Showing posts with label Barack Hussein Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Hussein Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Barack Obama Inauguration: A Call for Unity That May Go Unheeded by Half the Country

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: It was billed as Barack Obama's 'Martin Luther King moment', when America's first black president would outline his own dream for a more united America, but all along the length of Washington's great Mall, it was apparent that only half of the nation had showed up to listen to his call.

Overwhelmingly, the crowd of 800,000 people was filled with the faces of the young, female, urban, African-American coalition that ensured Mr Obama's re-election for a second term last November. They were Obama's people, and they were there to celebrate their victory.

After being sworn in on the bibles of his political heroes Abraham Lincoln and Dr King – without any fumbling of the oath of office as happened in 2009 – Mr Obama acknowledged the "uncertain future" faced by America and asked his "fellow Americans" to unite in facing its challenges.

And yet Mr Obama's prescription was an uncompromising and urgent statement of the liberal agenda that leaves Conservative forces – predominantly white, rural and evangelically Christian – seething with anger and alienation.

On gay marriage and gun control, on immigration and inequality, on the global issues of war and climate change, Mr Obama unapologetically reiterated his commitment to his own brand of social and economic inclusiveness.

He quoted the Declaration of Independence – a document, ironically often used by the Tea Party and Republicans – but made very different deductions from its premises than those heard from the American Right. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Monday, January 21, 2013

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Madonna Causes Confusion by Referring to President Barack Obama as a Muslim

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pop star Madonna urged Americans to support President Barack Obama during a concert in Washington DC but incorrectly referred to him as a Muslim.

In a video posted on YouTube by audience members at the concert, the singer delivers a rousing, profanity-laced political speech on freedom during her show.

"Now, it's so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House ... we have a black Muslim in the White House ... it means there is hope in this country, and Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man," Madonna said. Mr Obama, who stands for re-election on Nov 6, is Christian.

Madonna said later: "I was being ironic on stage. Yes, I know Obama is not a Muslim - though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is. And what if he were?

"The point I was making is that a good man is a good man, no matter who he prays to. I don't care what religion Obama is - nor should anyone else in America." » | Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

President Barack Obama Attacks European Leaders Over Debt Crisis

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama has criticised European leaders for failing to tackle the debt crisis and has demanded "more effective, co-ordinated" fiscal policy.

Reflecting the anger of Americans who are blaming Europe for the current economic turmoil, the President called for eurozone leaders to show global markets they are taking responsibility for the crisis.

Mr Obama told Spanish journalists: "The leaders in Europe must meet and take a decision on how to co-ordinate monetary integration with more effective, co-ordinated fiscal policy."

Tim Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, is set to take the unusual step of attending a European Finance Ministers meeting on Friday.

Analysts at JP Morgan said there was "a growing sense that the crisis is reaching a climax", arguing that the "endgame on EMU [European Monetary Union] is approaching fast".

Jim O'Neill, chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, added that along with Greece, "something big needs to happen for European bank capital, the clarity and determination of ECB policy making and, most importantly, where Germany wants to lead EMU". » | Louise Armitstead, and Harry Wilson | Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama has got his nerve! What the hell has he done to tackle the US's debt crisis? The man is a joke. – Mark

This comment also appears here

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thursday, September 08, 2011

There Was No Easter Message from Obama, Yet He Marks All Important Muslim Holidays

The most sacred of all Christian holidays, Barack Obama failed to send an Easter message to the American people.

Nor did they receive a message on Good Friday, a day that many Christians look upon as the most bittersweet of all the days on the Christian calendar.

But rest assured, Dear Leader found time during 2010 to release statements during the major Muslim holidays of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.

There was also an eight-paragraph press release celebrating Earth Day.

But in all fairness, Obama did release an Easter message last year. A message that figuratively scrubbed Jesus out of the historical moment he cited.

According to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 78.5% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, whereas only 0.6% identify themselves as Muslims.

We find it particularly interesting that President Awesome stated at the National Prayer Breakfast this past February; "My Christian faith has been sustaining for me over the last couple of years and even more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time."

Yeah... right.

We don't expect our president to be some kind of American Pope, but we do expect a modicum of fairness.

Oh... and it would be nice to knock off the blatant and purposeful insults and cold-shoulders to Christ and His Church.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Obama's Big Week: Polls Add to Pressure on the President

LOS ANGELES TIMES: As if to make the point vividly clear that summer is unofficially over, the skies of Washington on Tuesday were a metallic gray, with a cold breeze blowing and rain peppering the ground. It had the feel of seriousness, of stakes raised. And no one likely will understand that more this week than President Obama.

Thursday’s joint address to Congress will bring what could be perhaps a pivotal moment in his presidency, with the nation looking for his best proposals to help move the country out of the economic stall in which it has remained for months.

At the same time, Congress reconvenes to begin to shape a bipartisan plan for slashing the federal deficit. The so-called “supercommittee” meets for the first time Thursday as well. Whether lawmakers can deliver a meaningful, achievable solution could also have an effect on how voters view the president’s capacity to match words with results.

And if the nation needed any more of a reminder that we live in perilous times, the week will also feature incessant replays of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in advance of Sunday’s anniversary. » | James Oliphant | Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Friday, September 02, 2011

Congress Smarts President Obama

When the President of the United States says he wants to address Congress, it is not normally up for discussion but then again, these are far from normal times in Washington DC.

Barack Obama is taking heat for agreeing to reschedule a major economic speech, because Republicans effectively told him they had other plans.

Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

'There's Something Sad About a President This Ineffective'

September 01, 200: Newt Gingrich reacts to clash between Obama and Boehner over jobs speech

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama Celebrates Ramadan, Honors Muslims

ON ISLAM: CAIRO – Hosting an iftar to mark the holy fasting month of Ramadan, US President Barack Obama has used the occasion to honor American Muslims and their contributions to their country.

“Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country, in all walks of life,” Obama told members of the diplomatic corps and prominent Muslim figures at a Ramadan iftar the White House on Wednesday, August 10, The Time reported.

“This has been especially true over the past 10 years.”

Obama said many Muslims lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks by Al-Qaeda movement.
"They were taken from us much too soon,” Obama said.

“And today, they live on in the love of their families and a nation that will never forget.”
Obama said many Muslims raced to offer help to those injured in the attacks.

“Muslim Americans were first responders…the EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) who evacuated so many to safety; the nurse who tended to so many victims; the naval officer at the Pentagon who rushed into the flames and pulled the injured to safety.

“On this 10th anniversary, we honor these men and women for what they are — American heroes.”
Obama has hosted an Iftar each year since he assumed office in 2009. » | Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday, July 01, 2011

US Broadcaster Suspended for Obama Insult

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: One of America’s most prominent political analysts has been suspended by a cable television network after stating on air that President Barack Obama was “kind of a d---”.

Read short article here

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Auma Obama

Auma Obama ist die ältere Halbschwester von Barack. Während der amtierende US-Präsident in Indonesien aufwächst, verbringt sie ihre Kindheit in Kenia. Zur ersten Begegnung der beiden kommt es in den 1980er-Jahren. Die beiden ergründen ihre Familiengeschichte, und Auma Obama unterstützt ihren Bruder schliesslich auf dem Weg zum mächtigsten Mann der Welt. Schwester und Bruder sind beide Kämpfernaturen. So setzt sich Auma heute vor allem für die Frauen in ihrem Heimatland ein.

Aeschbacher vom 07.04.2011

Die Einführung ist in Schweizerdeutsch (Schwyzertüütsch)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Michele Bachmann Launches Campaign to Be Republican Presidential Candidate

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Michele Bachmann has formally launched a bid to be the Republican presidential candidate next year, warning the United States "cannot afford four more years" of President Barack Obama.

"I seek the presidency not for vanity, but because I think America is at a crucial moment," Mrs Bachmann, a darling of the conservative "Tea Party" movement, said in a speech to some 200 supporters in the key heartland state of Iowa.

The outspoken Minnesota lawmaker, 55, pointed to the swelling US national debt, soaring petrol prices, historically high unemployment and took aim at Obama's signature health law, the target of conservative voter anger.

"We can't afford four more years of millions of Americans who are out of work," she said to voters in Iowa, home to a first-in-the-nation caucus that shapes the Republican presidential field. "We cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama." » | Monday, June 27, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Barack Obama: There Are Days When I Say One Term Is Enough

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama has said his family was "not invested" in a second term in the White House and would have been content if he had decided against running for re-election.

He said first lady Michelle Obama would be the first to encourage him to do something "a little less stressful" if she no longer believed in what his administration was doing.

"Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, 'You know what, guys, I want to do something different', they would be fine," he told NBC.

"They're not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president."

There were, he conceded, days when he thought "one term was enough", but "if the family is doing well and Michelle is putting up with me I've got enough energy to do the work I am doing".

Despite the hothouse atmosphere of the White House, he said that his two daughters Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10, were turning out to be "poised, kind and well mannered". » | Alex Spillius, Washington | Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Obama is giving himself an out because he knows that he might well not be re-elected for a second term. This president is about as ambitious as presidents get. I don't believe that he doesn't want a second term deep down. In any case, his big ego will drive him to seek re-election. Wasn't this man supposed to be the Messiah? Wasn't this man going to change everything in US politics in particular, and in the US in general? One lesson he has surely learnt whilst in office: It's a lot easier talking about being a president than it is being one. And what was that nonsense Michelle said about her husband? "This man doesn't take a day off. "Oh yeh? What about all the holidays he's taken whilst in office? What about all the golfing days he's had? Weren't those days off?

Obama is toast, and he knows it. – © Mark

This comment also appears here

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Obama Welcomes End of Emergency Law in Bahrain

After low key meetings in Washington, Bahrain's crown prince, has made another promise of national dialogue.

But the US president, although welcoming the end of emergency law, has made his position clear: "You can't have national dialogue if you keep locking up the opposition".

The US needs the Gulf state as a port for its fifth fleet and while the price of oil remains so high the US cannot afford to annoy Saudi Arabia whose troops remain in Bahrain as support for the Sunni monarch.

Nearly three months since the crackdown began hundreds of people including activists, students, teachers, hospital staff and member of the political opposition have been arrested but Bahrain insists it is only punishing criminals.

Al Jazeera's Charles Stratford reports.

Preisverleihung in Washington: Ganz entkrampft historisch

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Transatlantische Verstimmungen? Libyen längst vergessen, nichts mehr zu vergeben! Angela Merkels Washington-Reise war die glänzende Vorführung unerschütterlicher Eintracht mit Barack Obamas Amerika.

Vom warmherzigen Empfang in Berlin hat der Präsident gesprochen, von seiner Wahlkundgebung 2008 im Tiergarten dort, welchen er nun mit einem Dinner im Rosengarten erwidern wolle. Von Konrad Adenauer sprach er auch, dem ersten Kanzler Deutschlands nach dem Krieg, der auf dem Kapitol vom Freiheitswillen der Deutschen gesprochen habe. Und natürlich von dem kleinen Mädchen Angela, das von dieser Freiheit geträumt habe. Nun wolle er sie ehren, mit der „Medal of freedom“, auch für das, was sie aus ihrer Freiheit gemacht habe. Vormals geehrte Preisträger arrangierte Barack Obama zu einer politischen Hymne auf die Bundeskanzlerin: „Papst Johannes Paul II., Nelson Mandela, Helmut Kohl“.

In Washington neigte sich der Tag dem Ende zu. Die Leute im Rosengarten, sorgsam plaziert an fein eingedeckten Tischen im Geviert am Weißen Haus, erhoben sich. Zum Wohl, sprach der Präsident, und überreichte die Medaille. Vom Weinen ihrer Eltern beim Bau der Mauer sprach die Geehrte. Von Freiheit habe sie geträumt. Auch davon, fügte sie wieder einmal an, später, vermutlich erst als alte Frau, nach Amerika zu reisen. Niemals aber habe sie in ihren Träumen als Bundeskanzlerin im Rosengarten ein amerikanischer Präsident geehrt. „Glauben Sie mir, dieser Augenblick ist ein wirklich bewegender Moment“, sagte die Bundeskanzlerin. „Die Sehnsucht nach Freiheit lässt sich nicht dauerhaft einmauern.“ In Deutschland, daheim, war schon Mittwoch. Im Rosengarten spielte das Nationale Symphonie-Orchester auf. Ein wohliger Abend, die Herren in Schwarz, die Damen in Lang. » | Von Günter Bannas, Washington | Mittwoch 08. Juni 2011

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Um Gottes willen, hör auf mit Deinen Komplimenten! So schön bin ich auch wieder nicht

Fast schon peinlich waren Merkel die vielen Komplimente, mit denen sie Obama überhäufte. Höhepunkt der Nettigkeiten: Bei einem Staatsbankett in der Nacht zum Mittwoch bekommt die Kanzlerin die Freiheitsmedaille verliehen. Merkel ist die erste europäische Regierungschefin, die von Obama so gewürdigt wird. Seit der Amtszeit von Altkanzler Helmut Kohl hat es keinen solchen deutschen Besuch in den USA gegeben

Charme-Offensive im Weißen Haus »