Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Dark Age Alert! Shop Owners Told They Face 40 Lashes If They Continue Selling 'Evil' Alcohol

Anjem Choudary
DAILY EXPRESS: DOZENS of Muslim protesters walked with one of Britain's most controversial hate preachers to demand restaurants and shops in one of London's most popular areas stop selling alcohol.

Business owners in Brick Lane in Whitechapel, on the edge of the city, were told on Friday they face 40 lashes if they continue to sell their "evil" products.

Brick Lane is one of London's trendiest areas and a popular location for Christmas parties.

Anjem Choudary, who used to lead the Al-Muhajiroun group which has been banned under terrorism laws, told the crowd: "The shops are run by Muslims and they know they are selling alcohol and they know the sale and consumption of alcohol is completely prohibited.

"We cannot live among the non-Muslims and see this evil take place."

Around 60 men and women in burkhas distributed warning letters to Muslim-owned businesses.

They also held up banners with slogans including: "Save lives, don't drink or sell alcohol! Stand for Shariah!" » | Cyrus Engineer | Saturday, December 14, 2013