Showing posts with label Mein Kampf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mein Kampf. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Mein Kampf: The Secrets of Adolf Hitler's Book of Evil | Free Documentary Nature

Today Adolf Hitler’s autobiography cum Nazi manifesto is still sold all over the world, under the counter, on the internet or simply at the bookshop. This 700 page book, published in 1925, was re-edited numerous times since the death of the author. How was it written? Was Hitler really the author? Were the war and the Holocaust truly inscribed in its pages? This documentary plunges deep into the secrets of Mein Kampf. A simple book of paradoxes: famous but unknown, fascinating and repulsive.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ On Sale in Germany for First Time Since WWII

An annotated edition of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ (‘My Struggle’), the book, illuminating the origins of Nazi ideology, is on sale for the first time in Germany since World War II. RT’s Peter Oliver has more.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

«Mein Kampf» en édition commentée dès janvier

Soixante-dix ans après la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, c'est
la première fois que le brûlot antisémite est réédité en Allemagne.
LE MATIN: ALLEMAGNE — Pour la première fois depuis la fin du Troisième Reich, une édition commentée de «Mein Kampf» sortira en Allemagne début 2016.

Andreas Wirsching, directeur de l'Institut d'histoire contemporaine (IFZ) de Munich (sud) a estimé que la sortie du pamphlet d'Adolf Hitler aura lieu «entre 8 et le 11 janvier». Une présentation au public est prévue durant la première quinzaine du même mois.

L'ouvrage, qui comprend le texte du dictateur nazi ainsi que 3500 annotations, comportera deux volumes pour un total de 1.948 pages et sera vendu 59 euros, a précisé le responsable de l'Institut qui travaille depuis 2009 sur ce projet.

«Il aurait été irresponsable de laisser le livre passer de main en main sans être commenté», a-t-il également insisté lors d'une rencontre avec des journalistes étrangers à Berlin. » | afp/nxp | mardi 1 décembre 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

«Mein Kampf» sera bientôt dans les kiosques

La nouvelle édition sera composée du texte original et de
5000 commentaires d'historiens.
24 HEURES: Allemagne Septante ans après la mort de Hitler, les droits de son livre tomberont dans le domaine public le 31 décembre prochain.

Interdit depuis 1945, Mein Kampf sera disponible dans les librairies allemandes dans moins d’un an. L’Institut d’histoire contemporaine (IfZ) a annoncé hier la réédition commentée du livre d’Adolf Hitler en janvier 2016. Les droits tomberont dans le domaine public à la fin de l’année.

La nouvelle édition comptera 2000 pages au total (avec près de 800 pages consacrées au texte original) agrémentées de 5000 commentaires d’historiens. On ne connaît pas encore son prix. » | De Christophe Bourdoiseau Berlin | samedi 21 février 2015

Friday, March 09, 2012

German Court Bans ‘Mein Kampf’ Extracts

EXPATICA – GERMANY: A German court has banned a British publisher from printing extracts of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf", upholding a ruling that doing so would break copyright laws.

Peter McGee, who planned to publish parts of the anti-Semitic book alongside commentary from historians, vowed to appeal against the decision but said he would respect the ruling and refrain from publication for now.

The court in the city of Munich ruled in favour of the southern state of Bavaria, which holds the rights to all publications from the main Nazi publishing house and had sought to block the book's appearance.

"He has been dead for 70 years but Adolf Hitler is still keeping the courts busy," the regional court in Munich said in a statement.

Confirming an earlier decision from January, the court concluded: "To shorten a work and add explanations and comments does not give rights over the... published original work." » | Thursday, March 08, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Adolf for Everyone: 'Mein Kampf' Extracts To Be Sold in Germany

SPIEGEL INTERNATIONAL ONLINE: A British publisher plans to sell excerpts from Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in Germany, claiming he wants to demystify the infamous book. But the controversial move could provoke a legal dispute with the Bavarian government, which owns the copyright and refuses reprint permission.

Is it permissible to sit in a cafe and read Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf?" British publisher Peter McGee, 51, has no doubt. "Of course it is. It's long overdue that a broad public should get the opportunity to deal with the original text."

And because McGee is so sure he's right, he plans to serialize extracts of the book in three small 15-page brochures with an initial print run of 100,000 copies each. The front cover features a photo of Hitler with a black bar obscuring his eyes and a headline that translates to "The unreadable book."

The plans could trigger opposition from Bavarian civil servants, though. Contrary to common belief, "Mein Kampf" is not banned in Germany. But the state of Bavaria, which seized Hitler's assets after his death, owns the copyright to his infamous treatise and has so far consistently prohibited efforts to reprint it.

McGee likes a fight and is no stranger to scandal. In 2009, he published reprints of vintage Nazi newspapers like Der Angriff and Völkischer Beobachter with print runs of up to 300,000, delivered alongside comments from historians. » | Martin U. Müller and Florian Zerfaß | Monday, January 06, 2012

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Parts of Mein Kampf to be published in Germany: A British company plans to break one of the great taboos of Germany by publishing excerpts of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. ¶ Starting in two weeks Albertas Press, a London based publishing house, will print sections of the book in German with critical commentaries printed alongside. The company plans to print three 15-page editions, each with a print run of 100,000. ¶ Witten by Hitler as he served a jail sentence for his role in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, Mein Kampf has not been published in Germany since the end of the Second World War. In the book Hitler mixes autobiographical elements and expositions of his political thesis, outlining his hatred of communism and Jews, and his conviction that Germany was destined to fight the "Judeo-Bolshevik regime" of the Soviet Union. » | Matthew Day | Monday, January 16, 2012

Friday, March 26, 2010

Russia Bans Hitler's Mein Kampf Over Fears It Fuels Rise of Far-Right

THE TELEGRAPH: Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf has been banned in Russia in an attempt to combat the growing allure of far-Right politics.

Russian prosecutors on Friday banned the 1925 semi-autobiographical book, saying its outline of racial supremacy encouraged extremist and violent behaviour.

Despite including tracts that are both anti-Jewish and anti-Russian, it has become increasingly popular among Russia's far-Right groups.

Russian extremists have attacked migrant workers from poor nations in Central Asia and the Caucasus who come to Russia and often have menial jobs and squalid living conditions. African and Asian students and Russians who do not look Slavic have also been targeted.

At least 60 people were killed and 306 injured in hate attacks in Russia last year, according to Sova, a Moscow-based non-governmental organisation that tracks racist violence. >>> | Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Niederlande: Den Koran verbieten!

ZEIT ONLINE: Die Niederlande stehen vor einer Neuwahl. Der Populist Geert Wilders hat gute Chancen

Gibt sich als Anwalt der kleinen Bürger und ist antiislamisch: Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders. Foto: Zeit Online

Diesen Niederländer halten viele für einen Fanatiker, einen bedenkenlosen Populisten und Hetzer. Er sei besessen von der Vorstellung, Europa sei bedroht durch eine gigantische Welle der Islamisierung, es nahe das Ende der westlichen Kultur. Ist so einer mit einer derart fixen Idee nicht selbst gefährlich für die liberale Demokratie?

Die Frage ist wichtig, denn Geert Wilders könnte vor einer neuen Stufe seiner Karriere stehen. In den Niederlanden ist die Regierung zerbrochen, am 9. Juni wird das Parlament neu gewählt. Wilders wird seit Monaten in den Meinungsumfragen hoch gehandelt. Anfang März, bei den landesweiten Kommunalwahlen, wird er seine Stärke wohlkalkuliert nur in zwei Gemeinden testen, in Den Haag und in einer modernen Satellitensiedlung in der Nähe Amsterdams. Wilders wird in jedem Fall zu den Gewinnern zählen.

Der 46-jährige Abgeordnete nennt den Koran vergleichbar mit Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf, weshalb er verboten gehöre. Der Islam sei »faschistisch und krank«, und die Kriminalität muslimischer Jugendlicher sei ein Produkt ihrer Religion und Kultur. Finanzpolitisch noch nicht ganz ausgegoren wirkt Wilders’ Forderung nach einer Kopftuchsteuer. >>> Von Werner A. Perger | Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010


Geert Wilders ist kein Rechtspopulist, und er ist auch nicht “besessen” von einer falschen Vorstellung von der Bedrohung von Islam. Eigentlich, ist es eine Tatsache, daß Europa vor einer "gigantischen Welle" der Islamisierung steht. Leider, haben andere Politiker den Mut nicht dazu, etwas dagegen zu tun. Geert Wilders hat den erforderlichen Mut, und deshalb gehört er an der Spitze der Politik in den Niederlanden.
– © Mark

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to Be Republished in Germany

THE TELEGRAPH: Adolf Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf" is to be republished in Germany in 2015 for the first time since being banned under the country's constitution at the end of the Second World War.

Under the post-1945 German constitution, the dissemination of Nazi philosophy has been a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment.

But the copyright, held by the state of Bavaria where the Nazi movement began life in the 1920s, expires in 2015, 70 years after the death of its author in his Berlin bunker.

On Thursday the Munich-based Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ) pledged to publish an "annotated version" with historical notes that it hopes will see the book used in schools and colleges.

The finance ministry in Bavaria said it had still not decided whether to give its permission but it is understood that with the lapse in copyright, the IfZ will not need the green light from it. "Besides, we think our version, with sensible notes and comments pointing out the falsity of much of what he wrote, will be far better than neo-Nazis putting out their own versions," said the IfZ. >>> Allan Hall in Berlin | Thursday, February 04, 2010

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Opinion – Leon de Winter*: Stop the Trial of Geert Wilders

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: A Dutch court is forced to compare Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' and the Quran.

What started as a trial against Geert Wilders for alleged Islamophobia has nearly turned into its opposite: a historical case about the message of the Quran. The Amsterdam court trying the controversial Dutch politician is now preoccupied with the question of whether this book, sacred to more than a billion believers, can be compared to one of the most vile publications in the history of Western civilization—Hitler's "Mein Kampf." What could possibly go wrong?

In his writing and speeches, Mr. Wilders has found these two works to be similar in terms of their anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred, and has thus called for a publishing ban on the Quran similar to the one in place for "Mein Kampf." This is what triggered Mr. Wilders's prosecution for discriminatory and insulting remarks against Muslims and Islam. The Dutch politician, though, denies having insulted Muslims. He insists his focus is on radical Islam and the Quran, which he considers to be not only a religious text but also a political pamphlet encouraging Muslims to discriminate against and, if necessary, kill Jews, Christians, apostates and other unbelievers. That's why Mr. Wilders claims the right to criticize and condemn Islam.

Following complaints brought by mostly Muslim and radical leftist activists, Amsterdam's district attorney in 2008 at first found no legal basis for prosecuting Mr. Wilders. Prosecutors were forced to change course only after an activist appeals court last year ordered Mr. Wilders's prosecution—basically condemning the politician before any trial could even begin and before Mr. Wilders had a chance to defend himself. The court's unusual intervention illustrates the Dutch confusion about the conflict between two essential rights: the right to free speech and the right to protection from discrimination. >>> Leon de Winter* | Tuesday, January 26, 2010

*Mr. de Winter is a Dutch novelist and adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Dark Age Alert! Hero on Trial in the Netherlands

TIMES ONLINE: The Dutch far-right MP Geert Wilders was greeted with applause from the public gallery as he faced court for the first day of his landmark trial on charges of inciting racial hatred against Muslims.

Mr Wilders, 46, sat impassively as his lawyer argued that the leader of the Freedom Party, which made big gains at last summer's European elections, had made his critical remarks about Islam in his role as an elected Member of Parliament.

Bram Moszkowicz said that Mr Wilders had a mandate to speak out against what he saw as the Islamisation of the Netherlands and argued that he had not discriminated against a specific national group, saving his attacks for the ideology of political Islam.

Around 200 supporters of Mr Wilders had travelled from as far as Cologne in Germany to hold up placards declaring that free speech was under assault by Islam and by the politically correct. The case is being watched as a test of the limits of political tolerance in the Netherlands after years of relaxed immigration policies which have seen the Musim population rise to around 1 million out of 16 million.

"This case is about more than Mr Wilders," Mr Moszkowicz told Amsterdam District Court this morning. "It touches us all. It is such an important and principled question that could have far-reaching consequences."

Mr Wilders faces a 70-page charge sheet covering five counts of breaking Dutch law on incitement and discriminiation against Muslims in more than 100 public statements, for example by likenening the Koran to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and calling for an end to the "Islamic invasion."

The alleged offences include Mr Wilders' film Fitna, which shows images of 9/11 and beheadings interspersed with verses from the Koran. It ends with a the controverisal Danish cartoon of the prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb as a turban. Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders on trial for anti-Muslim stance >>> David Charter in Amsterdam | Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Islam-Gegner Wilders in den Niederlanden vor Gericht: Alle Anschuldigungen beim Prozessauftakt bestritten

NZZ ONLINE: Zu Beginn seines Prozesses wegen angeblicher Anstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime hat der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders alle Vorwürfe der Volksverhetzung zurückgewiesen.

Die ihm zur Last gelegten kritischen Äusserungen über Muslime, den Koran und den Islam seien «ein substanzieller Beitrag zur öffentlichen Debatte» und keineswegs strafbar, erklärte Wilders Abraham Moszkowicz vor Gericht in Amsterdam.

Der Gründer und Chef der Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) habe seine Islam-Kritik zudem stets in seiner Eigenschaft als Abgeordneter des niederländischen Parlaments vorgebracht und müsse daher Immunität geniessen. Gerichtsgebäude abgeriegelt >>> sda/dpa | Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010

MEIN KOMMENTAR: So nervös sind wir des Islams wegen in Europa geworden, daß harmlose Kommentare wie dieser, aus Angst, werden nicht mehr gedruckt:
In Europa ist es so weit gekommen, daß wir nicht mehr aussprechen dürfen, was für ein Gefahr für unsere Zivilisation und unsere Freiheit Islam ist. Erstaunlich! Blödsinnig! Dumm! Wir begehen Selbstmord! – © Mark

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wilders to Be Tried for Hate Speech

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Geert Wilders will be tried for hate speech and inciting discrimination in a Dutch court next Wednesday.

A ruling on Tuesday took away the last obstacle standing in the way of the case against anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, when the court dismissed his objections against prosecution.

Wilders’ lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, had argued his client could not be prosecuted for discriminatory insults since the Dutch supreme court had very narrowly defined that concept in a ruling last March. The supreme court then found that insulting a religion did not automatically imply an insult to its believers, meaning it could be legal.

Last Tuesday however, the lower court hearing Wilder’s objections found that the supreme court ruling did not stand in the way of Wilder’s prosecution.

The ruling paves the way for the case against Wilders to be tried, which has been long in the making.

The case against Wilders originates in several complaints filed by the Dutch lawyer Gerard Spong on behalf of several clients, including the well known Dutch comedian Jörgen Raymann and the board of the As Soennah Mosque in The Hague. >>> NRC Handelsblad’s News Staff | Thursday, January 14, 2010

Niederlande: Bahn frei für Prozess gegen Wilders

DIE PRESSE: Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders muss sich im März wegen Aufstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime vor Gericht verantworten. Seine Beschwerde gegen den Prozess ist zurückgewiesen worden.

Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders muss sich im März in einem mit Spannung erwarteten Prozess für die mutmaßliche Aufstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime verantworten. Eine Beschwerde gegen das Verfahren wurde am Mittwoch von einem Gericht in Amsterdam zurückgewiesen. Wilders habe keine neuen Beweise vorgelegt, die zu einer Abschwächung der Anklage führen könnten.

Vorwurf eines "Schauprozesses"

Er habe keine Volksverhetzung betrieben, sagte der Chef der erstarkten rechtsgerichteten "Partei für die Freiheit" in der Gerichtsanhörung. Das, was er gegen Islam und Koran gesagt habe, sei von der Meinungsfreiheit geschützt. Nach der Anhörung warf er der niederländischen Justiz vor, einen politischen Schauprozess gegen ihn zu inszenieren. 

Selbst "das Rechtssystem in Nordkorea ist besser als das der Niederlande". Die Rahmenbedingungen bei der Anhörung zu seinem bevorstehenden Prozess in Amsterdam nannte Wilders "schlimmer als im Archipel Gulag", berichtete die Zeitung "de Volkskrant" am Donnerstag. Koran wie "Mein Kampf" verbieten >>> Ag. | Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010

Pays-Bas: le député Wilders débouté

LE FIGARO: Un tribunal d'Amsterdam a rejeté mercredi une requête du député d'extrême droite néerlandais Geert Wilders, réalisateur du film anti-islam "Fitna", contre l'acte d'accusation du parquet qui le poursuit notamment pour incitation à la haine raciale. La requête de M. Wilders, qui conteste les poursuites dont il fait l'objet, est "non recevable", a indiqué le tribunal.

M. Wilders, 46 ans, est accusé d'avoir insulté les musulmans et d'avoir incité à la haine et à la discrimination à leur égard pour avoir comparé le Coran au "Mein Kampf" d'Adolf Hitler, selon l'acte d'accusation dont l'AFP a obtenu une copie. Il est également poursuivi pour incitation à la haine et à la discrimination envers les personnes d'origine étrangère, notamment marocaine, pour des propos tenus dans la presse et sur internet. >>> AFP | Mercredi 13 Janvier 2010

Lights Dim on West: Prosecution Widens Charges Against Free Speech in Geert Wilders Trial

ATLAS SHRUGS: They are creating new charges against Geert Wilders, this century's Winston Churchill. This is bad news for Wilders, but worse news for us. For Wilders is merely our proxy in this war on Western civilization and values. This is our battle.

The escalation in the persecution of Wilders is directly related to his popularity. He is now the number one party in the Netherlands (origin of recent Muslim plane attackers). So not only is Wilders being prosecuted, but so are a majority of beleaguered Dutch folks.

Islamic jihad can keep up its relentless destruction of the West but do not dare talk about it.

The trial begins January 20th. >>> Pamela Geller | Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Friday, November 27, 2009

Mein Kampf a Hit on Dhaka Streets

BBC: Booksellers touting their wares amid the heavy traffic in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, have discovered an unusual best-seller.

Adolf Hitler's autobiography manifesto Mein Kampf is selling as well as Dan Brown's latest novel, The Lost Symbol.

The street vendors in Dhaka are found at every major road junction and intersection.

Most of the sellers are young boys and many compete with beggars to attract the attention of motorists.

Last week, Mein Kampf did unusually well because many bought the book to give it away as an Eid present. >>> Alastair Lawson, BBC News, Dhaka | Friday, November 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hip, Hip, Hoorah! Geert Can Enter the United Kingdom!

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG: It’s being reported that Dutch MP Geert Wilders has won his appeal against being banned from the UK. According to Radio Netherlands:
The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in London has ruled that the British government was wrong to deny populist Dutch politician Geert Wilders entry to the United Kingdom. Mr Wilders planned to show his film Fitna to the British parliament. The government refused to allow him to enter the UK on the grounds that he represented a threat to public order. It is not clear whether the tribunal’s decision means that Mr Wilders is now free to travel to the UK. The British government has not yet reacted to the ruling.
Whether or not one agrees with Wilders’ views on Islam, which make me look like “Koran” Armstrong in comparison, the ban was outrageous. Britain allows all sorts of shady and colourful foreigners to use our premises for their nefarious activities – in contrast here was an elected representative of a democratic European party who was invited by two British parliamentarians to privately broadcast a film about religious fundamentalism.

Wilders had every right to come here, and as far as I can see the only reason he was banned was cowardly British fear of French-style riots. Lord Ahmed, a self-proclaimed Muslim “leader” who, unlike Wilders, has never been elected by anyone, said that Wilders’s criticism of his religion was “an incitement of religious and racial hatred”. He denies saying he would bring down 10,000 protesters to the Lords, but there was a definite air of surrender in the air.

Meanwhile the Government’s great friends, the Muslim Council of Britain, called Wilders “an open and relentless preacher of hate”. (This is the same MCB that has been reluctant to attend Holocaust Memorial Day and objects to mention of the “alleged Armenian genocide” and the “so-called gay Holocaust”.)

Wilders for his part has never preached hatred against any people, only a religion, and has flatly said “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam”. (Plenty of my friends absolutely hate Christianity and wish it driven off the face of the earth, but I don’t take it as a personal affront. That’s because I’m a grown-up). Wilders has also compared the Koran to Mein Kampf and its founder to a terrorist, and has talked about a growing Islamic population with dread. He said: “Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches.” Geert Wilders is free to enter Britain >>> Ed West | Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fitna: The Original Version

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Court rules UK was wrong to bar Geert Wilders >>> Reuters, RNW | Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NRC HANDELSBLAD audio: Wilders reacts to UK ruling >>>

Friday, August 14, 2009

Signed Copy of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Sells at Auction

THE TELEGRAPH: More than 80 years after it was first published -and later outlawed- in Germany, a signed copy of Adolf Hitler's infamous manifesto "Mein Kampf" was sold on Thursday for £21,000.

The semi-autobiographical work outlining Hitler's anti-Semitic ideology, was sold to an anonymous telephone bidder at an auction in Ludlow.

Written in 1924 while Hitler was serving a four-year prison term in the southern German region of Bavaria, the book was first published in 1926.

Although it has been republished abroad, it has been banned in Germany since the Second World War.

"I am absolutely pleased," said Richard Westwood-Brookes from Mullock's Auctioneers. He said he believed the second-edition book to be a prepublication copy given by Hitler to a fellow inmate in 1925, making it a "highly prized article".

"Only a couple-dozen copies are given to the author, so they are pretty rare," he said. >>> | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

German Jews Want 'Mein Kampf' Reprinted

THE INDEPENDENT: Country divided by call to republish Hitler's anti-semitic autobiography

Germany's Central Council of Jews has taken the unprecedented step of backing a proposal to republish Adolf Hitler's infamous autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf, which has been strictly outlawed in the country since the end of the Second World War.

Although many German Jews still oppose reissuing Hitler's anti-Semitic work, Stephan Kramer, the general secretary of the country's leading Jewish organisation, supports a new scholarly edition of the work designed to inform future generations of the evils of Nazism.

"It makes sense and is important to publish an edition of Mein Kampf with an academic commentary," Mr Kramer said. "A historically critical edition needs to be prepared today to prevent neo-Nazis profiting from it."

However the southern state of Bavaria, which holds the rights to the book, remains strongly opposed to the idea. "We won't lift the ban as it may play straight into the hands of the far right," said a spokesman for the Bavarian government. "Prohibition is highly regarded by Jewish groups and we mean to keep it that way," he said.

Several German academics, including the historian Jürgen Faulenbach, also oppose republishing the work and insist that it does little to throw light on the Nazi era. "The book does not provide any important answers to questions about how the Nazi regime was possible," he said. "It only contains the polarising views of the author. To lift a 60 year old ban on Mein Kampf would be problematic."

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which means "My Struggle", in 1924 while serving a four-year term in a Bavarian prison. The book contains the Nazi leader's well-known views on racial purity, and demonstrates his hatred of communism and the Jews. It also hints at his long term plans for the Holocaust. >>> Tony Paterson in Berlin | Monday, August 10, 2009

The Independent leading article: Publish and let Hitler be damned >>> | Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wilders Asks High Court to Halt Prosecution

Geert Wilders courtesy of Google Images

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Populist politician Geert Wilders is taking his case to the high court, asking the country's highest judicial body to quash the order to prosecute him "in the interest of the law".

The member of parliament has enlisted one of the Netherlands' best known lawyers, Bram Moszkowicz, to fight his prosecution over inciting hatred and discrimination. The lawyer has confirmed he is taking the case to the country's high court, requesting an immediate end to the proceedings.

The Amsterdam appeals court in January ordered that Wilders must be prosecuted for insulting Muslims and describing the Koran as "the Islamic Mein Kampf". Wilders, leader of the opposition Party for Freedom (PVV), claims he is doing nothing other than exercising his right to free speech, both inside and outside parliament. Following formal objections by individual citizens and interest groups, the Amsterdam court order reversed a decision by the public prosecutor's office to refrain from opening a case against Wilders.

Wilders on his website says: "I've hired the best lawyer of the Netherlands for a ruthless fight against the charges that I'm facing." In an earlier case Moszkowicz profited from a state’s request to quash a case in the interest of the law, achieving almost by accident his desired result of halting the prosecution in the Netherlands of Surinam's former strongman Desi Bouterse for his involvement in a series of political murders in 1982. The court declared in 2001 that the Netherlands had no jurisdiction in that case.

Dozens of citizens, companies and authorities plead for the cassation of irrevocable verdicts against them every year in the Netherlands, mostly to no avail. The independent representative of the prosecution at the high court almost never accepts such requests. The procedure is mainly used to correct obvious mistakes, clarify jurisprudence, affirm or rephrase the court's position. The criteria for quashing a verdict "in the interest of the law" is that a greater public interest is at stake.

According to Ybo Buruma, professor of criminal law at the Radboud University, Wilders's request to have his case put before the high court has a minimal chance of success. Buruma thinks that public relations are more involved here than the law. Yet he understands why Moszkowicz is exploring this avenue, given the practical consequences of the verdict in the Bouterse case. >>> By Folkert Jensma | Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This article was translated and edited in partnership with RNW.

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Friday, January 23, 2009

Magazine Faces Legal Action over Third Reich Reprints


SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: A German magazine published Thursday featured reprints of a Nazi newspaper, including stories about the 1933 Reichstag fire and a column by Joseph Goebbels. Bavaria, which owns the copyright to the texts, is threatening criminal and civil proceedings to stop further reproductions.

Reprinting original Nazi texts is always controversial in Germany -- the original text of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf," for example, cannot be printed here because its copyright is held by the state of Bavaria, which quickly gets litigious if anyone attempts to reproduce the work. Now a new magazine has run into trouble for reprinting Nazi newspapers.

The Bavarian Finance Ministry announced Thursday that it will file a complaint against the magazine Zeitungszeugen over its decision to reprint the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter in its second issue. The ministry also said that it would launch civil proceedings against the newspaper to stop it from further reprints. >>> dgs -- with wire reports | Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) – Deutschland & Österreich >>>