Showing posts with label Milan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milan. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Italy Smoking: Want to Light Up in Milan? Not Any More, You Can't

BBC: It's all change for the trendy crowds along the canals of Milan, used to holding a glass of aperitivo in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Because a ban on smoking outdoors has just come into force in a range of public places.

Smoking within a 10m (30ft) distance of other people is no longer permitted from Tuesday at bus and tram stops as well as in the city's parks and green spaces, sports and recreational grounds, children's play areas, stadiums and cemeteries.

Italy was the first country in the EU to pass a law backing an indoor ban on smoking in public places in 2003.

Milan is now the first Italian city to introduce such an extensive outdoor ban, part of a package of measures to improve air quality and combat climate change.

Other planned regulations, which will come into effect in phases over the next three decades, also target factors like car emissions and heating fuels. » | Dany Mitzman | Bologna | Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Muslims Call for Polygamy to Be Legalized in Italy after Same-sex Marriage Gets Nod (Debate)

In response to the Italian city of Milan introducing same-sex civil unions, a prominent Muslim activist has called for polygamy to be legalized as well. To discuss further RT is joined by political commentator David Vance and Azad Chaiwala, who created the website

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dolce et Gabbana condamnés en appel à 18 mois de prison

Les stylistes Stefano Gabbana (à gauche) et Domenico Dolce.
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: La cour d'appel de Milan a confirmé la peine de 18 mois de prison prononcée à l'encontre des deux célèbres stylistes italiens Domenico Dolce et Stefano Gabbana, poursuivis pour fraude fiscale estimée à quelque 200 millions d'euros.

Les stylistes italiens Domenico Dolce et Stefano Gabbana, poursuivis pour fraude fiscale estimée à quelque 200 millions d'euros, ont été condamnés mercredi par la cour d'appel de Milan (nord) à 18 mois de prison, ont annoncé les médias italiens.

Les deux créateurs Domenico Dolce, 55 ans, et Stefano Gabbana, 51 ans, ont été reconnus coupables d'escroquerie aux dépens de l'Etat italien et pour des inexactitudes dans leurs déclarations de revenus. En première instance, en juin 2013, les deux créateurs de la marque de vêtements et d'accessoires de luxe Dolce & Gabbana, d'origine sicilienne, avaient été condamnés à un an et huit mois de prison pour une fraude fiscale estimée à près d'un milliard d'euros. » | afp/Newsnet | mercredi 30 avril 2014

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

En Espagne et en Italie, des manifestations dégénèrent

LE FIGARO: EN IMAGES- À Paris, Lisbonne, Bruxelles ou encore Athènes, la mobilisation anti-austérité est importante. Forces de l'ordre et manifestants s'affrontent violemment à Madrid, Turin et Milan.

» | Par Sébastien Thévenet | mercredi 14 novembre 2012

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Italien: Großdemonstrationen gegen Berlusconi

DIE PRESSE: In Mailand und Rom forderten Zehntausende den Rücktritt von Silvio Berlusconi. Den Regierungschef scheint das wenig zu beeindrucken.

Zehntausende Menschen haben am Samstag in Rom und Mailand gegen die Regierung Berlusconi demonstriert. In der italienischen Hauptstadt gingen die Staatsbeamten auf die Straße, um gegen die Sparpläne des Kabinetts zu protestieren. "Ohne den öffentlichen Dienst wirst Du Deiner Rechte beraubt", lautete der Slogan der Demonstranten. Zum Protest rief der größte Gewerkschaftsverband CGIL auf. In Rom schlossen sich dem Protest auch Lehrer, Schüler und Studenten an. Sie schwenkten dabei Plakate mit ironischen Bemerkungen gegen Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi. "Die internationalen Finanzmärkte lehnen Bunga-Bunga ab", hieß es unter anderem in Anspielung auf die Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit Italiens durch US-Ratingagenturen. » | APA | Samstag 08. Oktober 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Italy: Muslims Thank Italian Bishops Leader for Backing Milan Mosque

ADN KRONOS INTERNATIONAL: Milan - Italy's largest Muslim group has sent a message to Italy's highest ranking bishop to thank him for his organisation's support for a project to construct a mosque in Milan, the country's conservative business hub.

In the message to Angelo Bagnasco, who leads Italy's Bishops' Conference (CEI), the UCOII said: "We are relieved and immensely grateful for the position voiced by senior officials from the Italian Bishops' Conference in support of official places of worship for Muslims, an issue which nowadays has wrongly become a political hot potato."

"The brotherly solidarity of the great majority of Christians, which we have experienced at thousands of inter-faith gatherings and debates, has been strongly confirmed," the statement added.

Speaking to journalists on Tuesday during the CEI's general assembly at the Vatican, CEI secretary-general Mariano Crociata said the Catholic Church backed "the right to freedom of worship and places of worship to exercise this fundamental right". » | AKI | Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Attacks Italy's 'Gypsy-loving' Left-wing

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Silvio Berlusconi has accused Italy's left-wing opposition of wanting to turn his hometown of Milan into a "gypsy camp" as the country geared up for a second round of local elections.

"Milan cannot turn into an Islamic city, a 'gypsyopolis' full of Roma camps besieged by foreigners to whom the left wants to give the right to vote," Mr Berlusconi said on his People of Freedom party website.

In the first round of elections last week the centre-left candidate in Milan, Giuliano Pisapia, defied expectations to win 48 per cent, leaving the centre-right mayor Letizia Moratti facing a run-off with only 41.6 per cent.

Mr Berlusconi told voters in the city where he was born and made his fortune that they should support Ms Moratti in the second round scheduled for Sunday and Monday.

"Milan is ... one of the most important capitals in Europe in terms of intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurialism," he said.

"A city like this will surely not want to hand itself over to the extreme left with the risk of becoming a disorderly, chaotic and unsafe city." » | Monday, May 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Echauffourées entre policiers et étudiants devant la Scala de Milan

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: OPÉRA PERTURBÉ | L'ouverture de la saison de la Scala à Milan a été marquée mardi par des échauffourées entre la police et des étudiants qui manifestaient contre les coupes budgétaires du gouvernement, et par une protestation du chef d'orchestre Daniel Barenboïm.

Avant l'hymne national et avant de diriger "La Walkyrie" de Wagner dans le célèbre théâtre milanais, le chef d'orchestre Daniel Barenboïm s'est adressé au président italien Giorgio Napolitano, invité d'honneur, en se disant "très préoccupé pour l'avenir de la culture en Italie et en Europe".

Il a dit s'exprimer "au nom de tous les collègues qui chantent, dansent, travaillent non seulement ici mais dans tous les théâtres italiens".

Le maestro israélo-argentin a ensuite lu solennellement l'article 9 de la Constitution italienne, selon lequel "la République promeut le développement de la culture et la recherche scientifique et technique, protège le paysage et le patrimoine historique et artistique de la nation". >>> AFP | Mardi 07 Décembre 2010

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Italy: La dolce vita Dampened by Excess Alcohol

ADN KRONOS INTERNATIONAL (AKI): Italy's passion for La Dolce vita seems to have been dampened by excess. There are now an estimated 60,000 alcoholics across the country and 1.5 million Italians between the age of 11 and 24 are at risk of alcohol abuse.

Now Italy's two biggest cities, Rome and Milan, have introduced new regulations to restrict alcohol consumption, particularly among young people, to tackle the problem.

The northern city of Milan took the initiative in July and banned the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in an effort to stop binge drinking.

Parents of children under the age of 16 caught drinking wine or spirits will be liable to heavy fines of up to 500 euros.

Now the city of Rome and local merchants have agreed to a new protocol designed to limit the sale of alcohol to teenagers and monitor consumption.

Under the new regulations it will be illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 16 and anyone serving alcohol must be at least 18 years of age.

If the city's nightclubs want to stay open until 5 a.m. they must also follow this new protocol or their late licence will be revoked.

Emanuela Lancianese, a spokeswoman for Rome city council, told Adnkronos International (AKI) that excessive alcohol consumption had become a serious problem in the Italian capital. >>> Christina Fox | Friday, August 07, 2009

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Italy: Proposed Fines for Muslims Sparks Controversy

ADNKRONOS INTERNATIONAL: Milan - The President of the northern Italian city of Milan, Filippo Penati, has triggered widespread debate with a controversial proposal to fine Muslims who pray on the streets outside the city's mosque.

According to authorities, the number of people praying on the sidewalk creates traffic and obstacles for pedestrians in the area surrounding the Viale Jenner mosque, a converted garage.

"Article 190 of the law regarding the obstruction of streets should be applied immediately," said Penati. Italy: Proposed Fines for Muslims Sparks Controversy >>> | July 7, 2008

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