today.

Under the 27-point deal all US combat troops will be withdrawn from Iraqi cities by next June, said negotiator Mohammed al-Haj Hammoud.

The agreement has already been approved by US President George W. Bush and now needs to be endorsed by Iraqi leaders, he added.

Baghdad and Washington had agreed to "withdraw the US troops from Iraq by end of 2011,'' said Mr Hammoud. US Agrees to Pull Troops Out of Iraq >>> | August 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Australia)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Australia)
Ruff Ruffles Feathers with a Missive on Muslims, Immigrants

CBS2CHICAGO.COM: FRANKFORT, Ill. ― An anti-Muslim e-mail allegedly forwarded by an elected official is creating an uproar in the southwest suburbs.

The American Islamic Association invited pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders in its mosque in Frankfort to discuss an e-mail sent by Frankfort Township Assessor Paul Ruff.

The e-mail called on Muslims who want to live under Islamic law to "get out of the country."

Religious leaders say the sentiment presented in the e-mail demonstrates a dangerous lack of understanding.

"To make these kind of comments against a group of people who are so loving, and so caring – I was very, very offended by that," said Jan Shaulis, Christian co-chair of the Southwestern Interfaith Team.

"We need to go together forward, not by spreading hate, but by understanding and building bridges," added Khalid Mozaffer of the American Islamic Association.

The group also tried to meet with Ruff, but he declined to talk about the issue. [Source: Religious Leaders Infuriated by Anti-Muslim E-Mail: E-Mail Was Allegedly Forwarded by Frankfort Township Assessor]

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Despite outrage from the local Muslim community, a Frankfort Township official did not apologize Wednesday for circulating an e-mail with anti-Islamic sentiments.

"The e-mail's basic message was that people coming to this country should adapt," Township Assessor Paul Ruff said in a statement. "This wasn't a hateful e-mail, but one that touched upon a sentiment in this country and around the world that immigrants have to adapt to their new homes."

Statements in the e-mail were attributed to former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, who a few years ago ignited controversy with criticism of Islam and statements asserting that immigrants need to adapt to their new country.

Ruff said he did not write the content of the e-mail, and its origins were unknown.

The flap has drawn the ire of the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Chicago and members of a mosque in Frankfort, prompting residents and religious leaders to hold a town hall meeting last week to discuss discrimination against Muslims. Ruff did not attend the meeting. Frankfort Township Assessor Paul Ruff Stands By E-Mail on Islam, Immigrants: Official does not apologize for distributing missive in June >>> By Mary Owen, Chicago Tribune reporter | August 20, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
Robert Spencer: Random House and the Islamic War against Free Speech

FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE: Although when Random House canceled publication of Sherry Jones’ trashy novel about Muhammad’s nine-year-old wife, Aisha, it was succumbing not to actual threats but to the sheer prospect of threats, no one has accused the venerable publisher of “Islamophobia.” Even in today’s hyper-politically correct public square, everyone seems to take for granted that when certain Muslims don’t like something, they threaten to murder the people involved. Random House’s pre-emptive self-censorship constitutes tacit recognition of what Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary General of Organization of the Islamic Conference, recently termed the “red lines that should not be crossed” -- lines he was dictating to the West. “In confronting the Danish cartoons and the Dutch film ‘Fitna’,” Ihsanoglu declared, “we sent a clear message to the West regarding the red lines that should not be crossed. As we speak, the official West and its public opinion are all now well aware of the sensitivities of these issues. They have also started to look seriously into the question of freedom of expression from the perspective of its inherent responsibility, which should not be overlooked.”

Random House paid $100,000 for Sherry Jones’ racy historical novel about Muhammad and his nine-year-old wife, Aisha, The Jewel of Medina, only to withdraw the book just days before its scheduled August 12 publication date. Random House deputy publisher Thomas Perry explained that they decided to drop the book after receiving, “from credible and unrelated sources, cautionary advice not only that the publication of this book might be offensive to some in the Muslim community, but also that it could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment.” They decided “to postpone publication for the safety of the author, employees of Random House, booksellers and anyone else who would be involved in distribution and sale of the novel.”

Sherry Jones is an unlikely candidate to be the next Salman Ruhdie, and her novel is hardly in the same league as Dutch politician Geert Wilders’ film Fitna, which vividly depicted Muslims acting upon the dictates of the Qur’an’s violent passages. The Jewel of Medina, by contrast, is a Harlequin Romance-level trivialization of Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha, luridly depicting the child as finding, at the moment of the consummation of her marriage to Muhammad, “the bliss I had longed for all my life” – yes, her entire nine years. Random House and the Islamic War against Free Speech >>> By Robert Spencer | August 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
Saudis Warn: Israeli Products Are Cancerous

THE JERUSALEM POST: Saudi trade officials are warning against what they claim to be cancerous products made in Israel and other countries that are allegedly being smuggled into the kingdom.

The Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry said smugglers are bringing in the products through Djibouti, Yemen and Somalia. The chamber was urging importers and traders to be watchful regarding this merchandise.

The products, said to be manufactured in Israel, China and Taiwan, include pesticides, agricultural fertilizers, children's toys, canned foods, perfumes, cigarettes, juices and candy.

Israel and Saudi Arabia have no diplomatic relations. Saudis Warn: Israeli Products Are Cancerous >>> By Rachelle Kliger / The Media Line News Agency | August 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
United Kingdom: Government Unable to Control Borders

DAILY EXPRESS: Immigration has hit record levels with 1,650 people moving to the UK every day.

The number of foreigners living here has risen by 1.1million in three years – enough to fill a city the size of Birmingham.

More than one person in 10 now living in the UK is foreign born. The number of people leaving the country has also reached unprecedented levels and nearly half of them are native Britons.

Statisticians had expected net immigration to have fallen by now but so huge is the influx that instead it is continuing to rise.

Soaring numbers of births to foreign mothers are adding to the population explosion. Figures also show there are now more pensioners in the UK than children for the first time. The startling statistics led to calls last night for an annual limit on immigrant numbers.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said: “Our society is being fundamentally changed against the clearly expressed wishes of the public.” 1,650 New Migrants Invade UK Every Day >>> | August 22, 2008

Germany Reports Hike in Childbirths: The goverment has predicted that Germany's population will shrink radically in the coming decades, but the announcement this week that more babies were born in 2007 than in any year since 2001 comes as good news. Does it mean the country's new family laws are working? >>> rbn -- with wire reports | August 21, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
Russia, West Remain at Odds on UN Resolution

IRISH TIMES: Russia and key Western nations remained at odds last night over a UN resolution aimed at bringing peace to Georgia, with the US, France and Britain insisting on immediate withdrawal of Russian troops and a commitment to Georgia's territorial integrity, according to UN diplomats.

Russia put its draft resolution, which restates and endorses a six-point peace plan promoted by French president Nicolas Sarkozy and signed last week by Russia and Georgia, into a final form that can be put to a vote in the UN Security Council. But Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin did not indicate when he would call for a vote. 

"Our draft resolution is a reconfirmation of the six-point agreement, and there's no territorial integrity in the six principles," Mr Churkin said after a council meeting yesterday called by Russia. "We believe the six principles are clear and already implemented." 

But the US and its European allies have criticised Russia for remaining in Georgia and performing military operations despite last week's cease-fire. The agreement says both Russian and Georgian forces must move back to positions they held before fighting broke out August 7th in Georgia's South Ossetia region, which has close ties to Russia. 

The American, British and French envoys made clear yesterday that they won't accept a resolution that doesn't include clarifications of the six-point plan including an immediate Russian withdrawal and reaffirmation of Georgia's territorial integrity. Russia, West Remain at Odds on UN Resolution >>> | August 22, 2008

A New Arms Race with Russia?: Moscow isn't really afraid of the US missile defense shield. A day after the US signed an important deal with Poland, German commentators say that Russia is merely pining for the good old days of the Soviet Union >>> | August 21, 2008

Russia never Wanted a War >>> By Mikhail Gorbachev | August 19, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Iran Condemned for Youth Hanging

BBC: Amnesty International has condemned the hanging in Iran of Reza Hejazi, who was executed for a crime he committed when he was under 18 years old.

Hejazi was aged 15 in 2004 when he was among a group of people involved in a dispute which resulted in a man being fatally stabbed.

He was hanged in the city of Isfahan on Tuesday, Iranian media said.

Amnesty says the execution of juvenile offenders is prohibited under international law.

The rights group also says the Iranian authorities failed to give 48 hours' notice of the execution, in contravention of Iranian law. Iran Condemned for Youth Hanging >>> | August 20, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
Edward Luttwak*: The Party’s Over for Europe: The Bear Is Back

GLOBE AND MAIL: South Ossetia may be very small, but it has become the scene of an event of colossal proportions: the return of Great Power politics, in which tanks are the deciding factor, not "soft power," let alone international legitimacy.

This huge change follows inevitably from Russia's regression to its own historic version of empire, which existed under the czars and was revived by Stalin. It is based on a tacit bargain: The Russians accept authoritarian rule and the loss of personal freedom in exchange for an imperial role on the global scene, starting with the "near abroad" - countries such as Georgia that used to belong to the Soviet Union.

For all its weaknesses, the Russian Federation has all it needs to function as a Great Power, from a determined ruling elite to a vast nuclear arsenal, adequate military forces now being modernized, and a revitalized intelligence service. Hence, the reversion of Russia to the dangerous rules of Great Power politics compels all others to change their behaviour as well - it is not a game, and participation is not voluntary.

Understandably, the Poles were the first to react. After bargaining with the Americans for months to extract more rewards for accepting a small anti-ballistic missile base on their territory, within hours of the Russian advance into Georgian territory, they dropped all their demands to sign on the dotted line. Other reactions may be much less obvious but could be much more important. Japan, for example, is likely to draw even closer to the United States, while China's rulers might be influenced in a most unfortunate way. After leaning this way and that, they had seemingly decided that maximum economic success was more valuable than a fast buildup of military strength; they may now revise their priorities.

The most direct impact, however, will be on Europe and the North Atlantic alliance. All through the Cold War, it was a truly operational organization, in which every member had to be ready to fight in defence of every other member. There were serious defence plans for vulnerable borders that were realistically exercised by hundreds of thousands of troops, and periodic airlifts to bring reinforcements to exposed frontiers as a reminder of what would happen in war. The Party’s Over for Europe: The Bear Is Back >>> By Edward Luttwak* | August 21, 2008

*Senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Canada) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Canada) >>>
Russland stoppt Zusammenarbeit mit der Nato

DIE PRESSE: "Bis auf weiteres" legt der Kreml die militärische Kooperation mit dem Militärbündnis auf Eis. Nato-Sprecherin Romero erklärt, die Nato nehme "diese Entscheidung zu Kenntnis".

Der Krieg zwischen Russland und Georgien hat das Verhältnis zwischen dem Kreml und der Nato deutlich verschlechtert. Am Donnerstag hat die Regierung in Moskau nach Angaben des Militärbündnisses die militärische Zusammenarbeit offiziell aus Eis gelegt. Russland stoppt Zusammenarbeit mit der Nato >>> 21. August 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Ghadhafi-Sohn zieht sich aus der Politik zurück

NZZ Online: Der Sohn des libyschen Staatschefs Muammar Ghadhafi, Seif al-Islam Ghadhafi, hat seinen Rückzug aus dem politischen Geschehen des Landes angekündigt.
Tripolis (sda) Der Sohn des libyschen Staatschefs Muammar Ghadhafi, Seif al-Islam Ghadhafi, hat seinen Rückzug aus dem politischen Geschehen des Landes angekündigt.

«Ich habe beschlossen, mich nicht mehr in Angelegenheiten des Staates einzumischen», sagte der 36-Jährige vor tausenden jugendlichen Anhängern in der Stadt Sebha. Ghadhafi-Sohn zieht sich aus der Politik zurück: Bildung einer «starken Zivilgesellschaft» gefordert >>> 21. August 2008

Gaddafi Son Retires from Politics >>> | August 21, 2008

Seif to Follow Father's Footsteps?: Tripoli - Seif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, is increasingly seen as the successor to his father, despite publicly ruling out any dynastic ambitions in the north African country >>> | August 21, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>
Russians Find It Hard to Quit Smoking

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