Showing posts with label Erfurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erfurt. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Höcke will «Zwangsjacke» für Merkel

TAGES ANZEIGER: Auf einer Demo in Erfurt griff der Vorsitzende der rechtspopulistischen AfD in Thüringen, Björn Höcke, die deutsche Kanzlerin frontal an.

Der Vorsitzende der rechtspopulistischen AfD in Thüringen, Björn Höcke, hat Kanzlerin Angela Merkel persönlich scharf angegriffen. Deutschland werde «von Idioten regiert», sagte er am Mittwochabend bei einer Kundgebung in Erfurt.

Merkel müsse in «der Zwangsjacke» aus dem Kanzleramt abgeführt werden, fügte er vor mehr als 2000 Teilnehmern einer Demonstration gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung hinzu. » | chk/sda | Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Germany: Thousands of AfD Supporters Demand Merkel’s Resignation in Erfurt

Thousands of protesters gathered in Erfurt, Wednesday, to demonstrate against the EU and Germany's refugee policies. The demonstration was organised by right-wing, Eurosceptic party 'Alternative fur Deutschland' (AfD). The party's spokesperson Bjorn Hocke - who has been accused of hate speech - accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of causing the failure of Germany and Europe, and demanded that she resign.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

AfD mobilisiert: Tausende Asylgegner demonstrieren in Erfurt

FRANKFURT ALLGEMEINE: Wieder gehen in Erfurt über 4.000 Asylkritiker auf die Straße. Und abermals wirft AfD-Hauptredner Björn Höcke der Kanzlerin in der Flüchtlingskrise politischen Amoklauf vor.

Die Thüringer AfD hat am Mittwochabend in Erfurt abermals mehrere Tausend Teilnehmer zu einer asylkritischen Kundgebung auf dem Domplatz mobilisiert. Die Polizei sprach bei der nunmehr sechsten Demonstration von 4.200 Menschen und damit von einer ähnlich großen Beteiligung wie vor einer Woche mit 4.000 Teilnehmern. Die Zahl der Gegendemonstranten wurde mit etwa 2.000 angegeben und war damit etwas geringer als in der Vorwoche. » | Quelle: epd-bas | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Germany: Thousands of AfD Supporters Rally against Merkel's Refugee Policies

An estimated 4,000 people attended a rally opposing Germany's refugee policy on Wednesday in the city of Erfurt.

Friday, October 09, 2015

Gauland: Wir schaffen das, sagt Frau Merkel. Nein, wir wollen das gar nicht schaffen!

Wir werden immer mehr! Danke an alle Mutbürger, die in Erfurt am 7. Oktober Flagge gezeigt haben gegen den Asyl-Wahnsinn der Altparteien! Für dreifachen Klartext haben Alexander Gauland, Paul Hampel und Björn Höcke gesorgt. Gauland forderte in seiner Rede, dass Kanzlerin Merkel die Interessen der eigenen Bürger wahrzunehmen habe, und die fremder Menschen. Den ungarischen Präsidenten Viktor Orbán schlug er für die Verleihung des Karlspreises vor.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pope Meets Abuse Victims During German Trip

REUTERS: Pope Benedict held a surprise meeting on Friday with victims of clerical sexual abuse and expressed his deep regret for their suffering, saying the church was committed to the protection of children, the Vatican said.

The private meeting came on the second day of Benedict's four-day trip to Germany, where record numbers of Catholics have officially left the faith in protest at clerical abuse, and where the Church faces some 600 requests for compensation.

The Pope was "moved and deeply shaken" and assured victims the Church was "committed to the promotion of effective measures to protect children," the Vatican said in a statement.

The meeting took place in a seminary in Erfurt, in eastern Germany, and was similar to those held by Benedict on other recent trips. The wording of the statement also mirrored those issued after previous meetings.

Victims' associations have said the Vatican has not done enough to bring the perpetrators to justice, a view echoed by German victims who joined 8,000 protesters on a march through Berlin, where the Pope began his visit.

Earlier on Friday the Pope visited the monastery where Martin Luther lived before launching the Reformation, and warned his Lutheran hosts that "a new form of Christianity" posed challenges to mainline Protestants and Catholics alike.

While not naming them, it was clear he was referring to the evangelical and Pentecostal churches which have spread rapidly, especially in developing countries, by attracting converts from more established churches.

He appealed for unity between Roman Catholics and Protestants, who began their split from the Catholic Church when Luther, who had lived in Erfurt as a Catholic monk, posted his 95 theses on a church door in 1517.

Few people turned out to see the pope in Erfurt, a Protestant city under tight security for the visit, but about 90,000 Catholics -- 40,000 more than expected -- flooded the nearby Catholic town of Etzelsbach [sic] for a vespers service.

Benedict told the Lutherans: "Faced with a new form of Christianity, which is spreading with overpowering missionary dynamism, sometimes in frightening ways, the mainstream Christian denominations often seem at a loss.

"This is a form of Christianity with little institutional depth, little rationality and even less dogmatic content, and with little stability. This worldwide phenomenon poses a question to us all: what is this new form of Christianity saying to us, for better and for worse?" » | Philip Pullella and Sarah Marsh | ERFURT, Germany | Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Staatsbesuch: Papst Benedikt in Thüringen

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Erfurt - Papst Benedikt XVI. verbringt den zweiten Tag seiner Deutschland-Reise in Thüringen, einem Kernland der Reformation. Empfangen wurde er am Freitag in der Landeshauptstadt Erfurt von einer Protestantin: Ministerpräsidentin Christine Lieberknecht (CDU) begrüßte das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche auf dem Flughafen in Erfurt auf dem roten Teppich am Flugzeug.

Im Erfurter Augustinerkloster, in das Martin Luther vor 500 Jahren als Mönch eingetreten war, trifft Benedikt am Mittag Vertreter der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) zu Gesprächen und einem ökumenischen Gottesdienst. An die Begegnung werden hohe Erwartungen geknüpft. Am Abend feiert der Papst eine Marienvesper im Eichsfeld. Dorthin strömten schon seit dem frühen Morgen die Pilger. » | BLZ / dpa | Freitag 23. September 2011

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

German Neo-Nazis Beat Up Black Briton in Front of Family

TIMES ONLINE: A black British man was assaulted in front of his family by three supporters of a German far-right party in Hamburg at the weekend.

Police said that the 46-year-old man was with his wife and four-year-old son at a bakery stall when the men approached him and handed him a flyer for the National Democratic Party.

When the man ripped the pamphlet up his attackers pushed him against a glass window and one man punched him while another sprayed pepper spray in his eyes.

Three suspects, who have not been named, have been arrested and are being investigated on suspicion of causing bodily harm.

The British man was treated in a hospital and released.

News of the attack came on the same day that German prosecutors brought charges against a man accused of hanging a blood-drenched pig’s head and a banner denying the Holocaust at a Jewish cemetery in the city of Erfurt.

The 47-year-old is believed to have hung the pig’s head from the Star of David on the entrance gate to the graveyard in Gotha near Erfurt and thrown two glasses filled with pig’s blood at the gate.

Police also found a cloth banner reading “six million lies” in a reference to the number of Jews killed by the Nazis. >>> Jenny Booth | Monday, August 24, 2009