Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Why Rishi Sunak Would Be a Terrible Prime Minister. Truth To Power

The Government Just Took Away Your Freedom | George Monbiot

Dec 15, 2021 • “Boris Johnson is the most dangerous Prime Minister we’ve had in the entire democratic era.”

‘A Rudderless Outfit’: Conservative Press Turns on Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: After Christmas party revelations and possible byelection defeat looming, loyalty for prime minister is waning

‘There may be no path back for Mr Johnson,’ wrote the Times in a leader column. Photograph: Reuters

The bad headlines for Boris Johnson began with an attempt to rewrite sleaze rules to protect the backbench MP Owen Paterson, progressed through a series of revelations about Christmas parties, and are now focused on a massive backbench rebellion and questions about the prime minister’s personal authority.

With a possible byelection defeat in Paterson’s previously safe seat on the cards this week, it is safe to call this the most difficult period of Boris Johnson’s premiership – and the Conservative press, which has long been loyal to him, is increasingly expressing its unhappiness. Here are extracts from coverage of the prime minister in right-of-centre outlets on Wednesday. » | Archie Bland | Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Lionel Richie : My Love

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Bitcoin Could Become ‘Worthless’, Bank of England Warns

THE GUARDIAN: People investing in the cryptocurrency should be aware of risks, central bank says

Bitcoin peaked above $67,000 a piece in early November but could ‘practically drop to zero’, said the Bank of England’s deputy governor, Sir John Cunliffe. Illustration: Dado Ruvić/Reuters

The Bank of England has said that bitcoin could be “worthless” and people investing in the digital currency should be prepared to lose everything.

In a warning over the potential risks for investors, the central bank questioned whether there was any inherent worth in the most prominent digital currency, which has soared in value this year to close to $50,000 (£37,786) a piece.

The cryptocurrency peaked above $67,000 in early November, but suffered a sell-off after news first broke of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, before stabilising around its current level in the past week.

The Bank’s deputy governor, Sir Jon Cunliffe, said it had to be ready for risks linked to the rise of the crypto asset following rapid growth in its popularity. “Their price can vary quite considerably and they [bitcoins] could theoretically or practically drop to zero,” he told the BBC.

The market capitalisation of crypto assets has grown tenfold since early 2020 to about $2.6tn, representing about 1% of global financial assets. About 0.1% of UK households’ wealth is in bitcoin and similar crypto assets, such as ethereum and Binance coin. As many as 2.3 million people hold crypto assets, at an average amount of about £300 each. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Delia's Classic Christmas | Parts 1, 2 & 3

Ray's Coming Out Story (2010)

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 14, 2021

Valérie Pécresse: Part-Thatcher, Part-Merkel and Wants to Run France

Valérie Pécresse (left) currently heads France's most populous Île-de-France region | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: France's traditional right-wing Republicans party is preparing to fight for its life in the presidential election next spring. Its surprise choice of Valérie Pécresse as candidate has boosted the party, with a new opinion poll suggesting she could beat Emmanuel Macron to become France's first female president.

You know you're making headway as a female politician when people start analysing your clothes.

For Valérie Pécresse, it began with a red jacket, worn for her victory speech after winning the nomination for Les Républicains.

One daily newspaper even asked fashion historians to decrypt it.

"This red jacket was chosen to distinguish her from the crowd," one said. "It's the colour of power."

Another described it as evoking "warrior spirit [and] blood".

Just a few days later, a poll by Elabe suggested that, if the election were held today, Valérie Pécresse would beat President Macron in a run-off vote by 52% to 48%.

That's encouraging news for a party that's been out of power for nine years, eaten away from one side by Mr Macron and from the other by France's far-right leader, Marine Le Pen. Her close ally and senator for Hauts-de-Seine, Roger Karoutchi, says Mrs Pécresse is a reassuring figure, because of her experience in running the Paris region with its 12 million inhabitants.

"It's not enough to be a woman; you have to be a stateswoman," he said. "[She] has been a minister, a deputy, a regional president. She has a proven track record on issues like secularism and security. She's extremely pugnacious: when she has a goal, she goes for it." » | Lucy Williamson, BBC Paris correspondent | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Présidentielle 2022 : la popularité de Valérie Pécresse en forte hausse, selon un sondage : La candidate LR à l'élection présidentielle est la deuxième personnalité préférée des Français, selon le baromètre Odoxa-Mascaret pour LCP-Assemblée nationale, Public Sénat et la presse régionale. »

Commentary: I Don’t Defend Using Cigarettes or Tobacco. I Defend the Individual Freedom to Use Them.

This Dec. 17, 2019 photo shows a group of cigarettes in New York. About 14% of U.S adults were cigarette smokers last year, for the third year in a row. Meanwhile, the adult vaping rate still appears to be rising, according to a new government report. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: The once-glorified cigarette graced the silver screen and could be seen in almost every magazine. Lucky Strike advertisements were as American as apple pie. Joe Camel was a four-legged hero and probably more popular than Spuds MacKenzie. Who didn’t want to look as cool as James Dean with a cigarette between their lips? On the battlefield, a cigarette provided tranquility even if just for a moment. Taking a few drags in a foxhole on a French battlefield while German soldiers were heard yelling or reloading was a little reminder of home.

For decades, cigarettes were a normal part of life. People smoked in every setting. From dinner parties, at the office, on airplanes or in the kitchen after a long day. It was normal and accepted. Then we started learning about the negative health implications. Americans became aware smoking cigarettes can have long-term negative effects on our bodies. We learned a lot of about nicotine and its addictiveness. Cancer was then linked to tobacco use. Long-term cigarette or cigar smoking could cause lung cancer. As people became aware, folks changed their behavior. Tobacco use, naturally, started to decline. » | Jess Nuñez | Wednesday, November 25, 2020

As far as I am concerned, the problem of obesity, as brought out in this German documentary started at around the time that the authorities and do-gooders started waging a war on cigarette-smoking and smokers.

I am going to stick my neck out here and state that there is a DIRECT CORRELATION between the decrease in the use of tobacco and the increase in obesity and the incidence of type-2 diabetes. When people smoked cigarettes more, both obesity and type-2 diabetes were far less prevalent in society.

Further, the authorities keep pushing vaping and e-cigarettes as alternatives to smoking real, traditional, combustible cigarettes, yet they have absolutely no reliable data on the long-term health consequences of vaping. This is grossly irresponsible on the part of medical people and governments worldwide.

People have been fed fairy stories, myths and lies about smoking cigarettes. If you listen to what they say about the dangers of smoking, if you dare indulge in the pleasurable habit, you will end up wrinkled, bald, toothless and you'll cough your lungs up! This is all balderdash, of course. I have smoked for most of my adult life and have very few wrinkles, a full mouthful of healthy teeth, a headful of thick, dark hair and I NEVER EVER cough! Moreover, I am not fat and I DO NOT suffer from diabetes. I believe that being a moderate smoker has helped me stay relatively slim and keep diabetes at bay. So, if I wish to do so, I shall continue to smoke real cigarettes despite the nonsense being talked about them. I am as proud to be a smoker as I am to be gay! I make absolutely no excuses for either!

As it happens, I have not smoked a cigarette for about ten days now. I had no intention of giving up smoking—and maybe I haven't long-term—but due to inclement weather, it was too wet to go out and buy cigarettes; so I didn't and did without. I haven't bothered to buy any cigarettes since that time.

Despite having a twenty-a-day habit for most of my adult life, I find it very easy to stop smoking when I wish to do so. Hence, I do not believe thaat smoking is half as addictive as they say it is. In my opinion and experience, smoking cigarettes is a habit rather than an addiction. Smoking is addictive only if one allows it to become so. Personally, all my adult life, I have refused to allow myself to become addicted to anything. When it comes to cigarettes, addiction is a choice: one becomes addicted if one allows oneself to become so. Basta!

At this point, I should add that I find it both maddening and stupid that at the very time that they are clamping down so much on smoking cigarettes, they are relaxing laws on smoking cannabis and other soft drugs. It is maddening because they have made the life of a smoker so difficult and expensive; it is stupid, because they are replacing one habit they say is so unhealthy with an even unhealthier one: smoking cannabis!

I would be the first person to admit that it is far better not to smoke at all. But only if the person doesn't replace smoking cigarettes with a habit which is even unhealthier than smoking cigarettes has ever been.

There is much more I could say about this subject, but for now, I shall leave it at that. – © Mark

Drei Jahre nach dem Khashoggi-Mord sieht die Welt den saudischen Kronprinzen wieder als Geschäftspartner

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Saudi haben Khashoggi ermordet und führen einen grausamen Krieg in Jemen. Joe Biden hatte sie im Wahlkampf deshalb als Parias bezeichnet. Heute verkauft er Riad Waffen. Anmerkungen zu einem bemerkenswerten diplomatischen Comeback.

Der saudisch Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman und der französiche Präsident Emmanuel Macron vor dem Élysée-Palast in Paris. | Christophe Ena / AP

Am 2. Oktober 2018 wurde Jamal Khashoggi auf dem saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul erstickt, zerstückelt und dann so gründlich beseitigt, dass bis heute jede Spur von ihm fehlt. Zwei Versionen zirkulieren seither. Die Türken, die CIA und die Briten sagen, Khashoggi sei vorsätzlich ermordet worden, den Auftrag habe höchstwahrscheinlich der Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman gegeben. Die Saudi geben den Mord zu, sagen aber, er sei nicht von oben befohlen worden, schon gar nicht vom Kronprinzen.

Die Glaubwürdigkeit der saudischen Aussagen tendiert gegen null, selbst eingefleischte Feinde Amerikas verlachen sie. Es gab anfangs denn auch so etwas wie moralische Entrüstung, vor allem von amerikanischer Seite. Nicht von Donald Trump, der damals regierte. Trump verlangte «Transparenz», aber er wies die CIA-Version zurück und verteidigte den Kronprinzen. Doch Joe Biden zeigte sich empört. Als Präsident werde er dafür sorgen, dass Amerika seine Prinzipien nicht mehr «an der Garderobe abgebe, nur um Öl zu kaufen oder Waffen zu verkaufen», sagte der Demokrat als Präsidentschaftsaspirant. Im November 2019, ein gutes Jahr nach dem Mord, bezeichnete Biden Saudiarabien als Paria-Staat, den man büssen lassen müsse für die Ermordung Khashoggis. Amerika dürfe zudem den Saudi keine Waffen mehr verkaufen, die im Krieg in Jemen eingesetzt werden könnten. » | Ulrich Schmid, Tel Aviv | Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

Lionel Richie : Ballerina Girl

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Pourquoi mon père s’habille comme un jeune?

Dans La Vie aquatique de Wes Anderson (2004), Bill Murray incarne Steve Zissou, un capitaine de marine fantasque. Ned, joué par Owen Wilson, est persuadé d’être son fils. ©Touchstone Pictures/Everett/ Bridgeman images

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Alors qu’ils flirtent avec la soixantaine, bien des hommes portent sneakers et tee-shirts quand leurs fils trentenaires se réfugient dans un vestiaire plus traditionnel.

On le lui a maintes fois répété: David, 27 ans, ressemble beaucoup à Renaud, son père, 57 ans. De la forme de leur nez à l’implantation capillaire, les points communs sont nombreux. Pourtant, dès le premier coup d’œil, une différence saute aux yeux: quand le fils porte le blazer, la chemise rentrée dans le pantalon de flanelle et les mocassins, le père préfère les tee-shirts, les jeans (parfois artificiellement délavés et déchirés) et les baskets à la pointe de la mode - en ce moment, des React Vision, modèle de Nike qui s’arrache chez les adolescents fans de streetwear. » | Par Matthieu Morge Zucconi | lundi 2 novembre 2020

Réservé aux abonnés


Vestiaire de plein air pour citadins élégants : Des pardessus en tweed de la révolution industrielle aux parkas en Gore-Tex qui arpentent aujourd’hui le bitume, comment les vêtements d’extérieur sont devenus des standards en ville. »

En Israël, les ultraorthodoxes marginalisés par Naftali Bennett

Des milliers de juifs ultraorthodoxes manifestent, le 5 novembre, dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem pour protester contre pour l’égalité des sexes sur le site du Mur occidental. EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Le nouveau gouvernement israélien veut briser les monopoles, tabous et avantages acquis par les haredim en trente-sept ans.

Correspondant à Jérusalem

Coiffé d’une kippa, Matan Kahana, le ministre israélien des Affaires religieuses, respecte le shabbat, est fidèle aux règles de la casherout, le code alimentaire du judaïsme, respecte les traditions et veut renforcer l’identité juive d’Israël qui, selon lui, aurait tendance à se dissoudre. Ce conservateur bon teint est l’un des ténors de Yamina, un parti sioniste religieux ancré à droite dont le chef, Naftali Bennett, dirige le gouvernement de coalition en place depuis juin. Son profil pourrait rassurer les milieux religieux. Il déclenche au contraire une vague de colère dans le camp des haredim, les «Craignant Dieu» en hébreu. » | Par Thierry Oberlé | lundi 13 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


La rébellion des juifs ultraorthodoxes tourne à la violence en Israël : Une partie marginale de la population israélienne n’accepte pas les consignes sanitaires. »

How to Make Glühwein : German Mulled Wine | MyGerman.Recipes

Dec 19, 2019 • Glühwein is the name of the German mulled wine that one can buy at the Christmas markets. Its name means "glow wine" and it really makes you feel like you are glowing from the inside.

Get the recipe here.

Delia Smith's Christmas Pudding

Oct 10, 2020 • First broadcast November 1990 - Delia will show you how to make a traditional Christmas Pudding

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 13, 2021

Turkey Faces Threat of Financial Crisis after Lira Plunges against Dollar

THE GUARDIAN: Central bank forced to defend currency as traders respond to interest rate cut with sharp selloff

A customer at a bureau de change in Istanbul over the weekend. The lira was trading at almost 15 to the dollar at one point on Monday. Photograph: Serkan Senturk/Zuma Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Fears that Turkey is on course for a full-scale financial crisis have intensified after the lira plunged to fresh lows against the US dollar.

Turkey’s central bank was forced to step in to defend the ailing currency – selling US dollars for lira – after the latest sharp selloff.

The lira was at one stage trading at almost 15 to the dollar as currency dealers contemplated the prospect of the latest in a series of interest rates cuts demanded of the central bank by the country’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Erdoğan’s insistence that the central bank should keep reducing the cost of borrowing despite annual inflation running at 20% has led to the value of the lira halving during 2021. » | Larry Elliott, Economics editor | Monday, December 13, 2021

New Jersey Conducts First Gay Weddings (2013)

Oct 21, 2013 • Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, marries seven same-sex couples and two straight couples in a ceremony at City Hall to commemorate New Jersey legalising gay marriage. The first couple to be married are Joseph Panessidi and Orville Bell, both 65. Booker had refused to officiate at wedding ceremonies until the state legalised same-sex marriage

Coming Out: This Is a Hoot!

Old Gays Share Their Coming Out Stories

The Golden Guys! »

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Agne Radzeviciute Plays Chopin Étude Op. 25, No. 1 in A Flat Major

Covid: UK Alert Level Raised to Four due to Omicron Spread

BBC: The UK's coronavirus alert level has been raised from three to four due to the spread of Omicron, the UK's chief medical officers have said.

The last time the UK was at level four was in May.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to make a televised statement on Covid at 20:00 GMT on Sunday.

He is expected to provide an update on the booster programme. The BBC has been told there will not be any more new rules announced. » | Francesca Gillett, BBC News | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Royaume-Uni : le niveau d'alerte Covid relevé en raison d'une forte poussée du variant Omicron : Le niveau passe de trois à quatre, ce qui est le deuxième niveau le plus élevé et indique que «la transmission est élevée et que la pression sur les services de santé est généralisée et importante ou en augmentation». »

How Traditional Panettone Is Made in Italy | Regional Eats

Dec 8, 2021 • Panettone is famous for its tangy flavor and yellow, soft and gooey dough that is like no other. The secret behind it is an Italian yeast called lievito madre, or mother yeast. It gives panettone a tangy flavor and the just perfect texture. But it’s not an easy yeast to work with: you need time and patience to master it. In Milan, the birthplace of panettone, lievito madre is the one and only yeast bakers are allowed to use. We visited Pavé, a local bakery, to find out what else makes Milanese panettone so special.

Saumon fumé : Quel vin boire avec ce mets de fêtes ?

Saumon fumé Adobe Stock

LE FIGARO : Quel vin choisir pour un accord mets-vin idéal avec le saumon fumé, ce mets de fêtes qui affiche une belle intensité aromatique ?

Qu’est-ce que le saumon fumé ?

La technique du fumage apporte au saumon une intensité aromatique importante. En bouche, le goût est plutôt gras, légèrement amer et de forte persistance. » | Par Enrico Bernardo | vendredi 10 décembre 2021

Is South Africa Really a Beacon of LGBTQ+ Rights? | DW News

Dec 12, 2021 • It's been exactly a quarter of a century since Nelson Mandela signed South Africa's new constitution and made the rainbow nation into a beacon on the continent when it comes to LGBT rights. The document forbids discrimination on grounds of sexual identity. And so far, South Africa is the only African nation to allow same-sex marriage. All this means one thing for LGBT people in the region: hope. But: there is also anti-LGBT violence in the rainbow nation: a survey by South African rights group "Out" revealed that half of black respondents knew someone who had been killed because of Ngutjinazo reports from Cape Town.

Wie sollen wir lieben? | Philosophie | Bleisch & Bossart | SRF Kultur

Dec 12, 2021 • Liebe wird oft als das stärkste Gefühl beschrieben und ist dabei äusserst ambivalent und vielfältig. Sie macht glücklich, manchmal todunglücklich, sie festigt Bindungen und geht manchmal ganz unkonventionelle Wege. Barbara Bleisch und Yves Bossart fragen: Wie viele Menschen liebt man? Welche Formen der Liebe gibt es? Polyamorie oder Zweierkiste, was macht glücklicher? Gibt es «die eine grosse Liebe»? Und können wir unser Lieben überhaupt beeinflussen?

The Observer View on Boris Johnson

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: The prime minister is unfit to govern the UK in its worst postwar crisis

Prime Minister Boris Johnson at a press conference in Downing Street to announce new restrictions in response to the Omicron variant. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/PA

Every month of Boris Johnson’s premiership brings a new reminder of his rank unfitness for office. As the country is on the verge of an Omicron wave that could pose a profound challenge to the NHS, the government is mired in a deep political crisis entirely of its own making, after a week in which yet more of Johnson’s hypocrisy and corruption have been exposed.

A year ago, citizens made huge sacrifices in obeying Covid restrictions to limit the number of individuals who lost their lives in the second wave. As in the first wave of the pandemic, Johnson left it far too late to introduce social restrictions last autumn, with the result that thousands died needlessly and more damage than necessary was inflicted on the economy. But public compliance with restrictions when they were eventually brought in was high, as people did their bit to ease pressure on the NHS and save lives. Relatives missed saying final goodbyes to loved ones with Covid; grandparents missed first Christmases; more people than usual spent Christmas alone. Yet we have discovered that individuals working for the government held Christmas parties across Whitehall, including in No 10, in flagrant breach of the government’s own regulations that so many people abided by, at great personal cost.

It is a national misfortune that we have a man who is by far and away the worst postwar prime minister in office at the time of the worst postwar crisis. Johnson lacks any shred of integrity, is driven by ego and self-interest and has been prepared to mislead voters over and over again. He is incompetent and embodies the entitled politician who sees politics as a game rather than a duty. He is utterly unfit to govern Britain. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Assange Extradition: UK Court Rules in Favor of US | DW News

Dec 10, 2021 • The US government has won its appeal against a court decision that halted the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The case will now go back to the Westminster Magistrates Court , where the matter will be heard again. Assange can still request permission for a final ruling on Friday's verdict from the UK's Supreme Court. The 50-year-old has been in custody since April 2019, when he was sentenced to 50 weeks behind bars. He was ordered to remain in custody pending the outcome of the High Court's decision over concerns he would abscond. Before the sentence, he was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy by British authorities after his citizenship was revoked. Assange's fiancée, Stella Moris, said their legal team would appeal "at the earliest possible moment," while saying it was a "grave miscarriage of justice." Before proceedings Moris expressed hope that he would be home for Christmas in a post on Twitter. "I hope the High Court will bring this abusive and vindictive extradition to an end today so that that our children will be able to spend Christmas with their father." DW spoke to the UNHCR Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer, who is monitoring Assange's case very closely.

Sailing Away: Superyacht Industry Booms during Covid Pandemic

THE GUARDIAN: Record-breaking number of vessels being built or on order worldwide, despite environmental concerns

More than 1,200 superyachts are slated to be built – a rise of 25% on last year. Photograph: Albert Gea/Reuters

In an era of environmental awareness and conspicuous displays of sustainability, you might not expect a rise in the number of people with the means and appetite for a £50m floating fortress of solitude.

But, in part because of the coronavirus crisis, the superyacht industry is booming – and the number of vessels under construction or on order worldwide has hit a new record. According to figures revealed in the latest edition of Boat International’s Global Order Book, more than 1,200 superyachts are slated to be built – a rise of 25% on last year.

“The market’s never been busier,” said Will Christie, a superyacht broker. “And I’ve been in the industry 20 years. A lot of people say they appreciate the safety of being on a yacht during the pandemic. But it’s also because whereas in previous eras the people with enough money were too busy in the office to justify the purchase, these days they can work from anywhere.

“I had one client who sent his trading terminals by plane so he could use them onboard – he’d be kitesurfing in the afternoon and then go back to his desk.”

Christie said shipyard order books were typically full until 2025 – meaning clients are prepared to pay a premium to take over someone else’s slot if it can be delivered years earlier. He argued that the ability to transport your holiday home to a different location at a moment’s notice was deeply appealing. » | Archie Bland | Sunday, December 12, 2021

Un jour de 79 : La destruction de Pompéi | Quand l'histoire fait dates | ARTE

Dec 12, 2021 • Patrick Boucheron revisite l’histoire à travers le prisme des grandes dates. En 1748, la redécouverte de Pompéi marque le commencement de l'histoire de l’archéologie, et de la construction d’un imaginaire du monde romain. Ne fait-on pas fausse route en cherchant dans la ville exhumée des cendres du Vésuve la conservation miraculeuse d’une cité romaine idéalisée ?

Série documentaire de Denis van Waerebeke et Patrick Boucheron (France, 2018, 27mn)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Please Forgive Me for Playing This Wonderful, Energizing Video Yet Again…

Justin Timberlake : Can't Stop The Feeling(

Phil Collins: Everyday | 2016 Remastered

Jan 25, 2020 • Provided to YouTube by Laika Network

Israel denkt laut über einen Angriff auf die iranischen Atomanlagen nach

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die israelische Armee deckt sich mit neuen Waffen ein, die Luftwaffe plant eine grossangelegte Militärübung, und Politiker verschärfen ihre Rhetorik gegenüber Iran. Doch innerhalb Israels gibt es auch viel Kritik am Kurs der Regierung.

Der israelische Ministerpräsident Naftali Bennett fordert von den Amerikanern, der «nuklearen Erpressung» der Iraner nicht nachzugeben. | Gil Cohen-Magen / Pool / Reuters

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die israelische Armee deckt sich mit neuen Waffen ein, die Luftwaffe plant eine grossangelegte Militärübung, und Politiker verschärfen ihre Rhetorik gegenüber Iran. Doch innerhalb Israels gibt es auch viel Kritik am Kurs der Regierung.

Bombastische Erklärungen hinsichtlich Irans, wie sie unter dem israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanyahu üblich waren, sollte es unter dessen Nachfolgeregierung mit Naftali Bennett und Yair Lapid nicht geben. Stattdessen versprach die Regierung, gegenüber den Amerikanern auf stille Diplomatie zu setzen, um allfällige Meinungsverschiedenheiten mit ihren wichtigsten Verbündeten aus der Welt zu räumen. Davon kann mittlerweile kaum noch die Rede sein.

Immer offener reden israelische Vertreter über einen Militärschlag gegen Iran – notfalls auch im Alleingang. Sprich: ohne Unterstützung von Washington. «Iran wird niemals in den Besitz von Atombomben gelangen», sagte David Barnea, der Leiter des Auslandgeheimdienstes Mossad, vergangene Woche. «Nicht in den nächsten Jahren, niemals.» Gemeinsam mit den Streitkräften werde der Geheimdienst alles tun, um die Gefahr eines nuklear bewaffneten Iran zu unterbinden. » | Inga Rogg, Jerusalem | Samstag, 11. Dezember 2021

A Denver Man from Jordan Opens Up about His Struggles as a Gay Man in the Middle East

Jun 25, 2021 • The thought of holding another man’s hand in public was once a far-fetched dream for Luai Qubain, a man raised in the Middle East; but those days are behind him as he gives his husband a kiss while sitting on a bench in Cheesman Park.

Being Gay in Warsaw, Poland

Apr 28, 2019 • In Poland, roughly 50% of the population does not believe that homosexuality is normal. As an openly gay man living in Warsaw, Tom Shay'an is reminded of this everyday.

Deadly Overnight Tornadoes Leave Dozens Dead In Midwest

Dec 11, 2021 • At least 50 people are feared dead after an outbreak of tornadoes that tore through Kentucky and surrounding Midwestern states overnight. Kentucky Gov. Andy Bashear announced the death toll from the event will exceed 50 Kentuckians and "probably end up closer to 70 or 100 lost lives."

First Fires, Then Floods: Climate Extremes Batter Australia

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Many of the same areas that suffered through horrific bush fires in 2019 and 2020 are now dealing with prodigious rainfall that could leave some people stranded for weeks.

WEE WAA, Australia — Two years ago, the fields outside Christina Southwell’s family home near the cotton capital of Australia looked like a dusty, brown desert as drought-fueled wildfires burned to the north and south.

Last week, after record-breaking rains, muddy floodwaters surrounded her, along with the stench of rotting crops. She had been trapped for days with just her cat, and still didn’t know when the sludge would recede.

“It seems to take for bloody ever to go away,” she said, watching a boat carry food into the town of Wee Waa. “All it leaves behind is this stink, and it’s just going to get worse.”

Life on the land has always been hard in Australia, but the past few years have delivered one extreme after another, demanding new levels of resilience and pointing to the rising costs of a warming planet. For many Australians, moderate weather — a pleasant summer, a year without a state of emergency — increasingly feels like a luxury. » | Damien Cave Photographs and Video by Matthew Abbott | Saturday, December 11, 2021

'It's Been Very Hard after 35 Years': Tom Ford Admits He's 'Struggled' to Adjust to Being a Single Father after His Husband Richard Buckley's Death

MAIL ONLINE: Tom Ford has admitted it's been 'a struggle' adjusting to life as a single father following the death of his husband Richard Buckley's death. The fashion designer, 60, shared rare insight into coping without his partner after he passed away in September at the age of 72.

In a candid interview Tom explained: 'It's been hard after 35 years, very hard,' while discussing the challenges he's faced since becoming the sole parent to their son Jack, nine.

Speaking to WSJ he shared: 'I keep thinking, ''Oh, God, I have to call Richard,'' or I need to send him a note about this. And he's not here.'

He said: 'Until recently, I had Richard to help me out in the mornings. It's been a little bit of a struggle the last month because he would normally get [Jack's] breakfast on school days while I was getting dressed.'

He went on to say it has been a challenge adjusting to the new routine however getting up earlier for the school run means he has a 'good start to the day.' » | Ellen Coughlan and Deirdre Simonds for MailOnline | Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Guardian View on the US Pursuit of Julian Assange: Set Him Free

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The attempt to extradite the WikiLeaks founder is an assault on the press freedom that the Biden administration promises to promote

Supporters of Julian Assange gather outside the high court in London on Friday. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Opening his Summit for Democracy this week, Joe Biden urged his guests to “stand up for the values that unite us”, including a free press. The US president boasted of his new initiative for democratic renewal, including measures to support an unfettered and independent media: “It’s the bedrock of democracy. It’s how the public stay informed and how governments are held accountable. And around the world, press freedom is under threat.”

Yet the US government itself is endangering the ability of the media to bring to light uncomfortable truths and expose official crimes and cover-ups. On Friday, the high court ruled that Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, where he could face up to 175 years in prison. The decision is not only a blow for his family and friends, who fear he would not survive imprisonment in the US. It is also a blow for all those who wish to protect the freedom of the press. » | Opinion | Friday, December 10, 2021

No Ho Ho: Italian Church Apologises over Bishop’s Claim about Santa Claus

THE GUARDIAN: Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily

A man dressed as Santa Claus rides past a crowd in Rome. An Italian bishop was forced to apologise after telling children there is no Santa. Photograph: Matteo Nardone/Pacific Press/REX/Shutterstock

A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.

Italian news reports quoted Stagliano as saying during a recent religious festival that Santa doesn’t exist and that his red costume was created by Coca-Cola for publicity. » | Associated Press | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Scott Morrison Urged to End ‘Lunacy’ and Push UK and US for Julian Assange’s Release

THE GUARDIAN: Independent MP Andrew Wilkie says UK a ‘lackey’ of US and journalism is not a crime

The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, has been urged to advocate for the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Photograph: Bianca de Marchi/AAP

Australian parliamentarians have demanded the prime minister, Scott Morrison, intervene in the case of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, after the United States won a crucial appeal in its fight to extradite the WikiLeaks founder on espionage charges.

“The prime minister must get Assange home,” the Australian Greens leader, Adam Bandt, told Guardian Australia on Saturday.

“An Australian citizen is being prosecuted for publishing details of war crimes, yet our government sits on its hands and does nothing.”

The independent MP Andrew Wilkie called on Morrison to “end this lunacy” and demand the US and UK release Assange. » | Lane Sainty and AAP | Saturday, December 11, 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

George Michael : Father Figure | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 81,842,167 . This is one for Jacinda Adern!

George Michael : One More Try

Views on YouTube: 135,313,847

The History of Balenciaga

Nov 8, 2021 • Balenciaga is one of the most prolific brands in fashion, and in this video we look at its history dating back to the very beginning. We learn how Cristóbal Balenciaga defied the odds to start his own couture house, the Nicolas Ghesquière years, the Alexander Wang years, and of course the arrival of Demna Gvasalia. In talking about Demna, we’ll discuss how he founded Vetements and went on to revolutionize Balenciaga, which is now one of the most popular brands in world (even among major stars like Kanye West).

Les hôpitaux libanais déstabilisés par l’exode de leurs médecins

Une infirmière circule dans le couloir d’un hôpital, le 31 mai, à Beyrouth. MOHAMED AZAKIR/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - L’Organisation mondiale de la santé estime que 30 à 40 % du personnel a démissionné à cause de la crise.

Un hall d’entrée quasi désert, personne ou presque dans les couloirs: difficile de croire qu’on est en milieu de journée, en pleine semaine, au cœur d’un des plus grands hôpitaux du Liban à 30 kilomètres de Beyrouth. «Quelle misère, mais quelle misère…», se lamente sœur Élisabeth Noirot alors qu’elle traverse au pas de charge l’aile fermée de l’hôpital général de Bhannes, dans le Metn. À l’âge où d’autres partent à la retraite, elle dirige ce centre hospitalier qui dépend des Filles de la charité, une congrégation catholique fondée en France au XVIIIe siècle sous l’autorité de l’Ordre de Saint-Vincent de Paul. «À ce rythme-là, on en a pour trois, quatre mois tout au plus.» Après? «Khalasse», dit-elle en arabe, comme si la fatalité trouvait plus facilement à s’exprimer dans la langue d’Avicenne. Si rien n’est fait, ce centre niché dans un parc immense, où cèdres et pins parasols se disputent les cimaises, fermera ses 250 lits au printemps prochain. «On ne veut pas perdre l’espoir, mais, en l’état, on n’a pas le budget pour survivre et notre ordre n’a pas les moyens de nous soutenir.» » | Par Cyrille Louis | vendredi 10 décembre 2021

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La France et l’Arabie saoudite au chevet du Liban : DÉCRYPTAGE - Riyad, qui a coupé les ponts avec Beyrouth, ne s’est engagé que sur de l’aide humanitaire. »

New Zealand Law Aims to Stamp Out Smoking – BBC News

• Dec 9, 2021 • New Zealand will ban the sale of tobacco to its next generation, in a bid to eventually phase out smoking.

Anyone born after 2008 will not be able to buy cigarettes or tobacco products in their lifetime, under a law expected to be enacted next year.

"We want to make sure young people never start smoking," Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verall said.

The move is part of a sweeping crackdown on smoking announced by New Zealand's health ministry on Thursday.

Doctors and other health experts in the country have welcomed the "world-leading" reforms, which will reduce access to tobacco and restrict nicotine levels in cigarettes.


This is a draconian law being introduced by socialists. Should we be surprised? Socialists have got a nasty habit of wanting to legislate for everything. They love to ban this and ban that. It must be something in their DNA, I suppose.

I would say that this law, in the long-run, is unworkable. First of all, it is going to be fodder for an underworld of cheap, illicit imports; but more than this, there are many unanswered questions. For example, what happens when someone born after 2008 goes abroad to work as an ex-pat and takes up the smoking habit? What will happen to him/her upon return to New Zealand? If the ex-pat becomes ‘addicted’ to smoking whilst working abroad, he or she will face a dilemma when the tour of duty is over: Either keep on smoking and stay away from the homeland, or return home and struggle to live without cigarettes.

Apart from being draconian and undemocratic, this law is also bonkers! I despair of meddlesome politicians. – © Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 10, 2021

Perfekt, um Sie im Winter warm zu halten: Ein liebevoller, schwuler Kuß!

Parfait pour vous garder au chaud en hiver : Un baiser amoureux et gay ! / Perfect for keeping you warm in winter: A loving, gay kiss!

Für dieses schöne Foto bedanke ich mich bei RJ Scott auf Pinterest.

Julian Assange's Fiancée Brands US Extradition Decision 'Cynical'

Dec 10, 2021 • Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, the High Court has ruled as senior judges overturned an earlier decision in the case of the WikiLeaks founder. The US Government won its bid on Friday, but Assange's fiancée Stella Moris said his lawyers intend to appeal against the High Court ruling.


The US’s poodle does what it has been told to do: it agrees to extradite Julian Assange. Free speech is on its last legs: the truth must never be told. This is the age of “alternative facts” ! »

Die Luft für Julian Assange wird dünner: Laut dem britischen High Court darf Julian Assange nun doch an die USA ausgeliefert werden. Seine Anhänger kündigten zwar eine Berufung an, doch ist offen, wie lange sich der Wikileaks-Gründer dem Zugriff der amerikanischen Justiz noch entziehen kann. »

Vladimir Poutine n’a jamais accepté le départ de l’Ukraine

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine et son homologue américain Joe Biden ont exposé mardi 7 décembre lors d’un entretien virtuel leurs positions divergentes sur la situation autour de l’Ukraine. SPUTNIK/via REUTERS

LE FIGARO : ANALYSE - Il y a clairement un déséquilibre fondamental entre ce que représente l’Ukraine pour la Russie, un membre vital dont elle a été amputée et dont elle ressent toujours l’absence, et l’intérêt plus lointain que lui porte l’Occident. Ce déséquilibre rend la tâche de Joe Biden et de ses partenaires face à Poutine très ardue. Mais ils semblent moins naïfs qu’en 2014.

Alors que Washington dit craindre une invasion russe de l’Ukraine début 2022 et a engagé une discussion musclée avec Vladimir Poutine pour le dissuader de répéter le coup de force de Crimée de 2014, il est utile de relire le texte que le président russe a écrit en juillet. «Russes et Ukrainiens, nous sommes un même peuple», explique-t-il dans cette méditation étonnamment longue sur l’histoire ukrainienne. Il y affirme qu’en acceptant en 1924 laisser un droit de sortie aux républiques lors de la création de l’URSS, les Bolcheviks ont mis en place «une bombe à retardement» qui a explosé à la face des dirigeants russes en 1991. » | Par Laure Mandeville | Jeudi 9 décembre 2021

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Biden et Poutine, sommet virtuel en quête de désescalade : DÉCRYPTAGE - Les deux chefs d’État évoqueront mardi, lors d’un sommet par vidéoconférence, les vives tensions en Ukraine. »

Boris Johnson pris dans une violente tempête politique

Boris Johnson (ici, le 1er décembre, à Downing Street), fait face à l’une des pires crises politiques depuis son accession au pouvoir. DAN KITWOOD/Getty Images via AFP

LE FIGARO : Le premier ministre est rattrapé par le scandale des «Christmas parties». Des députés de l’opposition appellent à sa démission.

Boris Johnson risque de ne pas savourer «l’esprit de Noël». Alors que la fin de l’année s’approche à pas prudents, les feux des fêtes de l’an dernier viennent d’exploser dans un ciel déjà chargé au-dessus du premier ministre britannique. Le pays tout entier s’indigne d’une fête qui aurait eu lieu à Downing Street malgré les restrictions anti-Covid. Et «BoJo» fait face à l’une des pires crises politiques depuis son accession au pouvoir.

Alors que le gouvernement plombait le Noël des Britanniques en leur interdisant de se réunir en famille ou de se rendre à l’enterrement de leurs proches, il semble que l’on s’amusait bien dans les bureaux de l’exécutif. » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | jeudi 9 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


Boris Johnson, ou la politique comme un match de boxe : PORTRAIT - À force de volontarisme, le premier ministre a remis son pays sur les rails du Brexit. »


Lies, damned lies: the full list of accusations against Boris Johnson: Alleged dishonesty over Downing Street Christmas party and flat redecoration join list of infamous controversies »

Scathing attack on Boris Johnson by his erstwhile chum, Dominic Cummings »

The Arguments about Abortion in the US Are about One Thing: Controlling Women

THE GUARDIAN: Anti-abortionists are intent on enhancing men’s privileges, while women cannot even have rights over their own bodies

Pro-choice protests outside the supreme court, Washington DC, 1 December 2021. Photograph: Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock

Alot of people with a lot of power don’t see why women should have jurisdiction over their own bodies. That’s the anti-abortion argument in a nutshell, in that they claim a foetus, or even an embryo, or in some cases even a fertilised egg too small for the human eye to see, has rights that supersede those of the person inside whose body that egg, embryo or foetus might be.

What was clear from the rightwing pundits and conservative supreme court justices who have piped up over the last month as arguments were being heard in the most significant abortion rights case since Roe v Wade, is that in a country whose constitution is supposed to grant us all a lot of rights, they are happy to strip away a right so fundamental it’s unimaginable in other circumstances – or that it would be stripped from other people, namely men. In the case, Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the state of Mississippi is asking the court to rule on whether it can outlaw abortions after 15 weeks’ gestation. They are asking, in other words, for the right to punish women for being women.

The goal of the anti-abortionists seems to be to enhance men’s privileges by undermining women’s rights, by making us separate and unequal. (People who do not identify as female also get pregnant and bear children, but the animosity is directed at women and girls, so I’m going to talk about women and girls here.) Since acknowledging this would undermine the anti-abortion case, the emphasis is instead shifted to someone else whose rights are claimed to trump those of pregnant people, the unborn. The unborn are a convenient constituency to advocate for, since they have no voice or vote and anyone can claim to speak for them. » | Rebecca Solnit | Friday, December 10, 2021

Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to US to Face Espionage Charges, Court Rules

THE GUARDIAN: Decision overturns previous ruling that Wikileaks co-founder could not be extradited due to mental health concerns

Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, the high court has ruled as it overturned a judgment earlier this year.

The decision today deals a major blow to the Wikileaks co-founder’s efforts to prevent his extradition to the US to face espionage charges, although options to appeal remain open to his legal team. » | Ben Quinn | Friday, December 10, 2021

U.K. Court Rules Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to U.S.: The WikiLeaks founder can still appeal the verdict, which would leave him facing espionage charges that could put him in prison for decades. »

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Le Golfe persique à l’heure de la détente

Mohammed Ben Salman est reçu par le sultan d’Oman Haïtham BenTariq, à son arrivée à Muscat, mardi. SAUDI PRESS AGENCY/VIA REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Guidés par leurs intérêts économiques, l’Arabie saoudite et ses voisins s’efforcent de tourner la page de leurs disputes.

Après des années de tensions, l’heure est à la détente entre monarchies du Golfe, qui doivent se réunir en sommet à la mi-décembre en Arabie saoudite. Ces derniers jours, une série de visites entre leaders qui entretenaient des relations difficiles, voire même parfois hostiles, ont eu lieu dans plusieurs capitales de la péninsule arabique.

La plus marquante est celle qu’a entamée mercredi au Qatar, le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammed Ben Salman, la première depuis que l’homme fort de l’Arabie surnommé MBS a pris les rênes du royaume. » | Par Georges Malbrunot | mercredi 8 décembre 2021

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Arabie: sous la pression, MBS tend la main à l’ennemi iranien : DÉCRYPTAGE - Anticipant un accord entre Washington et Téhéran, le prince héritier cautionne des pourparlers secrets en Irak avec Téhéran. »

Global Gay: The Next Frontier In Human Rights - Documentary

Nov 16, 2018 • A global revolution is underway to obtain what UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Barack Obama call ‘the final frontier in human rights’: the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. Homosexuality is forbidden in almost half of the world. Out of 196 UN member states, there are 7 where it is punishable by death. In 84 others, it can merit prison and physical punishment. But today, momentum is building and the debate on gay rights is omnipresent - whether it be regarding legalization in the Middle-East and Africa or the focus of gay marriage laws in the West. After years of long diplomatic struggle, several world leaders have declared themselves in favor of the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. But victory won’t come easily. The countries that still punish homosexuality refuse to give in to international pressure. Global acceptance and equality will take time to achieve. ‘Global Gay’ follows this battle for decriminalization through the lives and work of some of its fearless pioneers, providing a vibrant chronicle of the growing global social movement. In the words of Ban Ki Moon, “The time has come”. Filmed in Russia, Cuba, Cameroon, Nepal and South Africa. - Follow us on social media : Facebook :

Japans LGBT-Szene erreicht einen Meilenstein – Tokio will gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften anerkennen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Auf lokaler Ebene in Japan schwindet der Widerstand gegen die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe. Wird Japan das zweite Land Asiens, das die Ehe für alle beschliesst?

Tokio will den Weg ebnen für gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen. Bald könnte das ganze Land folgen. Auf dem Bild: Pride-Parade in Tokio 2019. | Alessandro Di Ciommo / Imago

Tokios konservative Bürgermeisterin Yuriko Koike gehört bei der Förderung von Lesben- und Schwulenrechten zu Japans Avantgarde. Anfang dieser Woche kündigte sie an, in der 14-Millionen-Einwohner-Metropole umzusetzen, was es auf Landesebene noch nicht gibt: eine Gleichstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften.

«Um das Verständnis für sexuelle Vielfalt zu fördern und die Probleme der Betroffenen zu verringern, werden wir die Grundprinzipien für die Einführung eines Systems gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften im bis März 2022 laufenden Haushaltsjahr vorlegen», versprach Koike.

Damit wäre zwar nur eine gleiche Behandlung bei administrativen Akten wie Sozialleistungen oder im öffentlichen Wohnungsbau gewährleistet und keine volle legale Anerkennung homosexueller Ehen. Aber für die Organisatoren der japanischen Bewegung von Lesben, Schwulen, bisexuellen und transsexuellen Menschen (LGBT) ist Koikes Ankündigung ein wichtiger Meilenstein auf dem Weg, Japan zum zweiten Land Asiens zu machen, das die Ehe für alle ermöglicht. » | Martin Kölling, Tokio | Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021

La ville de Tokyo va reconnaître les unions homosexuelles : La gouverneure de la capitale japonaise a annoncé que des certificats pour les personnes de même sexe pourraient être prêts d’ici à début 2023. Le Japon est le dernier pays du G7 à ne pas autoriser le mariage pour tous. »

Apéritifs de fête : 5 conseils et 5 erreurs à ne plus commettre

Un blanc sec passera avec à peu près tous les fromages Adobe Stock

LE FIGARO : «Ouvrir» le temps des fêtes, un passage délicat à bien négocier. Voici 5 astuces et 5 erreurs à éviter pour un apéritif festif réussi.

Cinq conseils pour réussir l'apéritif » | Par Véronique Raisin | jeudi 9 décembre 2021


Comment choisir son champagne pour les fêtes ? 5 conseils malins et 5 erreurs à éviter : Le champagne est un vin et il en existe une multitude de variations et d’expressions. Traitez-le dignement et réservez-lui la meilleure place sur votre table. »

Business Insider: Why Cuban Cigars Are So Expensive | So Expensive

Jul 11, 2020 • Cuban cigars hold a reputation as the world's most opulent tobacco product. A box of good quality Habanos can cost thousands of dollars. Every hand-rolled Cuban cigar goes through about 500 manual tasks from seed to cigar. But over the last 25 years, cigars made in other countries in the Caribbean and Central America have become comparable in quality, consistency, and cost. Some experts suggest that up to 95% of all Cuban cigars in the US, which hasn't allowed the import of Cuban cigars since the 1962 embargo, are actually counterfeit. So why are Cuban cigars so desirable? And is that why they're so expensive?

Dimitra’s Dishes: Balsamic-glazed Chicken | A Meal in 30 Mins!

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 9, 2021

How the Left Destroyed Paris

Dec 9, 2021 • Twenty years of socialist rule has destroyed what makes Paris so iconic: From systematically removing its beautiful 19th century benches and street lamps, to creating endless cycle lanes causing havoc across the city’s roads. The city of light has become smothered by weeds, uncollected rubbish and a rat epidemic. Watch as Parisian journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet investigates the state of France’s capital.

The Countries Banning Smoking and Taking On 'Big Tobacco' | 60 Minutes Australia

Dec 26, 2019 • What a fight it's become as governments around the world line up against Big Tobacco to outlaw smoking. Liz Hayes travels to California and Norway where they believe at last they're starting to win the war with tough new laws that say no ifs, no buts, no smoking - full stop.

The world is full of meddlesome people! They are not very consistent, either. At the very same time as the world is clamping down on cigarette-smoking, it is relaxing laws on the smoking of cannabis and other substances. How sensible, or logical, is that?

Furthermore, doctors and medical people are encouraging e-cigarettes and vaping; yet we don’t know the long-term consequences of that habit. Many a young person has suffered from “popcorn lung” because of vaping; some have even died.

Smoking cigarettes is not a healthy habit. That we know. But so many other habits are not healthy either. Moreover, are Americans today that much healthier than they used to be when they smoked a lot? I would say that they aren’t. Diabetes and obesity are huge problems in the States, indeed in the West in general. Diabetes, in particular, leads to cardiovascular disease just as smoking tobacco does. I would therefore posit that by making it difficult, and often virtually impossible, to smoke tobacco, we have merely traded in one set of illnesses for another, namely tobacco-related illnesses for sugar-related ones.

If you truly want a healthier population, find a way to encourage people to quit smoking (voluntarily) without those people taking up other bad habits to compensate for their loss of pleasure from smoking. But the fact remains that people throughout the ages have always got their fun, pleasures and kicks from something or other. If you take one source of pleasure away from them, they will find something else to replace it, something else to fill the void. And that ‘thing’ might yet turn out in the long-term to be unhealthier than smoking ever was! – © Mark

Black Market Tobacco Floods Australian Market

Mar 3, 2016 • As cigarette prices have risen, illegal tobacco or chop-chop is being imported into the country in increasing amounts. The Feed went undercover with Customs to see how hard it was to buy.

Neuseeland will Zigarettenverkauf an kommende Generationen verbieten

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Um sicherzustellen, dass junge Leute nie mit dem Rauchen anfangen, soll es ab Ende 2022 strafbar sein, rauchbare Tabakprodukte an Jugendliche zu verkaufen. Neuseeland möchte so zum ersten rauchfreien Land werden.

Neuseeland will zu einem rauchfreien Land werden und den Verkauf von Zigaretten an zukünftige Generationen verbieten. Jugendliche, die bei Inkrafttreten eines entsprechenden Gesetzes mit dem Namen „Smokefree 2025 Action Plan“ jünger als 14 Jahre seien, könnten in dem Pazifikstaat niemals legal Tabakprodukte kaufen, sagte die stellvertretende Gesundheitsministerin Ayesha Verrall am Donnerstag. Die neuen Regeln sollen voraussichtlich ab Ende kommenden Jahres gelten, berichtete die Zeitung New Zealand Herald.

„Wir wollen sicherstellen, dass junge Leute nie mit dem Rauchen anfangen, also machen wir es strafbar, rauchbare Tabakprodukte an Jugendliche zu verkaufen“, sagte Verrall. Dem Plan zufolge können Raucher dann auch nur noch Tabakwaren mit sehr niedrigem Nikotingehalt kaufen. Zudem sollen immer weniger Geschäfte die Erlaubnis erhalten, Tabakwaren anzubieten. „Dies ist ein historischer Tag für die Gesundheit unseres Volkes“, betonte Verrall. » | Quelle: dpa | Donnerstag, Dezember 9, 2021

Dummheit! Ein typisches Gesetz einer sozialistischen Regierung! Einmischen ins Privatleben der Menschen. Natürlich ist Rauchen nicht gesund, aber auch Alkohol, Zucker oder verarbeitete Junkfoods sind es nicht. Wird die neuseeländische Regierung diese auch verbieten? Und dies zu einer Zeit, in der ein Großteil der Welt das Rauchen weitaus gefährlicherer Substanzen als Tabak lockert und sogar legalisiert. Sozialisten werden nie lernen, Freiheit zu akzeptieren und zu feiern. – © Mark

New Zealand Plans to Eventually Ban All Cigarette Sales: The proposal, expected to become law next year, would raise the smoking age year by year until it covers the entire population. »

Business Insider: Why Frankincense And Myrrh Are So Expensive | So Expensive

Oct 10, 2020 • Frankincense and myrrh are perhaps best known for their biblical connotations. But this tree sap has been prized across the world for over 6,000 years. These fragrant incense pieces come from the Burseraceae family of trees and are found across the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. But despite recent attempts to protect these trees, they could soon be headed for extinction. So what makes frankincense and myrrh so expensive?

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson: A Stranger to Honesty

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The scandal of a Downing Street party in lockdown reveals something rotten at the very heart of government

Boris Johnson’s career path is paved with falsehood. He was fired from his first journalism job for fabricating a quote. As a correspondent in Brussels, he traded in grotesque Eurosceptic mythology. In 2004, he was sacked from the Conservative frontbench for lies he had told to Michael Howard, then opposition leader, about an extramarital affair.

In the 2016 referendum campaign, he misled the public over the cost of EU membership. In the 2019 general election, he boasted about the qualities of a Brexit deal he now wants to renegotiate. No one who has followed the prime minister’s dysfunctional relationship with the truth now believes him when he denies knowledge of a Christmas party in Downing Street on 18 December 2020, in contravention of pandemic restrictions. » | Editorial | Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Boris and Carrie Johnson Announce Birth of Baby Girl

THE GUARDIAN: Johnsons announce birth of daughter, their second child together following birth of son, Wilfred, in April 2020

Boris Johnson’s wife, Carrie, has given birth to a baby girl, they have announced, a second child for the couple and at least the seventh for the prime minister.

“The prime minister and Mrs Johnson are delighted to announce the birth of a healthy baby girl at a London hospital earlier today,” a statement said. “Both mother and daughter are doing very well. The couple would like to thank the brilliant NHS maternity team for all their care and support.” » | Peter Walker Political correspondent | Thursday, December 9, 2021