Sunday, December 22, 2013

We’ve Heard Enough from Anjem Choudary

Anjem Choudary
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: In the wake of the Woolwich murder of soldier Lee Rigby, radical Islamists are given publicity because the media is attracted to extremists

The day after two young British converts to Islam, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, were convicted of the horrific murder of the off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in a Woolwich street, Radio 4’s Today programme ran an extensive interview with the extremist preacher Anjem Choudary, a spokesman for the minority Islamist group Islam4UK. Mr Choudary has been around for a while, and never in a style conducive to happy community relations: previously, he was the spokesman for Al-Muhajiroun before that organisation was banned by the British government.

Choudary has a way of popping up in the wake of horrific events, and what followed came as little surprise. He has learnt to say unacceptable things in a reasonable tone of voice, which spins him out more airtime than his views merit. In this case, what emerged from the discussion was that Choudary does not believe in democracy since “sovereignty belongs to God”. He was not willing to condemn the murderers. And he calls, yet again, for the adoption of Sharia across the United Kingdom.

There is a nasty combination of victimhood, threat and doublespeak in his argument. He said he was “very proud” of Adebolajo as a Muslim, but insisted, “I can’t control what the youth do,” as though we were talking of wayward rascals who had broken a window instead of almost beheading a man in broad daylight. I don’t suppose he can fully control it, but he energetically provides the fuel of justification (both killers were former regulars at al-Muhijaroun [sic] meetings).

If I were a moderate British Muslim, my heart would plummet every time Choudary came on the television or radio. He speaks for a minority of British Muslims, yet likes to bandy the word “Muslim” around as though he owns it. He deliberately enrages non-Muslims, since he seeks the oxygen – not only of publicity – but of conflict. And after Choudary has been rattling on, someone else (in this case Lord Carlile) will inevitably appear to say that British Muslims really need to do and say more to condemn this kind of extremism. » | Jenny McCartney | Saturday, December 21, 2013

My comment:

I am so sick and tired of reading dross from our Muslim apologists. It is not only sickening and tiring, but it is totally dumb too. For Christ's sake – and I mean that more sincerely than you might imagine – stop making excuses for people who want to bring our civilisation down! Enough already! When are you stupid people going to wise up? There is only ONE goal of ALL Muslims, though they might tell you something different, and that is to take us over, that is to Islamise the West, that is to establish the caliphate. Isn't it about time that intelligent men and women everywhere started to recognise this fact? The truth is that Anjem Choudary and his ilk are spouting the true Islam. Understand that, and you're half way there! – © Mark

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