Showing posts with label Gérard Depardieu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gérard Depardieu. Show all posts

Friday, September 04, 2015

Actor Gérard Depardieu to 'Sell Everything' in France

Gérard Depardieu
THE TELEGRAPH: Actor and tax exile Gérard Depardieu pledges to sell all his properties in France, including a chateau, several restaurants and a fishmongers, in latest diatribe against his native country

French actor Gérard Depardieu has declared that he will "sell everything" in his home country, including his chateau and restaurants.

Already living as a tax exile in Belgium, with another address in Russia where he has been granted citizenship, the provocative star has said that this time he wants to sever all ties with France, including his string of properties.

“I think I want to sell everything in France!” he told TV Magazine. “I don’t want to be a part of this country anymore, even though I love the French.”

In 2012, Depardieu sparked a furious debate in France after becoming a tax resident of Belgium in order to avoid a 75 per cent levy on millionaire earners - a move dubbed “pathetic” by Jean-Marc Ayrault, then French prime minister.

The following January, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, awarded a Russian passport to the 66-year-old star of Green Card, Cyrano and the Asterix films.

Depardieu is currently registered as living in the town of Saransk, with his address listed as 1, Democracy Street. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, September 4, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Quand Gérard Depardieu était musulman

DIRECT MATIN: Le documentaire du psychanalyste Gérard Miller sur Gérard Depardieu diffusé lundi sur France 3 revient sur un épisode méconnu de la vie de l’acteur. Le comédien s'était en effet converti à l’islam en 1967. » | Par Direct Matin | mercredi 25 mars 2015

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

France Faces Autumn of Discontent, Claims Gérard Depardieu

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: France is facing an autumn of discontent and the economic crisis in the country will be "even worse" next year, Gérard Depardieu has claimed, in the actor's latest broadside against the Socialist government whose tax hikes he famously fled.

The 64-year old Gallic screen icon made his incendiary remarks while on his first film shoot in France since he took up Russian citizenship and residence in Belgium to avoid President François Hollande's planned 75 per cent super tax on millionaire earners.

Despite record unemployment levels and a deeply sluggish economy, Mr Hollande's government insists that there are tentative signs of recovery and that the jobless rate will start receding by the end of the year.

Mr Depardieu claimed this was pie in the sky. "I think things will really heat up this autumn and I think that in 2014, things will be much worse in France, despite what some people are saying," he predicted in an interview with AFP. Read on and comment » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, August 05, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Depardieu s'établit officiellement rue de la Démocratie en Russie

LE NOUVELLISTE: L'acteur français Gérard Depardieu, qui a récemment acquis la nationalité russe après une polémique sur ses impôts en France, a rejoint samedi la région russe de Mordovie. Il y a été enregistré officiellement comme habitant rue de la Démocratie à Saransk.

De retour en Russie depuis jeudi, l'acteur s'est envolé samedi matin de Moscou pour la capitale de la Mordovie, une région à environ 650km à l'est de Moscou surtout connue dans le pays pour ses camps de détention.

Peu après son arrivée à Saransk, M. Depardieu, suivi par une vingtaine de journalistes russes, s'en est pris à deux journalistes français sur place qu'il avait reconnus, leur demandant agressivement de quitter les lieux et d'effacer leurs enregistrements vidéos. Ils ont été empêchés de le suivre pour le reste de la journée. » | Source: ATS | samedi 23 février 2013