Showing posts with label Nazis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazis. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

Stephen Fry: Willem & Frieda - Defying Nazis | Channel 4 Documentaries

Apr 2, 2023 | Stephen Fry discovers why an act of sabotage by the Dutch Resistance, saving many Jews from Nazi death camps, remains uncelebrated and largely hidden to this day.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Im Kopf eines Nazis: "Die Wohlgesinnten" | Doku HD | ARTE

Nov 26, 2023 | Im Jahr 2006 erschien der Tatsachenroman "Die Wohlgesinnten" von Jonathan Littell. Es handelt sich um die fiktiven Lebenserinnerungen eines SS-Offiziers und eine ungeschönte Schilderung der brutalen NS-Verbrechen aus Täterperspektive. Die Doku befasst sich auch mit der Rezeptionsgeschichte dieses Romans, der einen empfindlichen Nerv der Erinnerungskultur traf.

Der 2006 erschienene Roman „Die Wohlgesinnten“ von Jonathan Littell erzählt die Lebenserinnerungen des fiktiven SS-Offiziers Maximilian Aue, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg Teil der NS-Vernichtungsmaschine war. Das Werk markierte insofern einen literarischen Tabubruch, als es auf mehr als tausend Seiten ungeschönt und brutal das Nazi-Grauen aus Täterperspektive schildert. Die fiktive Biografie wird dabei mit gründlich recherchierten realen Ereignissen und Personen des Holocaust verbunden. Provokant, abstoßend, skandalös – „Die Wohlgesinnten“ ist all das, aber tatsächlich noch viel mehr.

Das Werk des 1967 geborenen französischen Schriftstellers amerikanischer Herkunft wurde in Frankreich mit den begehrten Literaturpreisen Prix Goncourt und Grand Prix de l'Académie française ausgezeichnet und sorgte sofort bei seinem Erscheinen für Polemik. Die einen empörten sich über den „pornografischen“ Aspekt der Erzählung, die anderen lobten das literarische Genie und die Tatsache, dass endlich ein Autor die Courage aufbrachte, den Holocaust aus einer Warte zu behandeln, an die sich noch kein Historiker herangetraut hatte.

„Im Kopf eines Nazis - Die Wohlgesinnten von Jonathan Littell“ nimmt die gespaltene Rezeption des Buchs zum Anlass, mehrere wesentliche Fragen zu beleuchten: Wie spricht man heute, nach unzähligen Büchern, Filmen und Erzählungen und dem Tod der letzten Zeitzeugen, über die Nazi-Barbarei? Wo liegen die Grenzen der Kunst im Allgemeinen und der Literatur im Besonderen, wenn es um den Holocaust geht?

Mit Hilfe von Archivmaterial, Begehungen der Schauplätze der Judenvernichtung, Auszügen aus dem Buch und Gesprächen mit renommierten Historikern, Schriftstellern und Publizisten zeichnet der Film die Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte dieses Ausnahmewerks nach, das das Konzept der Menschlichkeit hinterfragt und einen empfindlichen Nerv der Erinnerungskultur traf.

Dokumentation von Jean-Christophe Klotz (F 2023, 56 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 06/05/2024

Monday, September 25, 2023

Radical Evil: How We Became Mass Murderers | Nazi Documentary | Real Stories

Sep 19, 2023 | After winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Film for Counterfeiters, Stefan Ruzowitzky asks why normal people become mass murderers. Why do decent family fathers end up killing women, children and babies on a daily basis?

The perpetrators are members of the Nazi death squads, who killed about 2 million Jewish civilians in Eastern Europe – by bullets, face-to-face.

"Monsters exist, but they are too few in numbers to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men." (Primo Levi)

This documentary is fascinating, but disturbing. It is totally unsuitable for children. / Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist faszinierend, aber beunruhigend. Für Kinder ist er völlig ungeeignet. / Ce documentaire est fascinant, mais dérangeant. C'est totalement inadapté aux enfants. – Mark

Sunday, September 24, 2023

My Nazi Family | Silent History | Full Documentary

Apr 14, 2022 | After the WW2, German solders returned home and kept quiet about their actions. What was the price of this silence?

The atrocities committed by the Nazis have been widely discussed at a general level since the Second World War. Less attention has been paid to the fact that the perpetrators of the atrocities have kept quiet about their actions to their own descendants.

This wall of silence has descended around the actions that have been done but that have not been handled and talked about within families. The silence has grown these things into problems that will last for generations.

The documentary My Nazi Family opens perspectives on the consequences of silence and why the antisemitism is growing again. This is reflected in the true stories of the three German families, where the past and the present meet in surprising ways.

The documentary deals with themes of hatred, war and violence and is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Director: Ruut Ahonen
Interviewees: Jobst Bittner, Frank Pfeiffer, Caroline Hohnecker, Friedhelm Chmell, Rita Kasimow Brown
Length: 45 minutes
Languages: English – German (subtitled English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese and Finnish)
Published: April 2022
Producer: Mika Ahonen
Production: Hurttimurtti

Please note that this documentary is not suitable for children. / Bitte beachten Sie, daß diese Dokumentation für Kinder nicht geeignet ist. / Attention, cette documentation ne convient pas aux enfants. – Mark

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Gerhart Baum über die AfD: "Die alten Nazis sind wieder da"

Sep 14, 2023 | Der ehemalige FDP-Innenminister Gerhart Baum blickt mit Sorge auf den Rechtsruck in Deutschland. Im Video erklärt er, weshalb er die AfD für demokratiegefährdend hält.

Gerhardt Baum (D) »

Gerhardt Baum (E ) »

Gerhardt Baum (F) »

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Nazis, Made in Austria | Geschehen, neu gesehen | ARTE

Aug 13, 2023 | TW: Dieses Programm enthält Inhalte, die für Kinder, Jugendliche und empfindsame Zuschauer verstörend wirken können.

Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs zerfiel das Kaiserreich Österreich-Ungarn. Österreich schrumpfte zu einer kleinen Republik. Die Folge: Groll und Enttäuschung in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung – und ein Nährboden für den sogenannte Pangermanismus, das Streben nach der Einheit aller germanischen Völker. Eine Strömung, die mit Antisemitismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit gepaart war.

Die im Fahrwasser der deutschen NSDAP gegründete österreichische NS-Partei, die NSDAP-Hitlerbewegung, bekam immer mehr Zulauf. In einem instabilen politischen Umfeld verübte sie eine wachsende Zahl von Gewalttaten. Führende Köpfe waren Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Arthur Seyss-Inquart und Adolf Eichmann. Die später als Kriegsverbrecher verurteilten Männer machten Österreich zum Versuchslabor für den Unterdrückungsapparat der Nazis, bevor sie dessen Mechanismen nach dem „Anschluss“ voll übernahmen.

Unter dem Deckmantel der Euthanasie ermordeten sie Menschen mit körperlichen und geistigen Behinderungen in den Krankenhäusern und waren an der Errichtung des Konzentrationslagers Mauthausen beteiligt. Die österreichische Schwesterpartei der NSDAP wurde zur Vorreiterin bei der Verfolgung von Juden, ihrer systematischen Beraubung und der erzwungenen Emigration bis hin zu den allerersten Deportationen. Die von den Parteimitgliedern in ihrem Heimatland erworbene Erfahrung kam nach Kriegsausbruch im gesamten Deutschen Reich in den besetzten beziehungsweise annektierten Gebieten zum Einsatz.

Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs jedoch sah sich Österreich unter Berufung auf den „Anschluss“ 1938 offiziell vor allem als erstes Opfer Adolf Hitlers und legte großen Wert darauf, die eigene Unschuld zu betonen. Mit dieser Mythenbildung weigerte sich das Land, seine Mitverantwortung für die Verbrechen des Dritten Reiches zuzugeben. Auch über die Beteiligung der österreichischen Bevölkerung am Vernichtungsapparat der Nazis wurde lieber geschwiegen. Erst 1991 erkannte der österreichische Staat offiziell an, dass Österreich eine Mitverantwortung an den bis dahin nur Deutschland zugeschriebenen Verbrechen trage.

Dokureihe, Regie: Barbara Necek (F 2022, 53 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 14/10/2023

WARNUNG! Wie es oben darauf geschrieben ist, ist diese Dokumentation für Kinder GAR NICHT geeignet. Auch Jugentliche und empfindsame Leute sollten beim Zuschauen EXTREME VORSICHT üben. – Mark

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Channel Island Nazis Inquiry Under Pressure to Find Out Why Perpetrators Never Faced Justice

THE OBSERVER: Thousands of people may have perished on Alderney during the second world war but their murderers never stood trial

Alderney was the only Channel Island to be evacuated during the second world war as the island became part of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall defence. Photograph: No Credit

The official inquiry into Nazi atrocities committed on Alderney in the Channel Islands is under pressure to investigate why those responsible for committing war crimes on British soil were never brought to trial in the UK.

Prof Anthony Glees, the security and intelligence expert who advised Margaret Thatcher’s war crimes inquiry, told the Observer: “This is a vital opportunity to establish all the facts, and it must examine why those who perpetrated such heinous war crimes were never brought to trial in this country. The review into the atrocities on Alderney is to be warmly welcomed, but I believe it should not just focus on the numbers killed, as important as that is.”

Last week the Observer revealed that the UK’s Holocaust envoy, Lord Pickles, would be launching an inquiry into the number of prisoners murdered by the Nazis in the British crown dependency. But Glees said the investigation needed to delve more widely into the events on the Channel Island to uncover the truth about one of the darkest episodes of British history. He added that the events on Alderney had been excluded from his inquiry in 1989. » | Antony Barnett and Martin Bright | Saturday, July 29, 2023

Sunday, March 27, 2022

What Untruths Is Russia Spreading about Nazis in Ukraine? - BBC News

Mar 27, 2022 • One of President Putin’s justifications for his invasion of Ukraine is that he wants to "denazify" the country.

Ros Atkins looks at the distortions and untruths that Russia is spreading about Nazis in Ukraine - including about the role of the Azov regiment, who are based in Mariupol and are part of Ukraine's national guard.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Mauthausen Resistance I Documentary

Jan 27, 2022 • Mauthausen shows the full horror of the Nazi regime, a concentration camp where 120,000 people died. But a group of Spanish republican prisoners managed, not only to survive their terrible incarceration, but also to reveal to the world what really happened there by saving from destruction thousands of official photographs taken by the SS. This is the little known story of how young photojournalist Francisco Boix, and others, proved the guilt of major Nazi figures with their acts of bravery.

The Mauthausen Resistance I Documentary
Available until the 25/03/2022

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Imaginary Disease – How Italian Doctors Saved Jews from the Nazis | DW Documentary

"Syndrome K" might be the only deadly disease that ever saved lives. Despite the fact that it never really existed.

This film tells the story of three courageous Roman Catholic doctors who saved Jewish lives at a hospital in Rome by means of a convincing lie: they told the Nazis their patients were infected with a highly fatal and contagious disease called Syndrome K.

This incredible story takes place during the Nazi occupation of Rome in October 1943. As Jewish people were being deported to Auschwitz, some Jews sought refuge in the Fatebenefratelli hospital. There, the doctors invented a disease to protect them. Advising their patients to fake symptoms, including coughing, when Nazi officers arrived to carry out inspections, these doctors declared the ward far too contagious for the soldiers to enter. The ruse worked.

Jewish survivors and one of the Italian doctors who carried out the plan were interviewed for this film. In combination with archival footage, these accounts make for a chilling, heroic WWII story.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Pride Month: The Nazi Persecution of Gay People (2020)

Before the Nazis came to power, Berlin was home to a vibrant gay community. Within weeks of their rise in March 1933, the Nazis drove this population underground and waged a violent campaign against homosexuality. Over the next 12 years, more than 100,000 men were arrested for violating Germany's law against "unnatural indecency among men.” During this time, proof was often not required to convict an individual. Some were sent to concentration camps and subjected to hard labor, cruelty, and even medical experiments aimed at “curing” them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Nazi Medical Crimes | DW Documentary

The Allied occupation of Strasbourg on November 23, 1944, spelled the end of the Reich University.

Most professors had fled, but Johannes Stein, Dean of the Medical Faculty, stayed on. What did he know about the crimes of the National Socialists? Most professors had already fled, only a few had stayed on. One of them was Johannes Stein, Dean of the Medical Faculty and grandfather of Kirsten Esch, the author of this film. This documentary is her coming to terms with her own family history. During the Third Reich, this university was seen as a prestige project of National Socialism. Intended as a spiritual bulwark of German culture in occupied Alsace, it was meant to spread Nazi ideology westwards and even eclipse the Sorbonne in Paris. The faculties were staffed with what were purportedly the best minds in Germany, including the Third Reich’s leading lawyer Ernst Rudolf Huber, and the physicist and later peace researcher Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. In her film, the author looks at her grandfather’s role as Dean of the Medical Faculty. What did he know about the crimes committed there? Did he ever visit the nearby Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp, where August Hirt conducted unspeakable "experiments" on human beings? But Kirsten Esch also looks at the Reich University as a place of resistance, and talks about the local students who, led by Alphonse Adam, opposed the compulsory conscription of Alsatian men to the German Wehrmacht. For their resistance, many were sentenced to death.

Friday, January 11, 2019

New Far-right German Party Adopts Former Secret Nazi Symbol

THE GUARDIAN: AfD politician quits to set up party that uses symbol of 1930s Austrian Nazis in logo

A German politician has left the far-right Alternative for Germany to set up a new party with a logo that uses a symbol adopted as a secret sign by Austrian Nazis in the 1930s.

André Poggenburg resigned from his post as the AfD’s regional leader in eastern Saxony-Anhalt state last year after labelling Turks as “camel drivers” and immigrants with dual nationality a “homeless mob we no longer want”. He announced his resignation from the party in an email sent to the leadership earlier this week. » | Josie Le Blond in Berlin | Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, January 11, 2018

"Harry's Story" - Memories of Hiding Jews and Nazi Brutality during WWII

Harry Andringa was only 9 years old and living in Holland when Adolf Hitler's Nazis invaded the Netherlands. Harry's family endured the horrors and atrocities of the Nazi regime for 5 years until Holland was liberated by the Allies.

Many families including Harry's hid Jewish children to prevent them from being sent to concentration camps. This documentary includes a interview with Harry and supported by vintage war footage from the Canadian Army Newsreels - courtesy of the National Film Board of Canada.

Harry used to visit local schools during Remembrance Day services and other times when he was invited to talk to students about WWII. His story is preserved in this documentary so it will not be forgotten.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Economist Yanis Varoufakis on Nazi Resurgence in Europe & Why ”ISIS Loves Donald Trump”

We speak with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis about the rise of the far-right Golden Dawn party in his country and how their policies “have infiltrated the mainstream” in European politics, including anti-immigrant measures similar to those proposed by Trump. Varoufakis says Trump’s vow to crack down on immigration after the attack in New York City will only inspire more attacks, noting that ”ISIS loves Donald Trump.”

Friday, August 18, 2017

Undercover Nazi Michael German: Police Inaction Encourages White Nationalist Groups | MSNBC

As a former undercover Nazi for the FBI, Michael German relates his covert experiences to the outbreak of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, VA, this week.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump: The KKK / Nazi Dream Date

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom gets an update on the situation in Charlottesville from RT correspondent Natasha Sweatte, and then discusses the story further with investigative journalist Greg Palast. Then, Thom talks to Tim Cavanaugh of Real Clear Investigations and Valerie Ervin of the Working Families Party about Trump’s response to the attack in Charlottesville, and the right-wing bills that would hurt protesters.