Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Two Antibodies Identified in Israel Can Fight All Known COVID Strains, Study Finds

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Infusible to patients, antibodies are so powerful neutralizing the coronavirus they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters, peer-reviewed research says

Israeli scientists say they have identified antibodies that are so powerful in neutralizing the coronavirus that they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters.

A research team at Tel Aviv University experimented with numerous antibodies and found that two in particular neutralize all known strains of the coronavirus, including Delta and Omicron, in a lab setting.

Antibody infusions are already used to treat some coronavirus patients, and microbiologist Dr. Natalia Freund, who directed the new study, said the antibodies she identified could be used to concoct a particularly potent infusion. » | Nathan Jeffay | Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Holidaymakers Warned of Rising Coronavirus Cases at European Destinations

THE GUARDIAN: Increases reported in countries including Greece, Spain, France and Germany as Omicron variant BA.5 spreads

Ermones beach in Corfu, Greece: new coronavirus infections have risen on the islands of Corfu, Cephalonia and Zakynthos in recent weeks. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA

Holidaymakers heading to and from the European mainland are being warned of a growing incidence of coronavirus, especially in tourist hotspots, which risks hampering travel plans.

Health officials are calling in some cases for a reintroduction of face masks and other measures, and are urging travellers to exercise personal responsibility, warning that an escalation of the virus could lead to the swift return of restrictions.

Greece, Spain, France and Germany – as well as further-afield destinations such as the Caribbean islands, Morocco and Tunisia – are all recording significant rises in cases. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Grossbritannien steuert nach Brexit, Ukraine-Krieg und Corona auf eine Rezession zu

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten sind in Grossbritannien ein grosses Thema. Die wirtschaftliche Erholung von der Corona-Pandemie hat schnell wieder an Schwung verloren.

Die Halbleiter-Knappheit sorgt dafür, dass in Grossbritannien in diesem Jahr so wenig Autos neu zugelassen werden wie 1988. Im vergangenen Jahr besuchte der britische Premier Boris Johnson die Nissan-Fabrik in Sunderland. | Jeff J Mitchell / Getty

Auf den ersten Blick hat sich das britische Wirtschaftswachstum im ersten Quartal lediglich verlangsamt. Das vom Statistikamt ONS gemeldete Plus von 0,8% wirkt respektabel. Volkswirte hatten im Schnitt zwar etwas mehr auf der Rechnung. Doch das wahre Ausmass der Entschleunigung erschliesst sich erst beim Blick auf die ebenfalls vorlegten monatlichen Daten. Sie zeigen, dass es im Januar noch zügig voranging. Bereits im Februar stagnierte das Bruttoinlandprodukt jedoch, und im März ging es bereits um 0,1% zurück.

Die Talfahrt könnte in eine Rezession münden

Die britische Wirtschaftsleistung bewegt sich zwar wieder auf dem vor der Pandemie erreichten Niveau, setzt aber schon wieder zur Talfahrt an. Noch will man bei der Bank of England das Wort «Rezession» nicht in den Mund nehmen. … » | Andreas Hippin, London | Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022

An den Börsen liegen die Nerven blank: An den Aktienmärkten kehrt keine Ruhe ein. Der Crash auf Raten setzt sich am Donnerstag fort. Die europäischen Börsen verlieren wieder über 2 Prozent, auch in den USA geht der Ausverkauf weiter. »

North Korea Reports Its First Covid Outbreak.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, ordered a national lockdown after a subvariant of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus was found in the capital.

SEOUL — North Korea on Thursday reported its first outbreak of the coronavirus, declaring a “maximum emergency” and ordering all cities and counties in the nation of 25 million to lock down to fight the spread.

It was an abrupt change for a secretive country that had long insisted it had no cases of the virus that first emerged in neighboring China more than two years ago. Outside experts had been skeptical, however, citing a lack of extensive Covid testing and the North’s threadbare public health system.

The danger posed by an outbreak is greater in North Korea than in most other nations because most of its people remain unvaccinated. Outside health experts have long questioned the North’s ability to fight a large-scale outbreak although its regime is capable of imposing totalitarian control on residents’ movement. » | Choe Sang-Hun | Published: Wednesday, May 11, 2022; Updated: Thursday, May 12, 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Queen Elizabeth Tests Positive for the Coronavirus

Queen Elizabeth this month. Buckingham Palace announced on Sunday that she has been infected by the coronavirus. | Pool photo by Joe Giddens

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The 95-year-old British monarch was “experiencing mild coldlike symptoms,” Buckingham Palace said. She recently met with her son Prince Charles, who had tested positive this month.

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II has been infected with the coronavirus, Buckingham Palace said on Sunday, becoming one of the world’s most prominent figures to battle the virus and deeply rattling the country she has led for seven decades.

The palace issued few details about the condition of the queen, who turns 96 in April.

“Buckingham Palace confirm that the queen has today tested positive for Covid,” the palace said in a statement. “Her Majesty is experiencing mild coldlike symptoms but expects to continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week. She will continue to receive medical attention and will follow all the appropriate guidelines.”

She met this month with her eldest son and heir, Prince Charles, who was reinfected with the coronavirus and went into isolation. He last contracted a mild case of the virus in March 2020, as the pandemic was first engulfing Britain. » | Mark Landler | Sunday, February 20, 2022

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Schweiz hebt fast alle Corona-Maßnahmen auf


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Schweiz hebt die meisten Corona-Einschränkungen auf, obwohl die Inzidenzrate höher ist als in Deutschland. Der Gesundheitsminister begründet das mit der geringen Zahl an schweren Verläufen.

Die Schweizer Regierung hat am Mittwoch beschlossen, die allermeisten Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor dem Coronavirus kurzfristig aufzuheben. Von diesem Donnerstag an muss in der Schweiz niemand mehr ein Impfzertifikat vorweisen, wenn er ein Restaurant, ein Fitnessstudio oder ein Theater betreten will. Auch das Verbot für Ungeimpfte, an privaten Treffen mit mehr als zehn Personen teilzunehmen, fällt weg. Die Maskenpflicht hat der Bundesrat, wie die Regierung in der Schweiz heißt, entschärft. Sie gilt jetzt nur noch im öffentlichen Verkehr und in Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Wer einen Einkaufsladen oder ein Kino betritt, muss nicht mehr zwingend eine Maske über Mund und Nase tragen. Auch am Arbeitsplatz ist das nicht mehr vorgeschrieben. » | Johannes Ritter, Zürich | Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022

NZ Covid Outbreak ‘Like Nothing We’ve Experienced’, Ardern Says, as Cases Skyrocket

THE GUARDIAN: Virus-free for much of the pandemic, New Zealand is now reporting near-daily record case numbers

New Zealand’s prime minister has warned that the country is entering a new phase of its pandemic response that is “like nothing we’ve experienced to date”, as case numbers begin to explode.

“We are embarking for the first time in the two years since the start of the outbreak into a period where New Zealanders will see more Covid in the community,” Jacinda Ardern said on Monday.

“It is a period of disruption and, I know, of risk and will be like nothing we’ve experienced to date.” » | Tess McClure in Auckland | Monday, February 14, 2022

A letter to New Zealand, from Covid-ravaged Australia: Omicron has played out in a series of strange stages in Australia. Here’s what to expect when the wave hits »

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Covid and the Gaping Wealth Gap: What Can Be Done to Fix It? | DW News

Jan 29, 2022 • The coronavirus pandemic has made the rich even richer – and the poor even poorer. Here is why – and what we can do to combat this rise in inequality, which has pushed 160 million people into poverty, while the richest 10 men double their fortunes.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Guardian View on Dropping Covid Restrictions: Follow the Scandal

THE GUARDIAN: The scrapping of plan B is driven by the prime minister’s political panic, not scientific guidance

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ‘are keeping the mask mandate on public transport, in shops and similar places, while England is dropping it’. Photograph: Guy Bell/Rex/Shutterstock

No one is under the illusion that the ending of Covid restrictions in England from next week is driven by science. The prime minister’s announcement on Wednesday was prompted by political desperation, not data. The daily death rate on Wednesday was reported as 359.

Scientists warn that infections are likely to resurge. While the level of infection across the population and health staff absences are falling sharply, the chair of the British Medical Association warned that hospitalisations are double the level that they were when plan B was introduced, and case rates close to twice as high. Dr Chaand Nagpaul noted that the NHS remains under crippling pressure, with a record backlog of six million patients.

After two years of the pandemic, it is not only Tory backbenchers who long for a return to normality. It is true that Omicron has wreaked less damage than feared – though many have still lost loved ones, or suffered serious and perhaps lasting damage to their health. With vaccines and treatments now available, it is entirely reasonable that people are rethinking what constitutes appropriate and proportionate responses to the virus. Restrictions have saved countless lives, but they have economic, social and indeed health costs: the effects of isolation have been punishing for many. » | Editorial | Thursday, January 20, 2022

It’s high time that this circus leave town! Complete with its clowns!

In order for the chief clown to obtain the keys to Number 10, we, the people, had to relinquish all our rights as citizens of the EU. Now, he wants the people to relinquish their right to life too, in order that he be able to save his political career! Enough already! It’s high time that the Conservative Party restore normality, restore decency. Once upon a time, it was the Party of decency and common sense!

It is peculiar and unfathomable indeed that at the very time that other European countries are toughening their restrictions because of the dangers of the Omicron variant that this government is relaxing them. How senseless is that? – © Mark

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

«Indigne», «sidérant», «vulgaire» : la sortie d'Emmanuel Macron sur les non-vaccinés enflamme la classe politique

La classe politique s'indigne depuis hier soir de la sortie d'Emmanuel Macron sur les non-vaccinés. AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP / ALAIN JOCARD / AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN

LE FIGARO : Le président de la République a déclaré hier dans une interview au Parisien qu'il avait «très envie d'emmerder» les non-vaccinés «jusqu'au bout».

Une pluie de réactions indignées. En déclarant mardi 4 janvier au soir dans une interview au Parisien qu'il avait «très envie d'emmerder» les non-vaccinés «jusqu'au bout» , Emmanuel Macron a provoqué un véritable tollé dans la classe politique. Hier soir, les débats à l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi voulant instaurer le passe vaccinal ont tourné court, suspendus après les propos tenus par le président de la République.

Au cours de cette séance houleuse interrompue dans la nuit, les parlementaires de tous bords ont fustigé les déclarations du chef de l'État. Le patron des députés LR, Damien Abad, a regretté des propos «indignes, irresponsables et prémédités» qui relèvent d'un «cynisme puéril». Ugo Bernalicis, député LFI, a estimé que la France était désormais dans une «crise politique déclenchée par le monarque présidentiel, qui se permet d'insulter une partie des Français». «Un président ne peut pas tenir les propos qui ont été tenus», a quant à lui lancé Christian Jacob, président des Républicains. «Je ne peux pas cautionner un texte qui vise à emmerder les Français», a-t-il ajouté. » | Par Wally Bordas | mercredi 5 janvier 2022

Europe, vaccination, présidentielle… Emmanuel Macron se livre à nos lecteurs : EXCLUSIF. Le président de la République a répondu pendant un peu plus de deux heures aux questions de sept lecteurs du Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France. Des anti-vaccins au discours de l’extrême droite, en passant par l’écologie et la sécurité, il n’a éludé aucun sujet. »

Macron declares his Covid strategy is to ‘piss off’ the unvaccinated: French president stokes divisions as parliament debates tighter requirements for mandatory health pass »

Impfgegner sind für Macron keine Bürger mehr: In einem Zeitungsgespräch platzt dem französischen Präsidenten der Kragen. Er wettert gegen Impfgegner und will sie vom Sozialleben ausschließen. Rechte, Konservative, Linke, Grüne und Kommunisten – sie alle sind empört. »

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Macron schließt die Grenze zu Großbritannien


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Von diesen Samstag an ist die Einreise aus sowie die Ausreise nach Großbritannien nur noch aus zwingenden übergeordneten Gründen möglich. Viele versuchen, noch auf die letzten Züge, Fähren und Flüge zu kommen.

Das französische Einreiseverbot für Urlauber aus Großbritannien hat am Freitag in der französischen Tourismusbranche für Unmut gesorgt. Premierminister Jean Castex hat die Beschränkungen mit dem notwendigen Kampf gegen die in Großbritannien grassierende Omikron-Variante begründet. Präsident Emmanuel Macron berief am Freitagvormittag einen sogenannten Verteidigungsrat im Elysée-Palast ein, bei dem das weitere Vorgehen besprochen wurde.

Von diesem Samstag an ist die Einreise aus sowie die Ausreise nach Großbritannien nur noch aus zwingenden übergeordneten Gründen möglich. Touristische oder berufliche Gründe gehören nicht dazu, wie der Regierungschef erläuterte. Sowohl Geimpfte als auch Ungeimpfte müssen sich vor einer Reise von Großbritannien nach Frankreich registrieren, einen PCR- oder Schnelltest machen und sich nach der Ankunft in Frankreich an einem Ort ihrer Wahl in Quarantäne begeben. Diese können sie nach einem negativen Test nach 48 Stunden verlassen. » | Von Michaela Wiegel. Politische Korrespondentin mit Sitz in Paris | Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021

Friday, December 17, 2021

Offices Shut and Holiday Parties Dim as a Familiar Feeling Sinks In

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Employers mandate boosters, postpone return dates and brace for an Omicron surge.

Many financial firms, like Morgan Stanley, had employees returning to the office this summer. | Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

It was three words that workers don’t hear every day from their bosses: “I was wrong.”

Morgan Stanley’s chief executive, James Gorman, asked this week about employees returning to the office, said his projection about the pandemic subsiding was off. “I thought we would have been out of it past Labor Day,” Mr. Gorman said on CNBC. “And we’re not.”

Office workers this week watched as events unfolded that were once familiar and jarring in their persistence: Covid case counts ballooned, and employer plans deflated. The United States is reporting an average of more than 120,000 new Covid cases each day, up 40 percent from two weeks ago, according to a New York Times database. New York City is experiencing a spike in cases larger than any since last winter. Employers that had been growing bolder in their plans — reopening offices, mandating or strongly suggesting that workers report back, promising holiday blowouts — are now scaling back their ambitions for in-person business and socializing. » | Emma Goldberg and Lananh Nguyen | Friday, December 17, 2021

German Government Considering Classifying UK 'Virus Variant Area', Meaning Travellers Would Be Required to Quarantine

THE GUARDIAN: The German government is looking into whether the UK should be classified as a “virus variant area”, reports Reuters, following the rapid rise of Omicron in the country.

Classification as a virus variant area would mean that travellers arriving in Germany from the UK would be required to quarantine for two weeks, even if they are vaccinated.

A spokesperson for the health ministry said the government is expected to make a decision later today. » |Miranda Bryant (now); Jedidajah Otte and Samantha Lock (earlier) | Friday, Dece,ber 17, 2021

Saturday, December 04, 2021

UK’s Progress on Covid Now Squandered, Warns Top Scientist

THE GUARDIAN: Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of Wellcome Trust, suggests emergence of Omicron variant means pandemic is far from over

Farrar warned that rich countries had ‘a very blinkered domestic focus’ over Covid. Photograph: Nic Bothma/EPA

The emergence of the Omicron variant shows that the world is “closer to the start of the pandemic than the end”, one of Britain’s most senior scientific figures has warned, as he lamented a lack of political leadership over Covid.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust who stepped down as a government scientific adviser last month, said the progress in combatting Covid-19 since its emergence was “being squandered”.

Writing in the Observer, he said rich countries had been taking “a very blinkered domestic focus, lulled into thinking that the worst of the pandemic was behind us”. He said while he was cautiously hopeful that current vaccines would protect against severe illness from Omicron, that may not be true for future variants.

“The longer this virus continues to spread in largely unvaccinated populations globally, the more likely it is that a variant that can overcome our vaccines and treatments will emerge,” he writes. “If that happens, we could be close to square one. » | Michael Savage, Robin McKie | Saturday, December 4, 2021

Autriche : des dizaines de milliers de manifestants contre les mesures prises face au Covid-19

Plusieurs arrestations ont eu lieu pour troubles à l'ordre public. FLORIAN WIESER / APA / AFP

LE FIGARO : Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont manifesté samedi en Autriche pour le troisième week-end consécutif contre les mesures gouvernementales de lutte contre le coronavirus, notamment la vaccination qui sera obligatoire à partir de février, a annoncé la police.

Plusieurs arrestations ont eu lieu pour troubles à l'ordre public, selon la police qui a recensé «plus de 40.000» manifestants à Vienne, après plusieurs rassemblements dans la capitale. Selon la police, certains manifestants ont jeté des «engins pyrotechniques» sur les forces de l'ordre qui ont répliqué par l'usage de gaz poivre et une contre-manifestation a rassemblé 1500 personnes. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | samedi 4 décembre 2021

Boris Johnson, the 'Clown' - Mistakes, Misjudgments, U-turns and Lies

Dec 4, 2021 • Boris Johnson, surely the worst prime minister ever, is not only dishonest but also incompetent making mistakes, misjudgments and U-turns almost every day.

Brexit, confrontation with the EU and especially with France, failure to resolve the Northern Ireland issue, failing to agree any serious new trade deals and the complete mishandling of the pandemic, whereby we have the second or third highest levels of new cases almost every day amounting to 40 - 50,000 cases per day. In three weeks, that’s a million cases! These are all problems caused, or made worse, by the prime minister.

Unlike countries throughout the EU such as Italy and France, this government half-heartedly brings in a new law making it obligatory to wear a mask in shops and on public transport. The public, seeing how the prime minister and Conservative politicians flout such regulations do the same.

In the past week Johnson has been called a liar in Parliament and the French president has described him as a clown running a circus and a knucklehead.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Germany Shuts Unvaccinated People Out of Much of Public Life

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Facing a huge coronavirus surge, Chancellor Angela Merkel, her successor, Olaf Scholz, and state governors agreed on tough new restrictions on people who have not been inoculated.

BERLIN — Germany announced tough new restrictions on Thursday to exclude unvaccinated people from much of public life, seeking to break a soaring fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic and blunt the worrisome new Omicron variant.

The new rules, which stopped short of enforcing a complete lockdown on the unvaccinated, followed an agreement hammered out between Chancellor Angela Merkel, her successor, Olaf Scholz, and state governors.

Under the new rules, those wishing to go to bars and restaurants, or shop anywhere but in stores carrying basic necessities — like pharmacies or grocery stores — have to present proof of vaccination or documentation of recovery from a recent coronavirus infection. Some of those restrictions have been in effect already in some states; the agreement sets a uniform nationwide standard.

With the new rules, and a promise by Mr. Scholz this week that he would push a law making vaccinations mandatory, Germany is following the path of Austria, which recently mandated that all adults be inoculated by February. It comes as both countries contend with strident anti-vaccination sentiment in their populations that have kept vaccination rates low compared with other western European countries. » | Christopher F. Schuetze | Thursday, December 2, 2021

Covid Surge in Germany: Is a Lockdown Inevitable? | DW News

As Germany faces record-breaking infection numbers and fears of the omicron variant abound, Angela Merkel's designated successor Olaf Scholz is calling for a general vaccine mandate. Talking to Germany's Bild television on Tuesday, the chancellor-in-waiting said he would like to see mandatory vaccinations "not too far away in the future, so I suggest beginning of February or March." At the same time, he said that the decision would be made in the parliament, and that it would be a "matter of conscience" for individual lawmakers. Germany's Federal Medical Association also called for a vaccine mandate to put a stop to the "endless loop of lockdowns." It urged the German government to make arrangements that would apply to "all adult citizens with no medical contra-indications against a vaccine." The question of mandatory vaccination is considered controversial in Germany, partly due to forced medical treatments during the Nazi-era. Separately, spokesman for the outgoing German government Steffen Seibert said a decision on the vaccine mandate would be made "soon."

According to Reuters news agency, Scholz also supported the idea of introducing so-called 2G rules for customers in retail stores, meaning they must be either vaccinated ("geimpft") or have recovered ("genesen") from COVID-19. The rules would not apply in supermarkets or drugstores. Reuters said that Scholz had pledged to make changes to the Infection Protection Act to provide "states with high infection rates with a suitable set of instruments." Scholz also introduced Major General Carsten Breuer as the head of a planned COVID crisis team to be set up when the new coalition government commences work. The team is to primarily speed up Germany's vaccination program, including the administering of booster injections. States governed by premiers from Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD) called for the the protection given by vaccination to be officially recognized only for six months, the daily Rheinische Post reported, citing the waning efficacy of the vaccines after that period.

Also on Tuesday, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the "emergency brake" imposed by the federal government from April to June was compatible with the constitution. Under the measure, districts and regions were required to implement curfews, contact restrictions and other curbs when the infection rate rose above certain levels. Several state premiers have called for similar nationwide measures to be reintroduced as Germany struggles to contain a fourth wave of the pandemic that has recently been additionally complicated by the advent of the omicron variant.

Covid: Avoid ‘Snogging under Mistletoe’ This Christmas, Says UK Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Thérèse Coffey says people should not kiss anyone they do not know to limit spread of coronavirus

Thérèse Coffey: ‘I don’t think there should be much snogging under the mistletoe. You don’t need to do things like that.’ Photograph: DW Images/Rex/Shutterstock

Britons should avoid “snogging under the mistletoe” this Christmas, according to a government minister, as a leading scientist said people could enjoy Christmas if they took “sensible” precautions.

The work and pensions secretary, Thérèse Coffey, told ITV’s Peston programme that “we should all be trying to enjoy the Christmas ahead of us”, adding: “For what it’s worth, I don’t think there should be much snogging under the mistletoe.”

She added: “You don’t need to do things like that. But I think we should all be trying to enjoy the Christmas ahead of us, and that’s why we’re working so hard to get the deployment of as many vaccines as possible.”

Coffey said kissing should be avoided with “people you don’t already know”.

She later tweeted: “Watch the full interview folks … Don’t kiss with people you don’t know … government working exceptionally hard with NHS and the jabs army to get boosters in arms so we can all enjoy a proper Christmas knees up.” » | Alexandra Topping and Aubrey Allegretti | Thursday, December 2, 2021

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Prince Harry Compares Covid Vaccine Inequity to HIV Struggle

THE GUARDIAN: Duke of Sussex says on World Aids Day that vaccinating the world against Covid is ‘test of our moral character’

Prince Harry described the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 as of ‘deep concern’.Photograph: Caitlin Ochs/Reuters

The Duke of Sussex has warned of “corporate greed and political failure” prolonging the Covid pandemic, comparing a “spectacular failure” of global vaccine equity to the struggle by millions to access HIV medicines.

In a letter read out at a World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS event on World Aids Day, Prince Harry said lessons must be learned from the HIV/Aids pandemic.

Vaccinating the world was a “test of our moral character”, he wrote. “It’s time to draw from the lessons we learned throughout the HIV/Aids pandemic, where millions died unnecessarily due to deep inequities in access to treatment.

“Are we really comfortable repeating the failures of the past? Everything I’ve learned from the youth of Sentebale [his charity in Lesotho and Botswana] tells me not. They see how repeating these mistakes is destructive and self-defeating, it is a betrayal of the next generation.”

He said his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, who helped to highlight the work of Aids charities, would be “deeply grateful” to the scientific community for their work in combating the disease. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex:

Meghan calls for tabloid industry overhaul as Mail on Sunday loses appeal: ANL had brought appeal after duchess sued publisher over articles relating to letter she sent to estranged father »