Showing posts with label Mark Rutte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Rutte. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

Dutch PM Mark Rutte to Leave Politics after Collapse of Government

THE GUARDIAN: Netherlands’ longest serving PM announces decision after his coalition resigned on Friday

The Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, the Netherlands’ longest serving premier, said on Monday he would leave politics after a general election sparked by his government’s resignation.

His decision means the end of more than 13 years in power for the conservative leader sometimes called Teflon Mark because scandals that plagued his four different administrations did not stick to him. » | Associated Press in The Hague | Monday, July 10, 2023

Related video here.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Dutch PM Rutte Resigns after Coalition Splits over Migration | DW News

Jul 8, 2023 | Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has announced his resignation, after his governing coalition fell apart. The four parties failed to agree on measures to address immigration. Crisis talks between partners fell apart late Friday evening. Rutte is the Netherlands' longest-serving leader. His government will stay on in caretaker mode, until new elections later this year.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Der niederländische Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte ist offenbar im Visier der Drogenmafia

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In den Niederlanden wird gerade einem berüchtigten Drogenboss und seiner Bande der Prozess gemacht. Sollte es die «Mocro-Mafia» auch auf Mark Rutte abgesehen haben? Der Ministerpräsident steht derzeit unter erhöhtem Polizeischutz.

Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte sei seit mehreren Tagen schon nicht mehr mit seinem Velo zur Arbeit gefahren. | Imago

Mark Rutte gibt sich gerne volksnah. Allein in ausgebleichten Jeans durch Den Haag radelnd – am besten noch einen angebissenen Apfel in der rechten Hand –, so lächelt der niederländische Ministerpräsident am liebsten in die Kameras der Fotografen. Auf sichtbaren Personenschutz verzichtet er seit Jahren. Allenfalls gut versteckt im Hintergrund sollen sich die Männer mit den Knöpfen im Ohr halten. Kritik, dass dieses Verhalten leichtsinnig sein könnte, ignorierte der 54-Jährige. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 29. September 2021

Dutch PM Given Extra Security amid Fears of Drug Gang Attack »

Monday, September 27, 2021

Dutch PM Given Extra Security amid Fears of Drug Gang Attack

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Spotters’ were seen scoping out movements of Mark Rutte, who cycles to work in The Hague

Mark Rutte on a bike in The Hague in March. Photograph: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters

The Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, who cycles to work in The Hague, has reportedly been given extra personal security in response to raised fears of a kidnapping or attack by organised crime.

The decision was made after “spotters” were seen scoping out Rutte’s movements, raising concerns about a possible move by one of the country’s drug gangs.

According to De Telegraaf newspaper, specially trained police officers from the Royal and Diplomatic Security Service (DKDB) have been deployed to shadow Rutte, who has often eschewed close protection during his 10 years as premier.

An ”elite security guard” was visibly in position during a two-day budget debate last week, which the Telegraaf reported was a result of the increased security brief. A government spokesperson declined to comment.

The far-right politician Geert Wilders tweeted: “Terrible. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Good luck Prime Minister Rutte.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Monday, September 27, 2021

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dutch PM on Brexit: UK Is a Waning Country Too Small to Stand Alone

THE GUARDIAN: Mark Rutte gives withering verdict as he warns against ‘devastating’ no-deal scenario

Britain is a “waning country” and too small to stand alone on the world stage, the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, has claimed in a withering assessment of the UK’s exit from the EU.

Rutte, who has emerged as a key player in the talks over the past two years, also warned in an interview that the UK looked to be sliding off the “precipice” towards a “devastating” no-deal Brexit.

“Who will be left weakened by Brexit is the United Kingdom,” he said. “It is already weakening, it is a waning country compared to two or three years ago. It is going to become an economy of middling size in the Atlantic Ocean. It is neither the US nor the EU. It is too small to appear on the world stage on its own.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Thursday, February 14, 2019

THE GUARDIAN: Netherlands PM uses Britain's Brexit 'chaos' as cautionary tale »

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dutch General Election: German Chancellor Angela Merkel "Very Happy" Over Results

Mark Rutte Says Dutch People Have Rejected 'Wrong Sort of Populism'

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte says the election result, in which his VVD party comfortably beat the anti-Islam Freedom party of Geert Wilders, shows the people have said no to ‘the wrong side of populism’. As party supporters celebrate the victory around him, Rutte says the vote was also a vote for economic stability, ‘that we should not experiment, that we should continue the policies of recovery.’

Monday, March 13, 2017

Is the Far-right Headed for Victory in the Netherlands? Inside Story

The Netherlands has long been known as a country of socially liberal values.

Why should the rise in the so-called far-right in The Netherlands be an enigma? The Dutch were very liberal when there was no threat to their liberal way of life. Now that there is, the Dutch have become more 'conservative.' As Islam has grown in strength in The Netherlands, and as Islam is very regressive and illiberal, this has been the motivating factor for the rise in the far-right in the country. This should not be a surprise to anyone. – Mark

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Prime Minister and Wilders Clash over Refugees

DUTCH NEWS: Prime minister Mark Rutte launched a strong attack on PVV leader Geert Wilders during the second day of debate on the government’s 2016 spending plans.

During his speech on Wednesday, Wilders had used phrases such as ‘Islamic asylum tsunami’ and described refugees as ‘testosterone bombs’ who ‘threaten our girls’. Rutte said on Thursday such terminology is ‘terrible’ and failed to make any contribution to finding a solution.

While agreeing with Wilders that some councils had not properly consulted their residents about the arrival of refugee centres, the prime minister said he had ‘very great faith’ in the Dutch people. They understand there is no simple answer to this complex problem, Rutte said.

‘We have to be fair to voters,’ Rutte said. ‘This is a complicated issue and there is no simple solution… and Wilders knows that more than anyone.’ » | Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Claims Victory

Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime minister, has claimed victory in the country's parliamentary elections. Preliminary results show his centre-right Liberal Party won 41 seats in the 150 member house. Earlier Dutch Labour Leader Diederik Samsom conceded defeat with 39 seats. Al Jazeera's Simon McGregor-Wood reports.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Die Niederlande einigen sich auf ein Sparbudget

TAGES ANZEIGER: Drei Tage nach ihrem Rücktritt hat die niederländische Regierung doch noch eine Mehrheit für ihr umstrittenes Sparbudget erreicht. Als nächstes wird es nun von der EU unter die Lupe genommen.

Drei kleinere Oppositionsparteien sagten dem amtierenden Ministerpräsidenten Mark Rutte heute ihre Unterstützung für das Sparbudget zu.

Die Koalition aus Liberalen und Christdemokraten sicherte sich die Unterstützung der kleinen sozialliberalen Partei D66 sowie der ChristenUnie und der Grünen. Zusammen verfügen die Parteien im Parlament über 77 der 150 Sitze. » | fko/sda | Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Niederländische Regierung zurückgetreten

Verwandt »
Regierungskrise in den Niederlanden: Premier Rutte tritt zurück

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Regierung der Niederlande ist am Ende, weil die Haushaltsverhandlungen geplatzt sind. Premierminister Mark Rutte hat bei Königin Beatrix seinen Rücktritt eingereicht. Deutschland verliert damit einen wichtigen Verbündeten in der Euro-Krise.

Amsterdam - Der niederländische Regierungschef Mark Rutte ist nach den geplatzten Haushaltsverhandlungen zurückgetreten. Rutte habe der Königin die Auflösung seines Kabinetts angeboten. Das teilte die Regierung in Den Haag am Montagnachmittag offiziell mit. Zuvor hatte es zahlreiche Medienberichte gegeben, wonach der Premier zurücktreten wolle. » | anr/hen/heb/AFP/dpa/dapd | Montag, 23. April 2012

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte resigns over austerity measures: Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime Minister, handed his resignation to the country’s Queen after European Union demands for austerity measures to bring Holland into line with euro spending rules caused the collapse of his government. » | Bruno Waterfield | Monday, April 23, 2012

Related »
Wilders Back on the Barricades

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Early elections in the Netherlands are all but certain after negotiations on austerity measures broke down on Saturday. Geert Wilders, leader of the populist Freedom Party, dramatically walked out of the talks at the last minute, just as an agreement seemed imminent.

After one and a half years helping govern the Netherlands by supporting a minority government, Geert Wilders has had enough. Now his Freedom Party movement can go back to a more comfortable role as protest party.

Since leaving the free-market liberal VVD party seven years ago, Mr Wilders has fashioned himself into a populist, anti-establishment politician. The champion of the average working class Joe, a constituency he refers to as ‘Henk and Ingrid’.

Strange bedfellows

That anti-establishment image was severely challenged the moment he signed a governing agreement with two stalwarts of the Dutch establishment, the VVD and the Christian Democrats. Wilders did keep a modicum of distance by not actually participating in the government, merely supporting it from parliament. The Christian Democrats refusal to allow Wilders into the cabinet gave him a convenient excuse not to join the cabinet as a full partner.

Even that distance was not enough. Governing in a coalition system such as here in the Netherlands requires compromise. Mr Wilders, on the other hand, rose to prominence by ridiculing the very culture of compromise. He risked being seen as just another wishy-washy politician, willing to trade away his principles. » | John Tyler | Sunday, April 22, 2012

Verwandt »

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Niederlande stehen nach Budgetstreit vor Neuwahlen

DIE PRESSE: Die Freiheitspartei von Geert Wilders legt sich gegen den Haushaltsentwurf der Minderheitsregierung quer. Bis zu 16 Milliarden Euro sollen eingespart werden.

Nach dem Scheitern von Budgetverhandlungen stehen den Niederlanden Neuwahlen bevor. Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte sagte am Samstagnachmittag, seine Minderheitsregierung sei sich mit der rechtspopulistischen Freiheitspartei (PVV), von der das Kabinett geduldet wird, nicht einig geworden. Daher würden die Gespräche beendet. "Es liegt auf der Hand, dass es Neuwahlen geben wird."

Die Minderheitsregierung strebt Einsparungen von 14 bis 16 Milliarden Euro an. Die liberal-christliche Koalition ist auf die Tolerierung der Rechtspopulisten angewiesen. "Ich habe gehofft, dass wir uns einigen können. Aber der Haushaltsentwurf ist weder für die Partei noch das Land tragbar", so Parteichef Geert Wilders. Er forderte rasche Neuwahlen. » | Ag. | Samstag, 21. April 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Niederlande: Wilders lässt Regierung Rutte vorerst nicht fallen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: In den Niederlanden ist ein Bruch der Regierungskoalition abgewendet worden: entgegen seiner Drohung vom Mittwoch erklärte sich der Islamfeind Geert Wilders bereit, die Beratungen über ein massives Sparpaket fortzuführen.

Das niederländische Regierungsbündnis hat am Donnerstag einen Bruch der Koalition vorerst abgewendet. Unklar blieb zunächst, mit welchen Gegenleistungen der Islamfeind und Euroskeptiker Geert Wilders dafür rechnen kann, dass er sich entgegen seiner Drohung vom Mittwoch zur Fortsetzung der Beratungen über ein massives Sparpaket bereiterklärte. Wilders’ Freiheitspartei regiert zwar nicht mit, doch ist die Minderheitsregierung der Rechtsliberalen von Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte und der Christlichen Demokraten auf die Stimmen von Wilders’ Fraktion - der drittgrößten im Abgeordnetenhaus - angewiesen. » | Andrea Ross | Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mark Rutte Speaks about Prince Johan Friso after Skiing Accident in Austria

Read the article here | Matthew Day, Warsaw | Friday, February 17, 2012

Related »

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Brussels Slams 'Intolerant' Dutch Website on Migrants Taking Jobs

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Brussels has warned that there is no place in the EU for an "intolerant" Dutch website that asks people to complain about jobs lost to migrants from Eastern Europe.

The "hotline" site has been set up by the anti-immigrant Freedom Party to gather allegations of "nuisance and pollution" caused by an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 East European migrant workers from EU countries in Holland.

The website invites respondents to tick "yes" or "no" when asked whether they have experienced loud noise, parking, drunkenness, squalor or "degeneracy" at the hands of migrants.

"Do you have trouble? Or have you lost your job to a Pole, Bulgarian, Romanian or other Central or Eastern European? We would like to hear," the site asks.

Viviane Reding, the EU's human rights commissioner has attacked the website and, hinting at possible legal action, warned "intolerance has no place on our continent".

"Citizens of the 27 EU Member States should feel at home no matter where they decide to move. The website runs totally counter to these principles. It is openly calling for people to be intolerant," she said.

"Europe is facing difficult times. We will only solve our problems by increasing solidarity, not by denouncing fellow citizens."

Geert Wilders, the leader of the Freedom Party, the third largest in the Dutch parliament, dismissed the EU criticism.

"Europe can get stuffed. We've had more than 32,000 complaints. This website has really hit the mark. We're looking for facts, so talk about discrimination is fantasy and nonsense," he said. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dutch PM and Wilders Clash on Greece

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and populist Freedom Party (PVV) leader Geert Wilders clashed in parliament today over more financial aid for Greece. Mr Wilders is against a further bailout, saying that Greece should quit the euro.

The minority coalition of the conservative VVD and Christian Democrats (CDA) relies on support from the PVV on a majority of issues. However, the Greek euro crisis has caused a major divide between the PVV and the coalition parties.

The PVV and the opposition Socialist Party are against more financial aid for Greece. However, the government’s position of not ruling out more aid has the support of Labour, the D66 democrats and Green Left - all opposition parties. » | mw/hs | Thursday, May 19, 2011